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Clan wars on Beta - Competitive aspect

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SpideY, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    If you guys want incentive to hold the middle, go play TTH. ;)
  2. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    So far Zen has had 4 clan wars in total and in all of them we held middle which led to our victory in all 4 of them. holding middle gives you that advantage and allows you to walk kegs shorter distances to the enemy base. all in all its a very smart thing to do getting the middle.
  3. Powse

    Powse Haxor

    I have a question, is the KAG Gather site still being used? So far every time I joined, my experience ended up in seeing a bunch of people idling with no ongoing games.

    I'm asking 'cause i generally like the idea of an organized match and getting to talk to new people, but i don't have the time to invest in a more serious format like clans...
  4. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    No, Gather stopped quite a long time ago now. I think a lot of people just never took the irc channel off autojoin. There is talk (hushed whispers) of bringing it back for release KAG, but that requires lots of people to put in lots of work coding a new bot, creating a new gamemode and hosting servers for it.

    I think finding an appropriate custom gamemode for release kag is probably the biggest hurdle, as you can bet noone will agree on the rules.
  5. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    People are making these gamemodes way too difficult rules and stuff. It should be a very simple and fast game.

    Biggest problem is that there are no active clans around. Beta's been around for months and there've been like 10 clanwars in total. That's not because there is no good gamemode.
    LucasTT, Joiken and Hawxx like this.
  6. Powse

    Powse Haxor

    Too bad, I was hoping for some organized casual 6v6s like on TF2 lobby for example. Guess we'll have to wait if Kag grows in popularity. :O
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Gather would be an ideal format for comp play in KAG imo, I don't know that anyone's ported it to beta but they totally should if not. Gather neatly avoids people being too lazy/busy/whatever to organise clans, they just have to pop into the gather channel and ready up.
  8. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Gather would be great for the new steam players o3o
  9. I'll be trying to work it out. But don't want to spoil anything yet at this moment. :^)
    Gurin, zerd and 101i like this.
  10. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Yes kalikst :D
  11. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    No one seems to join IRC. If you really believe in the gather format, you could ask jrgp to make an account based gather system the way he made it for soldat..
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    It's not that hard to join IRC, and when Gather started on Classic, a lot of people who wanted to play gather started to join IRC. And there are many IRC people who are good at beta already.
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'll mention it to joe and see what he says, he's probably honestly the most likely person to get it done.
  14. >implying I haven't already ninja'd all of you

    But yeah, that's what I basically meant here:
    I've already talked to jrgp and I'm supposed to send him a list of features. Which I haven't done yet due to exams on university but will do ASAP next Saturday or so when I'm over with exam sesh.
    icemusher and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  15. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    posted this on KAG Gather social forum
  16. jdnvodka

    jdnvodka Shipwright

    If anyone is looking for a match, Last Kings has about 10 very active members and a few less active members. We have been whoring posts all over forums for teams to play against but without much luck. We can do 5v5 CTF, hell we could even do a TTH match if someone wanted to. PM me or Hero if anyone is interested.