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Custom Class Help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by ZeldaMarioDude, Dec 9, 2013.


Have you ever tried to make a custom class? (Barbarian, Sniper, Hero, etc)

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes but I failed

  4. No but I know how

    0 vote(s)
  1. ZeldaMarioDude

    ZeldaMarioDude Tree Planter

    There's a problem when I'm making my own Custom Class.

    So when after I put copy off a archer, named it sniper, input it in both teams, added #class modding at gamemode.cfg , added #sniper , and edit it, and then tested it, it seems that it has no effect.
    PS: If I put this thread at wrong place, please move it.

    Here's the gamemode.cfg code:
    # config file for game rules
    # rules name: Knight Tutorial   
    # rules description:
        teams = Rules/Swordfight/team1.cfg; Rules/Swordfight/team2.cfg;
        gamemode_name = Swordfight Challenge!
        gamemode_info = Learn the basics of combat!
        # match time formula is = m*(a*sqrt(b*x)) where x = number of players in team; m = map size/difficulty 0.8<=m<=1.2;
        match_time_formula_a = 5
        match_time_formula_b = 3
        match_time_override = 0    # minutes / overrides time formula / 0 unlimited time / -1 don't override
        timepassed_teamwin = 0      # which team wins when time passes (-1 none)
        break_time = 0              # seconds
        break_time_static = 5
        minimum_players_inteam = 0
        autoassign_teams = no
        autoassign_classes = no
        autoassign_inventory = no 
        auto_bots = no
        fog_of_war = 0              # todo
        #todo: move these to team         
        wave_respawn = 0
        playerrespawn_seconds = 0.5
        nearspawn_multiplier = 1.0
        switch_teams_onrestart = no
        death_points = -100 
        kill_points = 10
        selfkill_points = -50   
        attackdamage_modifier = 0.5 
        falldamage_modifier = 1.0
        friendlydamage_modifier = 0.0
        itempick_mode = no
        itempick_points = 250     
        unlimited_resources = yes 
        unlimited_ammo = yes
        force_weightclass = 0
        new_sacks_in_tent = no
        sacks_count = 0
        flags_count = 0
        flags_respawn = yes
        flags_return = yes
        flag_score = 1
        gold_score_percentage = 0
        heart_fallout_probability = 2        # 0 - no hearts; 1 - every death; 2.. - randomly probability of 2...
        spawn_tent_onstart = yes
        restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect = no
        nocollapsing_nearspawn = no
        party_mode = 0
        warmup_barrier = 0
    # class modding
        # builder
        build_speed = 8
        builder_hitspeed = 14
        # knight
        knight_drawtime = 1
        knight_maxthrow = 120
        knight_maxpower = 28
        knight_speed = 13
        shield_stomp_velocity = 5.25
        max_bombs = 3
        shieldbash_push_factor = 2.0
        max_shieldbash_push = 3.5
        min_shieldbash_horiz_vel = 1.15
        clientside_shieldbash = 0
        shieldbash_uppysidey_ratio = 0.4
        shieldbash_knockdown = 15
        # archer
        build_arrow_speed = 25
        archer_dig_speed = 30
        archer_drawtime = 23
        archer_maxpower = 66;
        archer_nodamage_vel = 1.0
        archer_max_vel = 15.0
        archer_slow_arrow_damage = 0.5
        archer_normal_arrow_damage = 1.0
        archer_charged_arrow_damage = 1.5
        # knockdown
        sword_knockdown = 12
        small_sword_knockdown = 0
        arrow_knockdown = 0
        charged_arrow_knockdown = 12
        # misc
        arrows_buy_amount = 10
        resupply_time = 180
        collide_when_crouching = no
        can_glide_when_bombjumping = yes
        bomb_jump_scale = 1.0
        wall_hit_damage = no
        # sniper
        build_arrow_speed = 50
        archer_dig_speed = 30
        archer_drawtime = 100
        archer_maxpower = 66;
        archer_nodamage_vel = 1.0
        archer_max_vel = 15.0
        archer_slow_arrow_damage = 2.0
        archer_normal_arrow_damage = 3.0
        archer_charged_arrow_damage = 4.0
        # knockdown
        sword_knockdown = 12
        small_sword_knockdown = 0
        arrow_knockdown = 0
        charged_arrow_knockdown = 12
        # misc
        arrows_buy_amount = 10
        resupply_time = 180
        collide_when_crouching = no
        can_glide_when_bombjumping = yes
        bomb_jump_scale = 1.0
        wall_hit_damage = no
    # end class modding
    And here's the sniper.cfg:
    # rules for game class
    # description:
        inventory =
        name = Sniper
        tool = Archer
        emblem = GUI/archer_icon.png
        actor_name = runner 
        actor_config =
        actor_sprite_male = Sprites/archerMale.png
        actor_sprite_female = Sprites/archerFemale.png 
        actor_heads_size = 16
        actor_heads_male = Sprites/MaleHeads.png
        actor_heads_female = Sprites/FemaleHeads.png 
        default_health = 1.0
        default_armor = 0.0   
        stone_default = 0
        wood_default = 0
        gold_default = 0
        arrows_default = 35
        bombs_default = 0 
        stone_warmup = 0
        wood_warmup = 0
        gold_warmup = 0
        arrows_warmup = 35
        bombs_warmup = 0 
    Also, the team1.cfg
    # rules for game team
    # description:
        classes = Rules/Swordfight/knight.cfg; Rules/Swordfight/archer.cfg; Rules/Swordfight/builder.cfg; Rules/Swordfight/sniper.cfg;
        name = Blue Team
        emblem = GUI/emblem1.png
        teamcolor = 29; 133; 171
        unit_count = 25    # units in team = unit_count * number of players; 0 unlimited
        score_limit = 0    # score_limit; 0 no limit
  2. FarmerJohn

    FarmerJohn Bison Rider

    Modded a builder a bit. Could not find the place where to put those variables but thanks to your thread now I know.

    BTW I found a rope, bison and nursery but have no idea how to add or use them.