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Windows My Server does not show up

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by wildnikke, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. wildnikke

    wildnikke Burner Donator

    Hey guys, I've made a server, Configurated it a bit, Not sure if it's right but I've done some configurating, I open my Dedicatedserver.bat and It loads some text and closes consistantly, Everytime, Need help please Thanks
  2. wildnikke

    wildnikke Burner Donator

    Okay Update, I've got it to stop closing, By putting a different I,P in the Sv_Ip, But the server does not come up on the kag list, May I have help with this aswell please
  3. Microsoft

    Microsoft Catapult Fodder

    Port Forward 50301,50328,443,80
  4. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator


    Also try disabling IPv6 in gamemode.cfg