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Moar Night Cycle CTF Servers

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by JerseyMilker, Nov 12, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. JerseyMilker

    JerseyMilker Catapult Fodder

    Why is it that so many TTH servers have night cycles enabled, but most CTF servers don't? I have played a few really long matches lately where it became a stalemate because both teams were pretty evenly matched and couldn't get through each other's defenses. A night cycle in CTF might make it easier for someone to sneak in unexpectedly for those long stalemates ...IMHO :)
  2. Taiga

    Taiga Based God Donator

    You'd have to take that up mainly with the server host, but yeah I agree with you. Matches would last way less longer if were to add in a night cycle here and there. A nice little stealth attribute to fill in the match even more.
  3. JerseyMilker

    JerseyMilker Catapult Fodder

    I wonder, is there a way to make day duration longer, but leave night length the same? This way night will only come if match gets too long?
Mods: Rainbows