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o.o Whats going to become of these? Hidden files or?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tulvar, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    Okay while I clearly used paint and the sprites the balloon is in one of the folders on the "Buy King Arthur's Gold" poster. There's even a full warship version with props. Is this much like the zombie mod, waiting for someone to write in a mod that will become official? Details added for hilarity.
    The balloon is actually a bit too tall because as I said in the other Airship thread, I placed the knight a little to high up but it looks like he's gripping the sideboard and I was fairly committed to where he was. The pilot of the "Glider" is supposed to be sitting with his other arm below the sideboard, the original archer sprite was actually clinging from the challenges hook race course starting area. Done in paint.

    (I'm specifically asking about the little glider and the balloon, will there be an aviator factory or Aeronautical Factory or some such? Or does some loving modder need to pick these up and have it become a featured game mode?)
    Blue Icon.png
  2. If I remember correctly, the airship / bomber was too slow and unwieldy to use, and kind of negated defenses by virtue of easily flying over them. The glider, on the other hand, I've never seen.
    Invaders likes this.
  3. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    My question is what is going to happen to the Bat and Jellyfish sprites?
    I know you can do a command to get the bomber, which is !bomber...and also !airship for an airship that is super buggy I think?
    Also why was the fireplace removed from crafting? That can also be gotten by doing !fireplace or something, but I kinda miss it when the nights go pitch black during matches...and in creative it looks nice.

    I could go on and on about all of the unused sprites, including flowers, WAR_base, half the World.png, and some boats...but instead I might just post this picture!

    Crabmasters compilation of unused sprites that are still relevant in some way. (Note, some are used but not obtainable without cheats or editors)

    BlueLuigi likes this.
  4. I think that they're from aborted projects or unfinished projects - and those two towers at the bottom are from earlier versions of KAG, used in the premium advertisement.
  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    There is a lot of stuff that was essentially functional but was removed because it didn't suit the game.
  6. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    Still would've loved to see more fauna and animals.... I understand it is a medieval deathmatch game, but still, the fact that you also have to be wary of dangerous fauna and animals is even more thrill. My idea for that would be a large jungle map with good density and a variety of dangerous animals and fauna, Maybe even allow things like archers to make poison arrows from poison berry bushes.... My god, sorry about my ramblings, this game just has so much untapped potential :s

    Those weird pots with fire next to the airship look like fire traps, those sound very fun... yet griefy.
    Starsly and EhRa like this.
  7. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    if you look at my fully compiled balloon those pots are actually the fire keeping the balloon aloft.
  8. Stealthkibbler

    Stealthkibbler Shark Slayer

    Ah, I see, still, fire traps would be a cool concept.
  9. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    The bomber was op as fuck, it was used as a massive hammer to just devastate structures. Slow? pft that thing was pretty damn fast when you got two people in it.
  10. Not to mention the mayhem when four-five bombers jam in the center of the map.
  11. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Pity that most of those will probably never get used. The buildings look nice, wonder if those can't be used in certain maps as neutral buildings just for eye candy or perhaps as a strategic locations that give a slight advantage to those that capture them but once they are destroyed they're gone for good (or until the next map reset).
  12. I support the idea of adding more flora and fauna though. More neutral things which attack when someone gets into the vicinity would make people more wary of their surroundings. Hella irritating, but fun.
  13. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    On one capture the halls server I recall a certain mod that made one of the supply crates contain a bomber which dropped every X minutes to both red and blue. Wonder if that could be implemented properly without screwing up the balance. Have such items dropped every 15-20 minutes, one for each team and have them use the bombers strategically since once they're destroyed you have to wait until the next drop.
  14. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Two things.

    Jellyfish, bats, and birds would be a nice implementation into the game. They don't need to do damage, just kinda sit around the map looking nice. Jellyfish could just sit in water like they always do and bats/birds would come out during their respective time cycles.

    As for airships, maybe adding a gamemode that is nothing but large maps could be implemented. One of my favorite things was my old console gaming days with Big Team Battle on Halo 3. Most maps on all games are getting smaller and smaller, with the exception of Battlefield. Adding a single gamemode for those who like to play games for the long haul, could hop on BCTF or BWAR (Big Capture The Flag and Big WAR). On these maps, people would be able to have access to more resources and more structures to build. Ones that were not implemented into the game due to the smallness of the maps.

    It would kind of be like having a map the size of Role Play (probably smaller though) with objectives! It would get both the role play server lovers and the CTF/WAR lovers. ::D:
    Joiken likes this.
  15. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Yeah, a good few of the things in that image I posted are actually things that were added and then removed. Still makes them count as unused sprites...I should have added the zombies to the list just to have a full on unused sprite compilation.

    If you think there is a lot of unused potential in these sprites, just look at the art book! Boy, some of the things in that just prove to me how much the concept behind the game has changed(for better or for worse, but I feel it has a super large amount of unused potential and it kinda saddens me).

    I guess the big thing is the game seemed to be more originally planned to be slower paced? What with all the machines and Overworld game mode and things like that. Guess it just melted and degraded back into Soldat Medieval Version because that was easier, they were good at that, and would make their current user-base happy...That is my guess. In the end things became simpler and Beta just turned into Classic with more features and more refined(Or I should say it is still being refined, and not yet polished).

    I should make an image with a lot of these sprites and see how cool the game would look!
  16. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Not to mention the effin lag. I've seen it on sinnertie's role playing server. It's devastating. :eek:
    Fellere825 likes this.
  17. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Overworld was fun to think about but in actual practice it had a lot of logistical problems that would have rendered it a mess. Look to RP for a small sample.

    Saying KAG is merely "Soldat Medieval Version" is really demeaning and it makes me question why you're here at all.
    Yagger likes this.
  18. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    Someone should make a mod for all of those. They look really interesting and would be so amazing to use. Maybe not the airships because people would abuse them but maybe if there was a height limit they could fly up to that would be good. The glider looks amazing to. That would be good maybe you throw and then jump press down and your in!
  19. JaniKutscher

    JaniKutscher Builder Fan Donator

    It would be cool if they remake the baloon with a canon on board,
    like an warship.
  20. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    I find that airships and bombers cause the worst case of bs collision damage.
    Damage is, from observation, calculated from the magnitude of the sum of the velocities of two colliding bodies, and the one damaged is the bottom player/npc, or the one that is not seated in the vehicle and not the same team of the vehicle. (This generally assumes directionality doesn't matter. Therefore, the above player is not damaged and the bottom player is the damaged, except in the cases of impulse gibbing, and vehicles, it assumes they are ramming past a certain threshold)

    I understand that this generalization/presumption saves on client-server networking/data, but I feel really screwed when I fall 5 blocks, and Slash at a Slow-Climbing Bomber, only to be completely obliterated. And, I also feel really screwed when I am summarily destroyed when I am the faster of two players [in terms of speed and upwards velocity], and the bottom one when fighting on a trampoline.

    I agree that aircraft are ungainly to fly, and that they are ungainly because it is unreasonable to defend against them (especially when they carry kegs) because they are very fast, very inertial, and capable of flying over sky-limit towers.
    And, it is also very ungainly to combat with melee or build around, because of how vehicle collisions and player/block damage work . (with block damage, it is intrinsic with all vehicles, set aside dinghies. I think it's allowed because you generally don't have as much of travel freedom with them, as airships.)


    As far as the trend towards simplification, speed, and destruction, I don't know what to think.
    I don't know, as far as iterated design goes, it seems pretty necessary. A long haul game about constructing colonies, and sending resources back to a hypothetical kingdom is interesting, but requires a special sort of dedication to construct such a long haul game. This is especially the case, when the mechanics and community don't align with such a vision.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    BlueLuigi likes this.
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