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~~##Sundered Kingdom Sign-Ups##~~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mazey, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    In Game Name: Jpbkiller
    Steam Name:jpbkiller
    How long you've played KAG: Since alpha
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT +1
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Everyday after 17 h (France)
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight
    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?


    How do you like to solve problems?

    With Strength

    Who do you trust the most?


    What is your greatest weakness?

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  2. Khaleesi

    Khaleesi Mother of Dragons Donator
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    In Game Name: Sh!nobi
    Steam Name: Sh!nobi
    How long you've played KAG: A few weeks
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT +1 (Germany)
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Everyday at 5:00 pm
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    Any Way Available

    Who do you trust the most?
    My Friends

    What is your greatest weakness?
  3. Sinleet

    Sinleet Shipwright

    In Game Name: Sinleet
    Steam Name: challengeling
    How long you've played KAG: Approximately 200 hours the past two months, been playing this game hard since steam release, although I've played alpha when it came out and stopped when paid beta was introduced.
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT-7
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Most times, although preferably not from 22:00 to 13:00 as I'm usually asleep or working.
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight, I dabble with builder from time to time on megastructures like chicken catapults, but I'll be found usually on the field as a knight.

    What is most valuable to you?
    Power, with winning comes power, and I like to win.

    What are you most afraid of?
    Death, no one has ever won while dead.

    How do you like to solve problems?
    Any Way Available, the most versatile

    Who do you trust the most?
    Myself; I know myself the most, therefore I trust myself the most, even if it may not be the most wise decision.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Gullibility, with knowing myself also comes 'knowing' myself, knowing when and when not to trust myself is something I struggle with often.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  4. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    In Game Name: ThexSwift
    Steam Name: ThexSwift
    How long you've played KAG: Little less than a year now
    Time Zone (in GMT): in GMT: CST +/- 6
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Mostly everyday after 3 and all day weekends
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight

    What is most valuable to you? Honor

    What are you most afraid of? Failure

    How do you like to solve problems? With Agility

    Who do you trust the most? Myself

    What is your greatest weakness? Pride
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  5. Mehno

    Mehno Horde Gibber

    In Game Name: Mehno
    Steam Name: animenno
    How long you've played KAG: almost 1 year now
    Time Zone (in GMT): +1
    Availability (When are you free to play?): On weekends always. In the week from 3pm until the next day 3am.
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?

    What is your greatest weakness?
  6. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    In Game Name: Oodle of noodle
    Steam Name: Oodle of noodle
    How long you've played KAG: since beta release
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT-5
    Availability (When are you free to play?): any time after 5:00pm, usually all day weekends
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): builder

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?


    How do you like to solve problems?

    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?


    What is your greatest weakness?


    Hope I'm not to late.
  7. Teemey

    Teemey Catapult Fodder

    In Game Name: Teemey
    Steam Name: No Steam
    How long you've played KAG: About 1 year
    Time Zone (in GMT): (UTC-08:00)
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Everyday around 2:00-10:p.m
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Archer

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Strength

    Who do you trust the most?

    What is your greatest weakness?
  8. epenow

    epenow Oppressed banana cookie
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    In Game Name: epenow
    Steam Name:epenow
    How long you've played KAG: 1-2.5ish years
    Time Zone (in GMT): (UTC-08:00)
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Just about every day from about 5-7
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Archer
    What is most valuable to you? Friendship
    What are you most afraid of? Loneliness
    How do you like to solve problems? With Cunning
    Who do you trust the most? Myself
    What is your greatest weakness?
  9. jokeman8454

    jokeman8454 Haxor

    In Game Name: Jokeman8454
    Steam Name: Jokeman8454
    How long you've played KAG: 1/2 2 years
    Time Zone (in GMT): UTC/GMT +10 hours
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4pm till 8:30pm (Usually depends on homework how late i play and on weekends from 1opm till 8:30pm)
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Knight

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?

    What is your greatest weakness?
  10. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    In Game Name: TheDirtySwine
    Steam Name: TheDirtySwine
    How long you've played KAG: Since April 3, 2012
    Time Zone (in GMT): Central Time Zone
    Availability: Weekdays after 3:30pm and Most weekends
    Favorite Class: Knight

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  11. skely

    skely Catapult Fodder

    In Game Name:skely
    Steam Name:N/A
    How long you've played KAG:like over a year, used to play and brothers account
    Time Zone (in GMT):-7
    Availability (When are you free to play?):about 7pm to 1am
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight):knight
    What is most valuable to you?Friendship
    What are you most afraid of? Loneliness
    How do you like to solve problems?With Cunning
    Who do you trust the most?My Friends
    What is your greatest weakness?Cowardice
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2014
  12. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    In Game Name: Trumbles
    Steam Name: Trumbles
    How long you've played KAG: A few months, almost 200 hours total
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT -5:00 (eastern time)
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Any time after 2pm usually
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Archer

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Agility

    Who do you trust the most?
    My Friends

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Fellere825 likes this.
  13. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    In Game Name: Sir_Walter
    Steam Name: n/a
    How long you've played KAG: a month or two- but I've played tons since then
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT -5
    Availability (When are you free to play?): around 6+, 7+, 8+ or 9+, depending. And almost always on weekends
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): knight or builder
    What is most valuable to you? Power
    What are you most afraid of? Loneliness
    How do you like to solve problems? Any Way Available
    Who do you trust the most? Myself
    What is your greatest weakness? Recklessness
  14. ShamWow-SuperRag

    ShamWow-SuperRag zamn Donator Tester

    In Game Name: Experiment-626
    Steam Name: EXP-626
    How long you've played KAG: about 5 months
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT-5
    Availability (When are you free to play?): 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm on weekends (will be almost always in summer)
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): knight or builder

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    Any Way Available

    Who do you trust the most?
    My Friends

    What is your greatest weakness?
  15. Shambls

    Shambls Tree Planter

    In Game Name:Shambles
    Steam Name:Shambles
    How long you've played KAG: a couple of weeks
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT-7
    Availability (When are you free to play?): 4-8pm weekdays
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight):Builder

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?
    My Teachers

    What is your greatest weakness?
  16. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    In Game Name: bout
    Steam Name: bout
    How long you've played KAG: Over a year
    Time Zone : GMT+1
    Availability: 2-5 hours, almost every day.
    Favorite Class: Builder

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?

    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning

    Who do you trust the most?

    What is your greatest weakness?
  17. swiggityswooty

    swiggityswooty Shopkeep Stealer

    In Game Name: swiggityswooty
    Steam Name: juicy.kaceybonman
    How long you've played KAG: Since probably about June of last year? Not really sure.
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT-8
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Most likely every day, from around 5PM to 11Pm, later on weekends
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): I play knight the most and it's what I am the best at, but love to play archer, although I'm not very good at it

    What is most valuable to you?

    What are you most afraid of?
    Not really sure

    How do you like to solve problems?
    Reason, talking to others

    Who do you trust the most?
    Myself, and my closest friends

    What is your greatest weakness?
    I can be headstrong, and not aware of others
  18. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    In Game Name: Banakai
    Steam Name: Banakai
    How long you've played KAG: Around 4 months
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT -5
    Availability (When are you free to play?): Most days between 2 and 9, mostly all day on the weekend.
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Builder, but also archer/knight when more force is required.
    What is most valuable to you?
    What are you most afraid of?
    How do you like to solve problems?
    With Cunning
    Who do you trust the most?
    What is your greatest weakness?
  19. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    In Game Name: Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants
    Steam Name: Sneeky Koneko
    How long you've played KAG: Roughly 4 months
    Time Zone (in GMT): GMT - 3:30
    Availability (When are you free to play?): 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM (subject to change)
    Favorite Class (archer, builder or knight): Builder

    What is most valuable to you?


    What are you most afraid of?


    How do you like to solve problems?

    Any Way Available

    Who do you trust the most?

    My Friends

    What is your greatest weakness?

  20. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    people still sign up for this?

    Apronymous and Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants like this.
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