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Video KAG related sillyness on Youtube

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Tulvar, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    Steam is being a punk.
    Magestu1 and I testing the Catapult with a chicken notion. Makes quite the difference. Use it with a warrior and you could get pretty far by sheilding

    and another:
    Failed sushi pit somewhat.

    also every time i try to fraps with KAG it glitches out suggestions? at least for KAG bandicam isn't terribly annoying.

    Now to see where else videos should be posted but I found some here so hopefully this is the right section. I seemingly fail constantly at finding the correct section. Okay so found what I was looking for under general discussion/media can someone please move this? thanks. sorry for being so confused. At least know I know. luckily only embedded two vids, if I add more I'll use the spoiler tags as noted from the thread rules/suggestions.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
  2. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  3. Bernhardt

    Bernhardt Builder Stabber

    I watched the second video, about Sushi Pit.

    Did I hear you correctly that you wanted to place the Platforms upside down but could not find out how? I'm wondering if upside down platforms would make a difference. The wall seemed effortless to climb over as an Archer.

    I know the Sushi Pit has probably been designed for fun, but a single Saw would be more effective, keeping in mind that all those Spikes and Trampolines take a lot of resources and are pretty easy to destroy like you showed.
  4. Tulvar

    Tulvar Catapult Fodder

    Bernhardt: no no no, the platforms, I was trying to place the Trampoline upside down on them. so as to sling the "witty" archer straight to his doom.

    and thank you Dnmr. your shortened alias makes me want to say Dunmir. meh soo much LOTR in deh brain.