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Aphelion's Servers

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Aphelion, Nov 9, 2013.

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  1. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Trial period of about a week, maybe more. Depends on the person and how much the frequent the game.
  2. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

    I wouldn't mind that. Voting people in based on how active they are and how calm in certain situations. Wouldn't want anyone who goes into a rage attack. Or anyone who Ignored peoples cries about grief And instead continues to talk to people in chat.. *Cough- King.

  3. icemaverick

    icemaverick Catapult Fodder

    Woot woot, hit us up with that trial period and democracy!
  4. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Dont forget about being a bit more watchful when the new admin goes off to do his admin duties.... Just in case he/she somehow slips up while doing their shizzle. And by slip up.. I mean a few times. The first time is forgivable.
  5. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

    You use shizzle instead of shit too. :heart:
  6. Real_jakemusser13

    Real_jakemusser13 Catapult Fodder

    Hi Guys! Im new to the group here, but i know what im doing in kag. i was invited to be an admin by Mankanshako Mako, an admin or your 1st server aphelion. i was hoping u could carry out his req :D
  7. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    "I am a Kleptomaniac" (Sloj..*) is a bit of a dick.
    They are both an admin, and stole from other Non-Hostile Races [Goblins] (The rest comes from how they said that it was now the Goblins' turn to be stolen from), in my last session on the RP 1.
    We [Goblins] had to declare war to reclaim stolen resources.

    Would it be believable to say that stealing from a Non-Hostile Race's Storage Shed clearly within said Race's Territory, risque or griefing?

    Other than that, would it be within reason that a Race should Surrender [read, Vote Neutrality/Alliance] when they are consistently pushed back, or slaughtered at their Spawn Tent?
    Especially when their fortifications are all but razed, and there is no real chance of recovery?
    (I don't really mind, because it's good stone/wood farming and I generally hold no grudges, but this sort of thing needs to be recommended, or highlighted than it currently is. So that said Race isn't perpetually stomped, and that they know that there is a sure-fire way out other than whining, leaving the server, or changing teams. The last option is risque because said people can hold grudges, and start griefing out of spite.)
    I had this issue with the Elves before a Map Reset, but after beating them senseless, the main issue became that they had an RKer on their team (couldn't be vote kicked :v) that probably was no-selling the vote. And the something something Archers walking into Allied Territory which were also Warring against the Elves, and needed help with discouragement.
    After said reset the Dwarves had to be pummeled a bit, and nagged to step down, but the Humans saw what I could do and had a good idea. (It involved voting neutrality before the Goblin Mainstay felt like visiting.)
    Then some noobie Dwarves didn't listen when I told them to stop several times; I stomped them, then got lag kicked.
    All in all, it seems you need to beat it into their head.

    Past that, I only see Rules 1, and 2 broadcasted on the RP 1 server; is that a bug, or something?
    Also, what the hell is Rule 3?

    *- Incomplete Name
  9. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

    Someone Doesn't like me stealing from 'em.

    I take it this entire post is just to blow off some steam from a bad game?

    You didn't have to declare war at all. If you voted to be neutral you clearly could have killed me. But you chose war. ::):


    Edit: So let's think about this logically. If your allied you have access to allies doors. Meaning full access to their base. And all workshops within it. Also meaning they can share resources. Now I take resources from your race to give to mine, but call it 'stealing' to get a :>:(: reaction from you. But in fact I am depleting your resources to give my race an upper hand. Leaving us more prepared for when our alliance breaks down. And the alliance always breaks down. Always. Going to war is your decision. You could always change to neutral and kill me before I get away.

    You realize you can steal resources back from the other race, Right? I like to think of it as a form of Cold war.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  10. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    There's not really much steam to that post.

    As far as resources go, even as an ally, even when you have the key to each others' houses, you don't raid the goddamn fridge, and wallet in the wardrobe. (Alliance as far as anything goes means Open Doors/Borders, and No-Damage; this says nothing about Workshop Damage, nor Ownership. )
    When it came to the declaration of war, nothing other than killing you resulted of it. (The Dwarves understood what was happening, and chat was mostly about how you were being a dick, and stealing things.)
    Anyways, a really annoying thing about the storage sheds is that you can access them from 10 or so blocks away.

    If they felt ballsy enough to steal again, they would've, and War would've actually resumed.
    I would've destroyed the rest of their fortifications, and that would've been that.
    Again, the feeling was mutual, and the jackass was summarily strung up.
  11. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

    I didn't raid the fridge. I just violently mooched from you guys and become a bit of a Kleptomaniac. And please do stop referring to me as A dick. It's uncalled for. :huh?:
  12. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Don't violently mooch. Violent mooching results in war. :I

    This is all true, as well as the fact that well... all rights are given to both sides thanks to open borders as well as rights to your closet and such. Not everyone likes being stolen from, you're pretty much begging for a war.... xD

    The more kinder thing to do if you want shit, is to ask. Mooching is a criminal offence and is punishable by war. owo
  13. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    This Time on KAG RP! ! !
    As it turns out, you don't want someone that is directly next to your base with Stone Buildings, through and through, to join in on the battle. The Warring Factions can use their doors, but you can't.

    Anyways, we had what? 40 Non-Bread Foodstuffs, and about 100 Grain?
  14. Real_jakemusser13

    Real_jakemusser13 Catapult Fodder

  15. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Oh wait... I was in that server.. I guess after you left or something... took out 2 griefers and a RK'er... then afterwards forced a friendship between my people and the elves... o wo
  16. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    You guysdo realize... You need gold to play on Aphelions. RIGHT?
  17. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    This guy here is an ok guy.

    I guess it's as it always was, like in Alpha RP. The Edge Races were okay, the Door Races were kind of dicks.
    Trollbros, never forget ;_;7
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I kicked two people today who were bitching at each other for like 30 minutes and wouldn't shut up, everyone was so irritated with them so I kicked them for a 1/2 hour to cool off. Also banned another guy for 1 day because of griefing.

    I personally don't care about RKing in the slightest, I only care about griefing. Complaining to me about an RKer will accomplish nothing and I will not do anything about it, just an FYI for people who see me on the server.

    Also, really hoping we get mages added to the server.
  19. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Super i would like to be a trial admin.
    I have been admin on 2 roleplay servers (classic and beta)(ask pixel about the beta one)
  20. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

    Poor boea xD..

    Edit: Since people are now becoming violently aggressive when I take anything not nailed down in their base I have decided to stop. Hope your happy world. A light just went out :QQ:
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
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