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Running the game kills the GPU driver completely

Discussion in 'General Help' started by matagyula, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. matagyula

    matagyula Shipwright

    I recently purchased a new computer and for some reason I can't run KAG anymore, because on startup the windows (command line window and the game window itself) get stuck and after a few seconds a popup window from the tray area tells me that the GPU driver has crashed and recovered successfully - the command line window and a blank game window are still visible (everything used to be fine on my old PC - single core AMD athlon + ATI X1650 - and on my notebook - dualcore AMD Turion + ATI HD 2600 )

    Tried messing around with the config file /changing the render mode to every possible option /, but that only crashes the game itself and generates an error report (that I've submitted).
    Current system specs are :
    - MS Windows 7 ultimate 64bit with SP1
    - Intel Core i5 2500K
    - AMD Radeon HD6870 with the latest drivers
    - 8 gigs of ram, 750 gig HDD, Audigy 2 soundcard, Asus P8P67 mobo

    Thanks for the halp in advance!
  2. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

  3. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    The Problem is not the game , It is the CPU Driver i would Reinstall it or Update it ( You can update it btw )
    well some you can , Or check the settings and mess with it i would ask google or youtube since Kag community are not tech guys , They are game developers so yeah it's kind of not their business unless it is the game thats causing it.
  4. matagyula

    matagyula Shipwright

    Thanks for the responses. The main reason I have for suspecting the game itself is that no other application has produced this so far, other games run fine and smooth (Battlefield 3, CSS, TF2, L4D2, Portal 2, Crysis 1 SP demo, Soldat, and the list goes on), and I've done some CPU and GPU stress tests, too, everything seems to be rock solid.
    I'd like to know if anybody with alike PC specs has had issues like this.
  5. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer


    Assuming KAG is using Irrlicht engine, you could try playing other Irrlicht engine games to see if you get the same error. I have been receiving similar errors on my AMD graphics card however they seemed to disappear (or was that a driver update?)
  6. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Np , thats what were here for , Also i think it was driver update incarnum since it's not usually the Graphic cards that make these errors it's the CPU , Atleast that's where soem errors come from.
  7. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Wrong. Those errors appear because of the TDR-feature introduced in Windows Vista.
    • Pls add "system.txt" and the latest "console-XX.txt" from the "Logs"-folder to your next post.
    • Download Speccy and post your system profile.
  8. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah i know i got mixed up - Face Palm - I give up :(
  9. matagyula

    matagyula Shipwright

    Attached the two latest logs and the system.txt file. Speccy log

    Attached Files:

  10. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Problem located: Your graphics card driver. KAG does not identify your graphics card at all. What driver version do you have installed? 11.10? It's also strange that I can't see the driver version in your Speccy log. I would suggest you to first try to reinstall your driver. You really need to have your graphics card show up in the "system.txt"-file with at least some "YES"s at the "Video driver features". Try older driver versions. Use "Driver Sweeper" (google for it; the official website is down atm) to make sure you got no left-overs from old drivers (make sure you have a system restore point before using it).

    And while we're at it...my usual findings:
    • I always suggest this, so I will for you too. Close all unnecessary programs before starting KAG. Just to exclude any compatibility issues. So shut down "ACDSee", "Chrome", "Dropbox", "DAEMON Tools", "Miranda", "Steam", "uTorrent", "Winamp" and "Windows Live Messenger"; kill the following processes
      • armsvc.exe
      • Pen_Tablet.exe
      • Pen_TabletUser.exe
      • Pen_TouchService.exe
      • Pen_TouchUser.exe
      • wlcomm.exe
      • wmpnetwk.exe
      and try KAG again.
    • Might be some wrong detection, but 82 °C on your mainboard sensor is a bit high. Especially since all your other sensors show a much lower temperature.
    • Update your BIOS to version 1101.
    matagyula likes this.
  11. matagyula

    matagyula Shipwright

    Thank you for the help, it was indeed the GPU driver - a few days ago i updated to a beta release of the 11.10 catalyst drivers because i had some glitches in Rage, the official 11.10 drivers were released today, just upgraded after reading your post, now KAG works just like it should :]
    Also the MOBO temp is around 40°C in the BIOS, dunno why it's messed up in windows (i gave it a strange look but as it hasn't melted yet I think its some software buggery :D )
    Was planning to update the BIOS, too, just havent got around to doing it, yet ;P
    Thank you for the help once more!
    illu likes this.
  12. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    Haha told ya! Glad it's sorted out for you, see you in KAG!
    matagyula likes this.