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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ASO, Nov 23, 2013.


What do you think about the idea?

Poll closed Nov 23, 2014.
  1. Stupid idea!

    11 vote(s)
  2. Not that good, needs many changes!

    3 vote(s)
  3. Its OK, but it needs some changes

    18 vote(s)
  4. It very good! Change 1 or 2 things

    15 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. ASO

    ASO Professional Shark-rapist Donator

    I really want a submarine!

    The submarine can be bought in the Naval Workshop. Then you simply unpack the crate under water.
    For buying it, you need:
    :stone_mat: x500
    :gold_mat: x100
    :wood_mat: x150
    • It it 5 blocks high + 4 blocks (tower)
    • It is 20 blocks long + 2 blocks (propell)
    If we say it has 100% health

    • :bomb:= -20 % (After 3 bombs, a hole will be made)
    • :water_bomb:= -0 % (Dosnt make a hole
    • :keg:= -50 % (Does make a hole in the submarine)
    • :mine:= 30 % (After 2 mines, a hole will be made)
    • :arrow:= -0 % (Dosnt make a hole)
    • :fire_arrow:= -5 % (Dosnt make a hole)
    • :water_arrow:= -0 % (Dosnt make a hole)
    • :bomb_arrow: = -20 % (After 3 bombarrows, a hole will be made)
    • :boulder: = -10 % (After 5 boulders, a hole will be made)

    In the tip of the submarine, there is a control pit. There is simply a grip that is being used to make the submarine go up, down, foward and backwards (WASD)

    In the other end of the submarine, there is a motor. The motor is drived by wood or gold.
    In one full tank, you can sail instantly for 2 minuts.

    • x50 :wood_mat:= half tank
    • x100 :wood_mat:= full tank
    • x25 :gold_mat:= half tank
    • x50 :gold_mat:= full tank

    And for the submarine, they may also make a map that is really, really big. And then there is a ton of water and islands!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    Vermilicious and Aeroblitzer like this.
  2. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    only if it looks like a barrel
    Noburu and Sponncx like this.
  3. ASO

    ASO Professional Shark-rapist Donator

    What do you mean? U just want it to be long? :)
  4. Bernhardt

    Bernhardt Builder Stabber

    I like your creativity!

    How do you feel about the size of the maps and is there a real need for submarines? I believe submarines are only needed if there is a lot of deep water.

    Are you thinking along the lines of huge water maps built specifically for naval combat?
    Aeroblitzer and ASO like this.
  5. ASO

    ASO Professional Shark-rapist Donator

    Yes Bernhardt! Maybe they should make a map wich had some islands, with water to the sides and also under. That would be awesome! And thank you
  6. Lollismo

    Lollismo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i like that idea...
  7. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Fantastic idea. :D
    But someone actually modded a submarine long ago. It was for a certain server that I havent seen back in a while. Looks like a massive barrel, which is why Josh said "if only that looked like a barrel."
    Only difference, no way to power it. Just man power I guess... using dem legs to make that thing swim. :o
    Don't get me wrong though, everything about it is unique, but it has been modded already :o
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  8. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    for op; this is what i mean[​IMG]
  9. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Ironically, that's what the modded version of the sub looks like. Just more rounded. :o
  10. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Interesting idea, but I don't think maps have enough water, esp. not deep enough water for them to be useful at all. I think that's the main issue, but if a server had a standard for big, deep oceans, then it would be viable.

    Also, your stats you give it does not match with anything currently in the game. You made it a bit over-costed, and the hole breaching and motor powering doesn't really seem necessary. Doesn't need to be complicated.

    It's cool that it was modded in though, I haven't come across any server with that. Btw @JoshTG : that pic is awesome bro XD.
  11. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Remember the Fun server? That was the server that had the submarine in it. Metaphoenix was the guy who modded it.. Asumagic was the guy who textured it, I believe. c:
  12. ASO

    ASO Professional Shark-rapist Donator

    Thank you for your ideas!:D It acctually a really nice design (Then barrel looking submarine) That would be nice! But i think it would be nice if u could power it wih recourceses (Like wood, gold)
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 24, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 24, 2013 ---
    I dont think its over-costed! All that stuff you need to buy it, can be in your inventory. 250 x2 + 150 +100. So if you dont have more in the backpack, there is space for it:)
  13. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Can we just use a crate, slap a propeller on it and call it a day? I would like that very much.
    Dargona1018, J-man2003 and Sirpixelot like this.
  14. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    That would be amazing. I wont lie. xD
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 24, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 24, 2013 ---
    Oh, by the way. I'd totally kill to ride in one of those things... xD
    Should be amazingly fun xD
  15. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Yep this were already modded by Metaphoenix ( Sprited by RaptorAnton, for Fun CTF ).
    It shouldn't be complex as this.. Seriously, who wants ultra complex cannons when ballistas are super easy to control?

    BTW, for guys interested by how it was looking like :
    ( Copyrighted by RaptorAnton, you mustn't use it without his permission )
    Vermilicious, hierbo, Noburu and 6 others like this.
  16. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i really like this idea, and if its already modded too, i already miss sea maps in ctf ): this would maybe bring em back
  17. llleo

    llleo Catapult Fodder

    amazing submarine sprites
  18. JaniKutscher

    JaniKutscher Builder Fan Donator

    Its good , but it needs some changes.Dont let it look like a big barrel that would be a nightmare D: .Then evresthing is ok.
  19. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    You think it looks like a nightmare? What do you mean? I think it looks really funny and fits with the medieval theme. :thumbs_up:
    If it controls well, has enough HP and has a team-only hatch, then it seems perfectly fine. I've never seen it in action though. Can it be a spawn point? Can it fire torpedoes?
  20. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    It sounds cool but is it the right era? KAG is like early 1700-1800 I think because the use of gunpowder with bombs etc and submarines weren't around then I don't think, not safe ones anyway!
Mods: Rainbows