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All map colors

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Asu, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    All maps colors are here.
    Add variety to your maps that no mapper else will be able to add.

    In line with Build 954

    RGB = Red Green Blue ( 0->256 )
    Hex = Hexadecimal ( Base 16, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 etc. so 17 in decimal = 12 in hex. RRGGBB. In the KAG files you might see 0xffecd590 for example. Don't care about the 0x and ff is the transparency, so basicly it is EC D5 90. )

    [*] Deprecated, not supported or won't work correctly

    BasePNGLoader.as - The main .png loader. This means that all colors here will work on any gamemode.
    > Tiles
    Dirt block - RGB 132, 71, 21 - Hex 844715
    Dirt background - RGB 59, 20, 6 - Hex 3B1406
    Stone ore - RGB 139, 104, 73 - Hex 8B6849
    Concentrated stone ore - RGB 66, 72, 75 - Hex 2484B
    Bedrock - 45, 52, 45 - Hex 2D342D
    Gold ore - RGB 254, 165, 61 - Hex FEA53D
    Castle stone - RGB 100, 113, 96 - Hex 647160
    Castle background - RGB 49, 52, 18 - Hex 313412
    Mossy castle stone - RGB 100, 143, 96 - Hex 648F60
    Mossy castle background - RGB 49, 82, 18 - Hex 315212
    Ladder - RGB 43, 21, 9 - Hex 2B1509
    *Ladder on dirt background - RGB 66, 36, 11 - Hex 42240B
    *Ladder on castle background - RGB 67, 47, 17 - Hex 432F11
    *Ladder on wooden background - RGB 69, 57, 17 - Hex 453911
    Grass - RGB 100, 155, 13 - Hex 649B0D
    Wooden block - RGB 196, 135, 21 - Hex C48715
    Wooden background - RGB 85, 42, 17 - Hex 552A11
    Water on air - RGB 46, 129, 166 - Hex 3181A6
    Water on dirt background - RGB 51, 85, 102 - Hex 335566
    *Sand - RGB 236, 213, 144, Hex ECD590

    > Objects
    Blue main spawn - RGB 0, 255, 255 - Hex 00FFFF
    Red main spawn - RGB 255, 0, 0 - Hex FF0000
    Green main spawn - RGB 157, 202, 34 - Hex 9DCA22
    Purple main spawn - RGB 211, 121, 224 - Hex D379E0
    Orange main spawn - RGB 205, 97, 32 - Hex CD6120
    Aqua main spawn - RGB 46, 229, 162, Hex 2EE5A2
    Teal main spawn - RGB 95, 132, 236, Hex 5F84EC
    Gray main spawn - RGB 196, 207, 161 - Hex C4CFA1
    Blue spawn - RGB 0, 200, 200 - Hex 00C8C8
    Red spawn - RGB 200, 0, 0 - Hex C80000
    Green spawn - RGB 100, 155, 13 - Hex 649B0D
    Purple spawn - RGB 158, 58, 187 - Hex 9E3ABB
    Orange spawn - RGB 132, 71, 21 - Hex 844715
    Aqua spawn - RGB 79, 155, 127 - Hex 4F9B7F
    Teal spawn - RGB 65, 73, 240 - Hex 4149F0
    Gray spawn - RGB 151, 167, 146 - Hex 97A792
    Knight shop - RGB 255, 190, 190 - Hex FFBEBE
    Builder shop - RGB 190, 255, 190 - Hex BEFFBE
    Archer shop - RGB 255, 255, 190 - Hex FFFFBE
    Boat shop - RGB 200, 190, 255 - Hex C8BEFF
    Vehicle shop - RGB 230, 230, 30 - Hex E6E6E6
    Quarters - RGB 240, 190, 255 - Hex F0BEFF
    Noteam storage - RGB 217, 255, 239 - Hex D9FFEF
    Noteam barracks - RGB 217, 218, 255 - Hex D9DAFF
    Noteam factory - RGB 255, 217, 237 - Hex FFD9ED
    Blue tunnel - RGB 220, 217, 254 - Hex DCD9FE
    Red tunnel - RGB 243, 217, 220 - Hex F3D9DC
    Noteam tunnel - RGB 243, 217, 254 - Hex F3D9FE
    Kitchen - RGB 255, 217, 217 - Hex FFD9D9
    Nursery - RGB 217, 255, 223 - Hex D9FFDF
    Research - RGB 225, 225, 225 - Hex E1E1E1
    Workbench - RGB 0, 255, 0 - Hex 00FF00
    Campfire - RGB 251, 226, 139 - Hex FBE28B
    Saw - RGB 202, 164, 130 - Hex CAA482

    > Plants, trees..
    Tree - RGB 13, 103, 34 - Hex 0D6722
    Bush - RGB 91, 126, 24 - Hex 5B7E18
    Grain - RGB 162, 183, 22 - Hex A2B716
    Flowers - RGB 255, 102, 255 - Hex FF66FF
    Log - RGB 160, 140, 40 - Hex A08C28

    > Animals
    Shark - RGB 44, 175, 222 - Hex 2CAFDE
    Fish - RGB 121, 168, 163 - Hex 79A8A3
    Bison - RGB 183, 86, 70 - Hex B75646
    Chicken - RGB 141, 38, 20 - Hex 8D2614

    > Other human structures
    Ladder - RGB 66, 36, 11 - Hex 42240B
    Platform ^ - RGB 255, 146, 57 - Hex FF9239
    Platform > - RGB 255, 146, 56 - Hex FF9238
    Platform v - RGB 255, 146, 55 - Hex FF9237
    Platform < - RGB 255, 146, 54 - Hex FF9236
    Blue wooden door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 26, 78, 131 - Hex 1A4E83
    Blue wooden door ( Vertical ) - RGB 26, 78, 130 - Hex 1A4E82
    Red wooden door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 148, 27, 27 - Hex 941B1B
    Red wooden door ( Vertical ) - RGB 148, 27, 26 - Hex 941B1A
    Noteam wooden door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 148, 148, 148 - Hex 949494
    Noteam wooden door ( Vertical ) - RGB 148, 148, 147 - Hex 949493
    Blue stone door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 80, 90, 160 - Hex 505AA0
    Blue stone door ( Vertical ) - RGB 80, 90, 159 - Hex 505A9F
    Red stone door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 160, 90, 80 - Hex A05A50
    Red stone door ( Vertical ) - RGB 160, 90, 79 - Hex A05A4F
    Noteam stone door ( Horizontal ) - RGB 160, 160 160 - Hex A0A0A0
    Noteam stone door ( Vertical ) - RGB 160, 160, 159 - Hex A0A09F
    Blue trapblock - RGB 56, 76, 142 - Hex 384C8E
    Red trapblock - RGB 142, 56, 68 - Hex 8E3844
    Noteam trapblock - RGB 100, 100, 100 - Hex 646464
    Spikes on air - RGB 180, 42, 17 - Hex B42A11
    Spikes on dirt background - RGB 180, 97, 17 - Hex B46111
    Spikes on stone background - RGB 180, 42, 94 - Hex B42A5E
    Spikes on wooden background - RGB 200, 42, 94 - Hex C82A5E

    > Other objects
    Drill - RGB 210, 120, 0 - Hex D27800
    Trampoline - RGB 187, 59, 253 - Hex BB3BFD
    Lantern - RGB 241, 231, 177 - Hex F1E7B1
    Crate - RGB 102, 0, 0 - Hex 660000
    Bucket - RGB 255, 220, 120 - Hex FFDC78
    Sponge - RGB 220, 0, 180 - Hex DC00B4
    Steak - RGB 219, 136, 103 - Hex DB8867
    Burger - RGB 205, 142, 75 - Hex CD8E4B
    Heart - RGB 255, 40, 80, Hex FF2850

    > Vehicles
    Catapult - RGB 103, 229, 165 - Hex 67E5A5
    Ballista - RGB 100, 210, 160 - Hex 64D2A0
    Mounted bow - RGB 56, 232, 184 - Hex 38E8B8
    Longboat - RGB 0, 51, 255 - Hex 0033FF
    Warboat - RGB 50, 140, 255 - Hex 328CFF
    Dinghy - RGB 208, 158, 246 - Hex C99EF6
    Raft - RGB 70, 110, 155 - Hex 466E9B
    Airship - RGB 255, 175, 0 - Hex FFAF00
    Bomber - RGB 255, 190, 0 - Hex FFBE00

    > Ammo, destruction supplies
    Bombs - RGB 251, 241, 87 - Hex FBF157
    Water bombs - RGB 210, 200, 120 - Hex D2C878
    Arrows - RGB 200, 210, 70 - Hex C8D246
    Water arrows - RGB 200, 160, 10 - Hex C8A00A
    Fire arrows - RGB 230, 210, 70 - Hex E6D246
    Ballista bolts - RGB 230, 230, 170 - Hex E6E6AA
    Blue mine - RGB 90, 100, 255 - Hex 5A64FF
    Red mine - RGB 255, 160, 90 - Hex FFA05A
    Noteam mine - RGB 215, 75, 255 - Hex D74BFF
    Boulder - RGB 161, 149, 133 - Hex A19585
    *Satchel - RGB 170, 100, 0 - Hex AA6400
    Keg - RGB 220, 60, 60 - Hex DC3C3C

    > Materials
    Gold - RGB 255, 240, 160 - Hex FFF0A0
    Stone - RGB 190, 190, 175 - Hex BEBEAF
    Wood - RGB 200, 190, 140 - Hex C8BE8C

    > Beautiful Geti and mad MM rapist
    Princess - RGB 251, 135, 255 - Hex FB87FF
    Necromancer - RGB 158, 58, 187 - Hex 9E3ABB
    Necromancer teleporting point - RGB 98, 26, 131 - Hex 621A83

    > Mad people
    Red knight - RGB 255, 95, 25 - Hex FF5F19
    Red archer - RGB 25, 255, 182 - Hex 19FFB6
    Enemies spawner - RGB 62, 1, 0 - Hex 3E0100
    Enemies spawner ( *10 ) - RGB 86, 6, 44 - Hex 56062C

    > Tutorials
    Dummy - RGB 231, 140, 67 - Hex E78C43
    LoadChallengePNG.as - If you want to make your own challenge maps, use those colors!
    > Challenge colors
    Hall - RGB 211, 249, 193 - Hex D3F9C1
    Trading post 1 - RGB 136, 136, 255 - Hex 8888FF
    Trading post 2 - RGB 255, 136, 136 - Hex FF8888
    Checkpoint - RGB 247, 229, 253 - Hex F7E5FD
    LoadTDMPNG.as - Everything for TDMs!
    >Trading posts
    Trading post 1 - RGB 136, 136, 255 - Hex 8888FF
    Trading post 2 - RGB 255, 136, 136 - Hex FF8888
    LoadWarPNG.as - And the latest one, all colors for your WAR maps
    >Halls & Trading
    Hall - RGB 211, 249, 193 - Hex D3F9C1
    Trading post 1 - RGB 136, 136, 255 - Hex 8888FF
    Trading post 2 - RGB 255, 136, 136 - Hex FF8888

    > Scrolls
    Blue team scroll - RGB 0, 0, 136 - Hex 000088
    Red team scroll - RGB 136, 0, 0 - Hex 880000

    > Other scrolls
    Crappy scroll - RGB 86, 61, 86 - Hex 563D56
    Medium scroll - RGB 154, 65, 155 - Hex 9A419B
    Oppdbygeti scroll - RGB 207, 49, 209 - Hex CF31D1

    I'm finishing it ASAP, I'm just posting for saving. I guess I'll have a huge headache... c:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  2. Thanks!
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Finally done the main loader!
    I'm doing the other ones atm..
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 27, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 27, 2013 ---
    Everything is done!
  4. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    big thanks to you! i searched for them for 2 weeks!
  5. JaniKutscher

    JaniKutscher Builder Fan Donator

    Thanks for sharing :)