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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Sponncx, Dec 8, 2013.


Could you see something like this happening

  1. No, the concept is bad.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Concept is OK could work.

    2 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. Sponncx

    Sponncx Builder Stabber

    More of an idea than a suggestion, I don't know if it would really play out well, but it would improve late game building, as it currently is a lot of scavenging.

    Basically, for a price, builders can make factories, which churn out resource(s), which basically would be just stone.

    Factories just have a little visual with a cute little conveyer belt that has a little stone pebble slide down, and pop off a piece of stone.

    I obviously have not given much thought to this, and typed it up pretty quickly.

    Tell me what you think
  2. KaiserBolt

    KaiserBolt Catapult Fodder

    I think this might have to start as a server mod proof-of-concept because it will take a ton of tweaking. I could perhaps see it if it were limited to one per team or one per hall, otherwise long games would be pushed further towards stalemate. If the amount of stone were too small, people would boat five factories per hall towards it, potentially tanking their team's offensive output. If the amount were too huge, there would be way too much stone flowing in.

    Personally I think that the limited nature of stone is good for the game. If teams run through all the stone in the map (or at least all accessible stone) then it's been one hell of a long game. The team with better resource management will have stone for longer, and thus have that advantage for longer. It may not win them the game, but it is one of many things they can keep in their favor. If a team (or both teams) run out of stone, creative and efficient use of wood can keep them going, it will just be that much harder on the builders.
Mods: Rainbows