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Discussion in 'Archive' started by fredmay20, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. How long do I play: Everyday, It depends. Anywhere from 2-4 hours

    Which well known servers have you been admin on before? Potato's' servers, Cat and mouse ( Hosted by nova pixel) Chidori's creative server.

    Did I get admin because I am simply owner or friend of owner? No, All 3 of them I was chosen because People know me well on KAG, They know that I am trustworthy, friendly, and punish fairly

    How long was I admin? Only cat and mouse, but I am very well trusted and one of the 3 only admins on that server.

    Was my admin status ever removed, if so, why? Yes, on Chidoris and potato's server. I only got removed from potato's since he reset his files. Chidoris' I was removed from since I hacked that one time..... everyone knows about it... people still know me as very nice. I won't try to hide that I did it once.

    Do you have any recommendations from guards, server owners, or other notable people? Yes, many actually. I'll list them all here and they will all post a reply saying i'm trustworthy: Joiken, Nova pixel, PhTechcube, Godly knight, Webkinz96647, Chrissf, Skelly, eric999, killerazz, blueleaf123, Kater, metroid. Other people also....

    I'm known on Kag as a very nice, reasonable person. I promise never to abuse my powers. Thank you.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
    webkinz96647, rzaleu and eric999 like this.
  2. As said, I do think he is thrustworthy.
  3. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    ok.... he is kinda trustworthy
  4. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    You signed up only today, how do you know that?
  5. it's really phtechcube
  6. skely

    skely Catapult Fodder

    ive known Fred for awhile and from what i know he is a very trustworthy person, if he is an admin i do not expect him to disapoint
  7. Eric999" Fred is a trustworthy person from what I know +1"
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 4, 2013, Original Post Date: Dec 4, 2013 ---
    Look at his signature, he can't post anything, its a bug on his computer, so i had to quote him
    eric999 likes this.
  8. IrishSmalls

    IrishSmalls Bison Rider

    Yes, he is trustworthy and friendly
  9. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    >all these alternate and bad accounts.

  10. These are not alt accounts, ask the mods, they have all different ip adresses
  11. Top admin 10/10 would recommend twice.
    Piano, Ej and MadDog like this.
  12. Axmeister

    Axmeister Builder Stabber

    Hear hear! Fredmay for adminship!
  13. rzaleu

    rzaleu Shark Slayer

    Yep, conclusively Fredmay will be an good admin. I've never seen him abousing his powers, he is nice and friendly
  14. Happiness

    Happiness Horde Gibber

    I've nothing bad to say about fred, he's been doing a splendid job on the Cat n' Mouse server lately.

    Keep it up, chap!
  15. -GodlyKnight-

    -GodlyKnight- Catapult Fodder

    I'think Fred can administrate clans easily and some of his clans is famous on kag
    Fred created numerous servers on beta it's a my friend.I'think hes can be a great mod
    it's trustworthy and is serious but it's simpatic at same time he can be a very good mod
    but this is my idea think what you want for this! ;)
  16. webkinz96647

    webkinz96647 Catapult Fodder

    fred is the best dude ive ever meet! so nice! so trustworthy and just awesome, he knows a lot about kag and he is just someone you can look to, if there was a poll i vote YES
  17. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    +1 for fred.
    Hes nice and friendly.
  18. Fran

    Fran Shipwright

    fredmay for admin 2014.
  19. Update: As you can see, I've not got one recommendation from a moderator or guard.... But that's because I don't see them very often :/ These people who have all posted here know that in game I'm about as nice and fair as any player could be. Some of the people who posted on here I have no idea who they are. Just goes to prove that a lot of people like me. While I do not have the support of any mods or guards, please consider my request. Thank you. P.s, more recommendations incoming
  20. webkinz96647

    webkinz96647 Catapult Fodder

    i counted about 16!!!!!! 16 people who agree !
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