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In-Game Gamemode Editor

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by ffsff, Dec 11, 2013.


Do you think something like this should be added to KAG?

  1. A simple Yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. A not so simple Yes, and it needs to be changed alot

    3 vote(s)
  3. No, just no

    0 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor


    So I know for sure that there will be an in-game gamemode editor. But has anyone thought of combining an in-game gamemode editor to the regular editor? I think not.

    This new part of the editor I am suggesting would have to be activated, just like the regular editor. Like I'm saying that you have to activate it after you activate the editor in the pause menu.

    This editor would add some special blocks that are like holograms and do not affect the environment in any way except for their gamemode's purposes. For example, you want to create a spiecal CTF map. You would go into your blocks (there would be a tab where you can select the technical blocks for the making of the gamemode) and select the flag, or a tent, or many other things, and place it down like you would a normal block. Except it would not be affected by any other blocks like placement rules.

    So, after all of this I have a few edited pictures to give a more real feel to this thread:
    (P.S. Don't mind the chat at the bottom, I forgot to edit that out :rekt:)

    Starting with the blue teams tent, I go to the block menu and change to the gamemode menu:
    Then I select the tent from the list:
    Next I pick a spot to place the tent: 3.png
    Lastly I place the tent. Wow wasn't that easy! And because I placed the blue on the wrong side of the map, I placed an initial spawn for the blue team right here ------------------------------\
    Now I do the same thing that I did with the tent, but now with the flag:


    Now I get to the part that this thread is mainly about... EDITING, here I am in the newly built Red Base.
    Now for the gamemode I am trying to make (Invaders By: Ninja12) I first start with editing the workshops to fit the gameplay, there I select the items that can be bought: (to select a thing to edit, do something like Ctrl+Left_Click with your cursor over the thing to edit)
    Then I go to the archer shop and do the same: (I dont make a builder shop because all of its items are OP in this gamemode, but if I did, I would disable the ability to change to a builder)
    Now I would do the same with the blue team: (except getting rid of fire arrows and allowing mines)
    When I am done, I build the Red Teams flag:
    Now it's time to change the flag. I start with editing the red flag, making it so it cannot be grabbed
    or captured, and it takes coins away if captured: (I don't edit the blue teams flag, because this gamemode the Red Team is trying to INVADE and capture the flag)
    Now that that is out of the way, this gamemode needs a way to stop the blue spawnkilling the red at their base. So I put up a blue warning line, what this does is warns all blue players who get into its range then kills them after 2 seconds:

    Lastly, I configure the global settings like how much time there is until the game end or the amount of lives each team has. All of the time is based on seconds and the -1 next to the lives means unlimited.
    And that's it!
    Make sure to comment on the things you like and do not like, or suggestions. These pictures took a long time to edit, so cut me some slack if you think its bad.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
  2. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I was going to come in here and be like "lol noobs suggesting massive additions after release" but this actually looks pretty good, and not terrible photo editing either. I wouldn't mind seeing it. Anything that encourages people making new maps is cool by me.
    kingofthebrithins likes this.
  3. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I just need some clarification here: This is basically being able to edit everything about the map in-game right?
  4. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    Sorry about that,I have not finished all of the pictures yet and so there is not the full detail yet.

    But yes, it should allow everything about the map to be edited.

    Also, there is some other things like, how much time the game will last before the match ends in a tie or one team winning, or setting the building time boundaries, or stuff like "kill zones" (places where if a player goes into they get a warning, then killed.

    But the big thing I am getting at with this thread is that you are able to edit details of things like flags, workshops, specific items, spawns, and more.

    Like as I said, the pictures will show almost all that I am getting at, I just have not posted them yet (they take a long time to do surprisingly) they're done
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
  5. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I am in full support of this idea then, It would help map makers A LOT and make it easier to make maps.
    kingofthebrithins likes this.
  6. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I think this is a great idea. It allows more exact placement of blocks and lets you know how exactly a game will look like.

    I feel like having it like how Forge was in Halo would be amazing. Being able to fly around, spawn items from long distances, etc.

    Only problem with this is environmental changing of maps. Building an entire environment block by block would be super hard and time consuming. I think this would work well for the more exact and precise building of maps. Same goes with trying to make the map symmetrical.

    Maybe allowing you to change the amount of blocks you delete at a time would work. Instead of deleting 1x1, have it so you can expand it to 2x2, 4x4, and so on.

    Really well done.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    This is exactly what a suggestion should look like, A+ thread, A+ idea.

    The only thing I think will probably take a bit of doing is things that you won't see most places, for example your death line for blue team, how many game modes would utilize that? However, even how unlikely that is, it would be nice to see that, and other similar features. The part that intrigues me the most is the editing, it would allow for many default features to be placed into the game, as well as expand the repertoire of the game mode editor as things come into play.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Now that you finished editing this thread, I got say it's pretty good. While quite a few of us don't find editing .cfg files all that hard, or editing .pngs to create maps, it's not the most accessible way to let people create custom games. A big advantage of this is that you can also see exactly what is where, and how'd that'd work out, while unlike doing it via configs, you'd have to test a few times, reload and so on.

    To add on to what Blue said, I think that only things that are default should just show up by default (flag positions, standard game rules configuration and so on). That said though maybe there could be a "Mods" button that checks your mods folder for new entities and blobs which you could then position in game as well. In that case when you have the "deathline" blob, you'd go to Mods and just find it there. This way you'd allow for flexibility of custom game modes, but also keep it simple to people who just simply want to have simply modded version of default game mode configurations.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  9. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    This is a great idea.

    I did not even think about that part too much, I would usually just edit the .png of a map and then load it on the editor.

    But having something like a paintbrush that can take the form that you want to draw down blocks in game. Would that be along the lines of what you are saying?
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 13, 2013, Original Post Date: Dec 13, 2013 ---
    I have a small problem with map .png editing.

    How do I find the map that I saved in-game?
    All that I can find is a .cfg or .as file of that map. I really want to edit the map .png more after adding stuff that I cannot measure right in the .png.

    This seemed like a more appropriate place to put this than starting a new thread on the help forum
  10. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Sorry it took me so long to respond.

    Yes. @ffsff

    I have thought about it a bit more, I think the way to go is simply just having your cursor instead of having a actual builder. Have the same buttons bring up different menus where actual items are. But allow you to change into any class at a whim and test it out.

    Think of software like paint being a way to manually create a map. Having to look up all of the colors on your own, not really having a visual representation of what you are building until you load it on a server and test it.

    This would be a GUI instead of building a map manually.

    You have the actual blocks, items, buildings, and so on in front of you from the moment you create them.

    As I brought up before, Forge in Halo, did the same thing. It allowed players to build on pre-built maps, but change the whole environment of the map. Item locations, physical objects, and so on. This would be taking that a step further by allowing physical manipulation of anything and everything.
  11. kingofthebrithins

    kingofthebrithins Shopkeep Stealer

    @ffsff Hope this gets added! 25252525
  12. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    ehem ...where exactly ninja12 especify that in his post?
  13. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    Ninja12 has a thread in the suggestion and ideas forum and it is in fact called Invaders:

    [Game Mode] Invaders

    Search for this^

    I have also added a few little things to make the outcome have better gameplay, so if that's what you are asking about, I just used it as a guideline.
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  14. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor


    No, its nothing. I dont want to sound maniac, but ninja12 ask about a game mode with -MIssiles, modern weapons, planes, etc- Terrorists and -capital cities-. I was almost to ask something like "invader" or "siege mode" but i tough if i would make a new thread the admins would lock it cause "its already suggested". What i did is put my idea in his shitty thread. He even said he didnt think it deeply.

    If you just be inspired by the name of the game mode, its alright, but you shouldnt quote him, anyways, soldat also has an infiltration mode.
  15. ffsff

    ffsff Haxor

    If you look at my last post, at the bottom it says "I just used it a a guideline"
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 19, 2013, Original Post Date: Dec 19, 2013 ---
    Besides, I did not even quote him, I just put the gamemode suggestion and put his name after it to say that I am using this as a guideline.
  16. SocialCore

    SocialCore Catapult Fodder

    I think this would be awesome because i am a HORRIBLE modder and this would make everything so easy!
Mods: Rainbows