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[1013] Tower Built on Aph's RP Server

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by FTWLAMA, Jan 28, 2014.


What do you think?

  1. Kill your self now


    FTWLAMA Catapult Fodder

    Built this tower on an floating island on a custom map. What do you think? Slot on top is for catapult, bomber landing, or ballista. Try not to critique to mean, I am new.(CENTER ON FLOATING ISLAND)

    Lamanamanumi(ingame name)
  2. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    To be honest I don't really know what anyone could say about a tower built in a Role Play server and isn't used in combat since your usually allied to everyone anyway.
    I appreciate the time you put into it though.
  3. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    I know. I always try to build building that would be something my race would build, but most people just build huge castles. (Although I usually do that as dwarves or orcs though)

    As elves I normally build tree forts and humans I build town with working sawmill and a boatouse and a firehouse (filled with buckets of course)

    FTWLAMA Catapult Fodder

    Well it was used in combat. It was doing really good but some allied dude griefed it.
  5. Saigon

    Saigon Builder Stabber

    Sooo... Why is this a topic again?

    FTWLAMA Catapult Fodder

    You can critque others builds. Please learn to read.
  7. Shambls

    Shambls Tree Planter

    I think the minecraftiness of the RP server is a very appealing element for anyone that likes playing builder cause you can make some pretty cool stuff that you would never make in a real competitive game.

    The tower itself is fine but the main problem is the other island with the gigantic wall that could easily invade you.

    Island fortress' are extremely hard to conquer so they are always the ideal building location but you want to make sure no one can get the upper hand on you. So as long as you control the air and other nearby islands it is a pretty impenetrable fortress only suggestion is thicken some of the walls so archers don't destroy your shops cause they are basically the only threat to a well made and defended island fortress.
  8. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    Yeah humans could shield glide onto your base and then keg in (and you can buy alot of kegs in rp because you get coins for building)

    FTWLAMA Catapult Fodder

    Yes the one thick walls I made really crushed it.
  10. Saigon

    Saigon Builder Stabber

    Please learn to properly reply to my post. And I'm just saying the forum would be quite a mess if everyone just plunked in a thing they made.
    This isn't even for the 'real' game, it's an RP server.. It'd be the same if I posted an image of me building a nice hut out of all the stone and wood we had in CTF or TTH. It's just a picture, there is basicly nothing practical to be discussed about it
  11. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    I think you should have put a build number on this thread instead of make me do it, and made something in a default game mode. Theres my critique. *grumpy moderator out*
    Actually no, I'll give you a actual critique since you are arguing with people trying to critique your structure. Even tailored to Aphelions roleplay server's mechanics.

    Even on the RP server that thing has no defensive value at all, in fact it probably has negative defensive value because even though its floating its below a much larger floating island for a bomb bolt ballista to sit on and catapults can hit it EASILY with their short range and arc from that very island to the right, and knights jumping off will be severely disadvantaged in defending in the off chance someone does plop a ballista down below and fire a ton of bolts into the air at it shearing it in half with little to no aiming required.

    Bombers on the rp server get a velocity advantage against it too, because its floating and theres nothing except the tower on the left to stop them from ramming into it at full speed. You have no places to even defend against one too.

    And, to top it off it doesn't even look very aesthetically pleasing. Theres no unique design to your floating chunk of stone on a island with shops lined in it and some spikes on the side, its just outright generic. I have seen something like that made before probably hundreds of times on classic roleplay and even beta roleplay servers. Its literally the first thing a new player to the server makes in terms of design just because humans like symmetrical things, but its hard to do a perfectly symmetrical large construct with the sloped blocks with the resource requirements so you end up SKIMPING on some of it too like all of the other new players. Heres some actual critique for you since you were looking for it.
    Saigon and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  12. Saigon

    Saigon Builder Stabber

    A fair amount of wasted critique, good sir. This guy had no idea what is going on. Totally blank.