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[1013] Help a noob out with some designs.

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Clortho, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Clortho

    Clortho Catapult Fodder

    Here an example of a basic tower I throw together sometimes in games. I find it stops archers very well and bomb jumping knights pretty well. It also gives our archers a safe place to fire from. I normally build it a bit taller in matches. Any critiques or improvements I can make?
    Here is a alternate entrance I sometimes make if I have time or the tower as survived some keggings instead of the stone doors in the tower itself. Generally knights blow the doors and dive right in, which gives me time to make repairs :)

    Next I have a few assault strategies I can't seem to overcome. The first is knights with boulders. If I have any exposed stone doors they just plow through them by tossing the boulder with no force at all at the doors and they fall right down. One game I had a knight bomb jump my tower and bash in the doors in one go. He hit right at the level of the doors and had them knocked in and was standing in the hole in about 3-4 seconds. Do I just not build doors facing the enemy at all? That kind of sucks for CTF matches since we'd have to knock in the walls every time we wanted to cap a flag to protect them from a lone knight with a builder that might make it to the rear.

    Next is kegs. Mid to late game most of the games I play are just kegfests. Even as a builder I can buy 4-5 kegs and just hand them out to all the knights. How can I defend against a steady stream of kegs as a builder?

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  2. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    The first improvement you can make is disabling the Smooth Shader

    The problem is that the doors support the tower, one bomb arrow and it's gone.
    NinjaCell and Guitarman like this.
  3. Clortho

    Clortho Catapult Fodder

    I know. Which is why, when I have time, I use the design in the second pic or build a bunch of background blocks to hold the thing up. If you have another way to do it that lets my team both in and out please let me know. If I just have wooden bridges turn out my team complains they can't get back in and destroys them.

    Also, why disable the smooth shader? I don't experience any FPS problems...
  4. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    I think he's joking, the Smooth shader is a bit of an acquired taste.
  5. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    I don't know what server your playing on where people are using boulders, I have actually never seen that in a game. (I knew about it though).

    one problem is no backwall. Sure, you could spam around backwall in the back, but you should make "struts" instead.

    :castle_bg: :blank::blank: :castle_wall:
    :castle_bg: :blank::blank: :castle_wall:

    You get the idea. Basically make strips of backwall extending outwards from the tower. If there is a team building behind this tower, connect it to that so that it supports both. If there isn't, make a vertical beam of backwall and connect them to that. You should also use wooden backwall wherever possible, so as to conserve stone. Only use stone backwall to make a fire die out.

    Another problem is your doors. You wasted so much stone from that. I'm sorry to say. You could have just done this:

    Most of the time when enemies go through doors, it's from an explosion. Usually, if an explosion destroys one of the stone doors it will destroy the one on top or below it. It's better to spread out your stone doors along a long way so that it takes several explosion apparatuses (:bomb::keg::mine::bomb_arrow:) to get through. The only person that putting stone doors on all the blocks slows down, is the builder tunneling. But for him he wants to dig through the base of the tower, so he can collapse it.

    Assuming this is CTF, create a travel tunnel there! Seriously. Do it. This could win the game for you. Having knights be closer to the enemy's base faster is the best thing in the world. Also create a knight shop. I can't even tell you how useful this is. You could even create a archer shop in the archer's nest.

    The last thing I need to talk about is your boulder problem. I'm not entirely sure of the solution, but I suspect that you should create a trap pit in front of your base. Whether saws or spikes, you decide. The enemy's won't be able to get over it. Especially carrying a boulder. One thing you ARE doing right is having the doors off the ground.
    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants likes this.
  6. Clortho

    Clortho Catapult Fodder

    Thanks for your advice, it was very helpful. Tower Mark II. tower3.jpg

    Again, any critiques welcome.
    BanakaI1 likes this.
  7. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    adding a trap block somewhere in the front would help out your flag-carrier or other teammates. those blocks tend to be lost pretty quick unfortunately but theyre useful. the saw is a pet-peeve of mine. I hate when people spend all that stone and wood on a saw to be placed where explosions will inevitably destroy it. it feels like a waste of resource for small payout.

    if you move your shop one tile back a fire arrow wont destroy the entire nest just the platforms. I also like to place an adjacent line of backwall on my platforms so they dont all collapse. youd probably use stone bw for that.
  8. DooMAD

    DooMAD Shipwright

    Rather than building straight up, vertical, it's considered better to have a slight forward lean to the tower to make it harder to climb. If the tower is made of solid stone, you may want to consider using wood in the parts that are hidden by "fog" to save resources and put them towards other towers.
  9. Space out your stone blocks by 1 tile and fill in the middle with wood blocks
    like this :castle_wall::castle_bg::tree::castle_bg::castle_wall:
    if you have enough wood put forward facing wooden platforms in place of the wooden blocks. This is to overheat drills quicker. like this:

    Remove the ladders as they are slow to climb and enemy's can use it to escape from your base with your flag.
    use this instead:

    :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::stone_door: :blank: :blank::stone_door:
    :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::stone_door: :blank: :blank::stone_door:

    this allows much faster travel and is much safer. You don't have to use stone for everything.

    For the trap move it about 5 tiles away from the base. Don't use so much stone for the interior of it, just leave it as dirt and put forward facing wooden platforms on both sides with stone doors at the bottom of em.

    ^ ^ ^ ^^^^
    your trap blocks and the saw underneath.

    I know this is supposed to be a quick tower to built but you can use these designs for anything you built.

    As other people have said you can also build your tower diagonally but this has a really high risk attached to it because if a enemy knight gets on top of it, he can just camp there and kill any knight coming upwards.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 18, 2014 ---

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    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    zerd likes this.
  10. ccnc

    ccnc Catapult Fodder

    If you dont use a that saw-trap in front of your tower than build a construction like this
    :uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh: <--... the stuff you did on top of tower
    :blank::castle_bg::stone_door::castle_bg::door: <---save a little bit ressources by combining wood/stone doors or fill with stones instead
    :stone_door::castle_bg::castle_bg::castle_bg::door: <--doors on ground level against enemy buildes
    :door::castle_bg::castle_bg::castle_bg::stone_door: <-- space, to prevent corpse blocking door