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Archer changes general

Discussion in 'Balance' started by Landoo2, Oct 31, 2013.


should there be arrows that do more damage then just 1 heart?

  1. yes, but they should cost much

    15 vote(s)
  2. yes, because 4 arrows are too much to kill a knight

    38 vote(s)
  3. no, because archers are already overpowered

    28 vote(s)
  4. no, because ..... (post your reason in the thred pls)

    19 vote(s)
  1. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    you have obviously never seen an archer taker down your entire tower with triple bomb arrows. From a place where nobody can reach him.
    bomb arrows are so much better its not even funny.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Well... I mean if you have me on your team. You know... :B)::B)::B)::B)::B)::B)::B)::B):

  3. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    Ignoring the fact that Kegs are infinitely cheaper than Bomb Arrows, sure.
    I have to play knight for a while in order to get the money to have one chance at a triple bomb arrow attack.
    Scynix likes this.
  4. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Technically, three bomb arrows are only 30 coins more than a keg, and two bomb arrows have the precision needed to take out a vertical tower at it's weakest spot. So for 100 coins instead of 120, you can easily take out a 2-4 block wide vertical tower.

    That being said, this is assuming you can get anywhere close without the enemy swarming you.

    This is so true.

    If an archer's bomb arrows make a building collapse, he should get like, 1-3 coins per every block that collapsed as a result of this maneuver. Also if his fire arrows burn down a building, he should get 1-2 coins per block burned and destroyed by this effect. I like this suggestion a lot.

    @Kouji's post, I agree with your points about what the archer can do. It makes sense, the harrasment and etc, but it's not enough.
    Noob 1 joins as builder, builds a 10 block stone wall and puts two ladders on his team's side, and his nooby wall can be an effective defense for as long as a couple minutes and even longer if the other team is like "wut r bombs".
    Noob 2 joins as a knight and kills a bunch of archers, builders, and other knights with his awesome slashing and stabbing abilities.
    Noob 3 joins as archer, fires arrows at knights, and they block them. He doesn't try getting in close with a fully charged shot to stun them because that's really stupid fucking logic to go on and therefore he tries shooting at builders and archers that are a long way away. Assuming they don't dodge them, he also has to land 2-3 hits with accurate aiming and careful timing to ensure he can even hit the bastards. He would charge out with bomb arrows... if he knew they existed. But his innate class abilities don't really scream "hey my class is made for destroying... buildings!" that's what the builder would seem to be for.

    I think the biggest issue with archer is that it doesn't make any sense. Intuitively, I pick a builder class and say "Okay, he builds and destroys and repairs, makes sense." or a Knight and I say "Okay so he gets in close and cuts the enemies down, makes sense. Also look I see my teammates using bombs, way cool." or an Archer and I say "Oh an archer, that's long distance sniping at enemy guys like in Robin Hood, right? Oh huh, knights can shield against all my attacks. That seems really stupid, what is the point of being a long range class if it doesn't perform its best at long range?"

    Bring back long range shield sniping, remove close range shield sniping. Increase damage to 1.5 hearts at extreme range to reward sniping archers. Buff coin gain for destroying buildings. Maybe even add in grappling while shooting?? (I'm iffy on that one.)

    Point being, make the archer make sense.
  5. hierbo

    hierbo Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Totally agree, except for this part. I think the problem here is not one of making sense, it is one of balance. Sometimes you have to defy logic a little in order to make the game fair. As Contrary aptly pointed out in an earlier post, with just a few archers, you can make a tower unassailable to almost any number of knights, because they have to cover a lot of ground, all the while getting wailed on by arrows that they can only partially block/avoid. By the time they get to the base of the defensive structure, they're really whittled down or dead, even if they're very skilled.

    According to other oldies around here, that shield breaking mechanic you described actually existed at one point, and was removed for the reason Contrary mentioned. Since the mechanics in that department are still pretty similar, I suspect that the same problem would recur if long range shield stun were reinstated.

    I fear that if too big a swing in balance is put in (long range shield break), it will elicit a knee-jerk reaction and cause the developers to revert to how it was prior to the change (unbalanced in the other direction) and vow never to touch it again.
  6. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I also think it should only count for single-fire arrows (not legolas shot) and it should be at extreme range, not medium range. I'm talking 30+ tiles, so you'd have to build a helluva tall tower or fire a very long distance away. Also two or three knights shielding at the base should negate all the arrows for the most part, but a single knights should get rek'd.

    And I agree, it might end up being overpowered. I'm not suggesting long range literally pierces shields, more of that it allows a well timed second shot from another archer or a stun so a knight can get in. The main issue in classic was that it knocked a shield down and stunned an enemy at pretty much any range at max charge, but we didn't have the varieties of charge shots that we do now. My suggestion is very long range -only- to benefit sniping as archers should do.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I could try to record some archer footage, it will unfortunately be sub-20. Worthwhile?
  8. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    So I usually don't post in these threads, because of comments made by many users make me angry. I caution you to read this post slowly and fully understand what I am saying. I love archer and I mainly play archer, it's the class I've stuck with since I started playing the game in 2011, I will say things that I think are issues with the class and things that I think are issues with the game and knights in general.

    I do believe there is a balance issue between the classes and I feel that many people are very ignorant of that fact. I guess I wouldn't say ignorant they are very defensive of knights staying as the absolute top tier as fighting. I pose this question to everyone. Why do knights have to be the most powerful? That is something we've just made up and said has to be true. Why can't classes be equal in fighting (I mean equal through out skill level). I agree with @hierbo and have tried to say this numerous times in irc. A noob knight is 10x more effective than a noob archer. If some one has to be at the top level to be effective then that's bad. I would like to see the curve for players of both classes smoothed.

    • Yes it is nice and yes they should be the best close range I grant you that, but everyone ignores bombs as a form of long range attack while people with bombs can sit on top of towers and slash throw a bomb a good ~20 blocks with "pin point" (accuracy as people like to throw around that term with archer) and nail people in the head. I don't think this is a problem it's great and dandy, but I think it adds to the concept of archer not being the only ranged capable class.
    • I also find the argument of well an archer with 3 bomb arrows can take down an entire tower to be dumb. Yes I understand that 3 bomb arrows are quite good and often times can take down a tower perhaps they should be made more expensive. But I don't think that is a valid thing to say, because why should a class rely on an extra item to be good, a good knight is good without bombs, a good archer should be good with out bomb arrows.
    • I would like to see arrow fletching return.
    • I understand that people are extremely defensive of knights staying as top dog so I avoid trying to say anything about debuffing them instead I try to think of things that would debuff them indirectly in a sense. One of these things is heart drop rate. I would like to see heart drop rate lowered from 100% to 50% or even 25%. The reason for this is that it only helps knights. The knight is the only class that has a good chance of surviving an attack after being damaged. Thus being the only class that can use a heart (Because they arn't dead, just hurt). I feel this is an unfair advantage against the other classes as it allows them to stay out in the field much longer as long as they kill people. Shouldn't a flood of mediocre people be able to wear down a excellent knight, opposed to that knight getting scratched then killing two people and going back to full health. There are cases where the other classes can use hearts, but it is far more useful to knights, making them far more powerful in the sense of health. This is truly the one thing I'd like to see changed at this point.
    • @Kouji I don't talk about balance, because people like JTG and EJ think that everything that they say about balance is always 100% correct. I always get shut down for trying to suggest anything. Even before the game was released I said I was going to host a server testing some changes to archer to see what I could do to potentially balance the game and I was flammed by JTG. On a side note I kind of found your post very personal and dismissive of Contrary's points that seemed a little out of hand.
    • Also I can't 1v1 knights 50% of the time, so I guess I just suck.
    Please forward all hatmail/flamming ect. to my profile page as I have unwatched this thread.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    Raelian, Gurin, Scynix and 6 others like this.
  9. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Considering the massive spread archers have on their shots, knights are actually better snipers than archers.
  10. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    The spread for archers arrows is really annoying!
  11. Nonsequitorian

    Nonsequitorian Catapult Fodder

    If archers are on such a different learning curve than knights and builders, why is it a sin to say that learning curve should be changed?

    If people enjoy playing all classes and get roughly the same time in all classes, yet their skill in builder and knight is so much higher than in archer, shouldn't that be reason enough to do something? Balance isn't about the best players or the developers, it's about the average player. I'm happy for you if you've spent enough time to understand how to make a class useful, but if you're making a class useful in niche areas then it's not really a useful class. Siege engines are late and mid game weapons. Games can be won before siege engines are built.

    Why shouldn't a game also be balanced around average players? That makes the most sense anyways. If most players are average, then thats where balance should be. I'm not saying that people who are really good shouldn't also find balance, but it should be put in after initial balance is found.

    I think special arrows also shouldn't be able to be blocked. A flaming arrow not burning down a wooden shield? Crazy. A bomb not breaking a wooden shield? Also crazy. At least it would make special arrows more useful when you're in danger.
  12. Scynix

    Scynix Catapult Fodder

    I find it interesting myself how dismissive people are who say archers are balanced.
    The primary reasoning being "you just suck".

    Yeah, maybe I do. Maybe I suck at the game in general. And yet I still manage to play Knight just as well as anyone else.

    If a terrible player can still do well with Knight, but fail at Archer, that's imbalance. Unless the Knight was deliberately designed to be easier to play? Oh, wait, that would be imbalance too in a PVP setting. Which as far as I'm aware is all that this game is.

    Why does it seem to be a cardinal sin (@Kouji) to even acknowledge the possibility you're wrong? Last time I checked no one would die from testing the possibility.

    Actually, I'm kind of baffled. I've re-read @Kouji's post(s) several times and I don't see anywhere that he actually says what it is Archers are "good" at. He just says we're all stupid bad archers for not knowing. What is it that makes Archers good? Is there a hidden skill I can unlock that allows me to puncture a knights permablock with bomb arrows or something? Or do I require some absurd scenario where I have three bomb arrows, tripple fired from point blank range before he has a chance to slash lunge me to death?

    I'm guessing the 50% of the time you solo a knight, is also about how often you run into a newbie knight who hasn't learned how to block. Yeah, as an Archer I kill knights all the time. Knights who don't know how to use block. ALL THE TIME. Playing an Archer is not rocket science. If you can reliably land the vast majority of your shots, there's no amount of practice thats going to suddenly make them break shields, and most certainly not going to make four bomb ammo dispensers more destructive or viable than four keg dispensers in TTH.

    Also, I REGULARLY kill archers as a builder. It's SUPER EASY to bash them to death if you can get even remotely close to them. Are they bad archers? I have no idea, because you have to be in point blank to be a "good" archer anyways, don't you?? Builders don't have to "wall themselves in". They can use these magical things called doors that only open for them, and archers can only get through if they use special ammo. I've one-way walled myself in.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
  13. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Frankly... It's going to be easier to play as knights.. Knights are hack and slash, it's not hard. just press button watch slash.

    There is a lot more tricks for archers, but frankly, it isn't inbalanced. Archers can break shields... at 5 blocks. so Legalos shot at 5 blocks.... if they try to slash you just shoot them. There shouldn't be a way for a knight to kill you, if you play it well. You can also run much faster if you mess up, and try again. But I get annoyed because a lot of archers run straight at a knight, doesn't bother to shoot them, get 1 hkoed and then starts to cry 'NOT BALANCED'.... It's pretty goddamn balanced.
  14. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    A knight advances on your position, so you charge up a triple shot. You release it at >5 blocks and do 2 hearts of damage if they have their shield up, three hearts if not. A knight has 4 hearts of health.
    The knight then retaliates by slashing you. You're dead.
    Scynix, hierbo and Klokinator like this.
  15. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Above player fails to appreciate the speed of grappling away after you fire.
    Classic white mage.
  16. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Yall forgetting the fact you can plug knights with a single charge arrow for unshielding, and you can grapple away or plug a bomb in the air stopping it or shooting it backwards, and if they shield you can plug them with a legolas shot for giving you the time, and cancel if they decide to try their chances again, and use a single charge.

    Alongside of that an archer can also plug every single bomb bolt that flies towards your base if hes so inclined. Joys of projectiles canceling each other.
  17. hierbo

    hierbo Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hey, yeah @Aeynia! What're you doing with a bow and arrow, anyway? You're supposed to be in the back casting those namby-pamby healing spells!
  18. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    I wish I could charge an arrow and grapple at the same time, but alas, grapple and cancel arrow are both right click :P
    Mage class plz
  19. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Show me you shooting arrows out of midair like it's the easiest thing ever (especially for the average player LOL) and that might actually be an argument. Then factor in lag, charge time, reaction time (Good luck knocking out a straight flying arrow going 80 MPH without being directly in the line of sight) and you've got an impossible order.

    >"Archer don't fight at close range, run away!"
    >"Archer why are you fighting at a distance when they can block everything you shoot?"
  20. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    Do you play archer? I hope not.
    The time honored tactic for taking down knights is legolas shot them, retreat 8-12 blocks, then legolas shot them. If they get in too close before you have charged your shot, stun them, then retreat.

    (obviously it's a little more complicated than this, but this is the basic principle.)

    @Geti, Whats your opinion on archer?

    Just saying, when I play archer, my main threat is not knights, but other archers.​
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013