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New Game Mode: King Arthur's Last Stand

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by JeysonMcfly, Nov 21, 2013.


Would you like to see this in game in some way via mod or actual legit client?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. HOW DO KAG?!?!!!11!!!?

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. JeysonMcfly

    JeysonMcfly Catapult Fodder

    I came up with this idea for a new game mode based on two combined ideas from a separate suggestion thread by WeirdEarb. Anyways, here's the idea:

    -Game Mode- King Arthur's Last Stand (or better name)
    • Two teams, one team is composed of a slightly buffed King Arthur (6 hearts perhaps? and chosen at random OR either the last person to kill the previous king in a game) and perhaps 4 knights (depends on server capacity and number of players). The other team would consist of perhaps 10 players, all normal.
    • King Arthur and his men would be allowed a small fort or something from the start(or not) while the opposite team would not, and would have to build their fort from the ground up.
    • Build time of perhaps 120 seconds. (shorter if needed)
    • Use of tech tree?
    • King Arthur's team lasts as long as possible.
    • The attacking team assaults King Arthur's team.
    • Any of King Arthur's team that dies switches sides and joins the attacking team. (kind of like Zombie Tag when you were little.)
    • The game ends with the death of King Arthur.
    • After game concludes, teams are switched randomly, maintaining a similar ratio (attackers>defenders), and the player who kills Arthur is automatically made King Arthur.

    - While the attacking team does have an advantage in terms of manpower, the defense will already have a
    castle to start building off of, from where they may counter attack. So, I think that may balance gameplay

    - Also, to paraphrase: this would be an upwards timer displayed below the map.

    - And lastly, this game mode would be more for fun than for score.

    What do you guys think?
    Bint, Kramgnauh, Aphelion and 2 others like this.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I think it sounds a lot like Juggernaut tbh, which, don't get me wrong, is a great game mode. But I think it would be best left as a mod rather than implemented in game. There are a lot of good game modes out there that have been suggested, but someone suggesting it and having completely done, ready to shove out to servers, is completely different.

    I would suggest trying to get with someone of the good mod makers out there to try to create the mod. @hierbo might even be willing to host a server for you to test it on once its made.

    Everytime I see a new game mode proposed I think, "Good idea, but I probably will never get to play it"

    When going about trying to get it implemented into the standard game, I would think of how Grifball in Halo became a official playlist. It got a huge % of the playerbase liking it so the devs hopped on making it an official game mode because of that.

    Hope my advice helps.
  3. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I will be making something like this.
Mods: Rainbows