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Burger religion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rexo12, Feb 6, 2014.


Do you like the burger religion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder


    I have moved the burger religion page to here:
    Church of Burgerdom

    So go there for any further updates.

    Greetings all! Hail burgers!

    I am the burger pope, and - heed my advice, for while i may be new, i am certainly credible - I am the leader of the burger religion, which is centralised around one thing: Burgers. As a burger religion member, your aim is, in-game, to protect all the burgers, and spread your burger teachings! I am open for burger priests and ministers, Alas, Head priest has already been taken... But never fear!

    As a priest, you will have to spread teachings of burgers to other servers, and gain followers of the burgerdom religion! But do you know what the burger religion is? Nooooo... so here is the burger bible:


    1. You shall not harm any burger, unless you are a priest and have good reason to harm a burger.

    2. Every hall must have at least one burger shop, in CTF, you must encourage people to buy burgers.

    3. You shalt not take burgers from the other team, unless they have deliberately commited sacrilege, in which case you may confiscate any burgers as part of a burger protection.

    4. Burgers shall only be fed to near-death knights, and only near-death knights!
    5. To compensate, Knights should bring hearts back for any person who is not a knight and especially if it were they who fed them the life-saving burger

    6. Sharks and bison may be killed to provide resources for the almighty burger

    7. If you are a member of the burger religion, you shall put [CB] (church of Burgerdom) as your clantag. If you can somehow add your rank, do that too

    8. Any person may join the burger religion by simply adding the clan tag as shown in commandment seven. But if any person is found masquerading as a rank, they shall be punished.

    9. Any abuse of the great burger shall mean death by burgers! (and bombs)

    10. If one wants to add to these commandments, please contact me via Steam


    (from most powerful to least powerful)

    1. Burger Pope:
    Only I can hold the title of Burger Pope!

    2. Burger Head Priest:
    The burger head priest(s) are my right hand men, and they are only people i know personally, they can do anything, after consulting me.

    3. Burger Priest:
    The burger priest is the only one who may punish for disobeyance of the burger commandments, they will patrol servers and spread their burger teachings!

    4. Holy Burger Knight:
    This is a rank that may be self-appointed, you will fight in the name of burgers! (nothing else)

    5. Burger Builder:
    Another rank that is self-appoin
    ted, You are the man in charge of creating, transporting and defending the burger shops!

    6. Burger Archer:
    Yet another self-appointed rank, You are the holy sniper of the burgers! Your main targets are burger blasphemers.

    7. Burger follower:
    The default rank, you spread your teachings and protect the burgers.

    NB: All of the non-self appointed ranks, you must contact me or the head priests to be appointed as.

    I Will post the priests/head/priests ranks soon.

    The symbol:



    Good day to you! And live well, be healthy And eat burgers!

    Go back and read.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
    Piano, norill, Humblar_Tabulu and 2 others like this.
  2. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    ^ Best first post ever.

    Heh... that clantag. It's going to be so misinterpreted.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  3. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

    Lol thx... my other option for a clantag was too long... make a suggestion?
    valtzu likes this.
  4. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    No, i approve. It's hilarious.
  5. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

    Well good....
  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Clan tags are about 5 characters.
    I'd much prefer if I could be creative with my clan tags, given I am a notable character.
    (I'm a good knight, and builder)

    In RP, I pretty much devoted my time to cultivating vast swatches of grains, and trees for rapid expansionism and terraforming, but also so that I have enough grain that I don't need to worry about it when I covert corpses into food.
  7. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Should have had a Burgermancer... xD
    It's a being who can create living burgers out of the meats and grains and such that surround em... these living lumbering fat men made of burgers are sorta Martyrs who will tear off pieces of themselves to heal others :P

    Like this. (Not my drawing, found it in google)

  8. Self-appointed Pope. Nice.

    Anyway, I suggest you make a social clan group instead of posting here though, it may be misinterpreted. I approve of the effort and intention though, but most people just try to hoard all the resources to themselves. Keep trying though, and you might hit home.
  9. Humblar_Tabulu

    Humblar_Tabulu TURTLE Turtle turtle... Donator

    If you guys become an actual clan, HOLD FAST TO YOUR RELIGION AND NEVER RELINQUISH IT! Lest there not be a variety of clans to duke it out. Oh, and let Last Kings be your first matchup!

  10. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    This is the best thing I've ever seen on KAG forums. :X3:

    Shameless self promotion. Blah.
  11. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

    Hoho yes... The Burgermancer would.... throw burgers? to help?


    Also... I didn't see a specific section for clans on this forum, is there any special place to put this?

    EDIT: Found the clan section... xD it was so obvious
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  12. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    So, would you like this thread moved? Just ask/pm a moderator.
  13. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

    Hmmm... I want to add a couple more things before i just swish move it... But in basically, yes.

    Also... Wow That many posts while i went to sleep overnight? I should start burger religions on every forum i go to. 25252525 Thanks guys!
  14. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I'm pretty sure that we can't move threads into social groups.
  15. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    well shit then. time to copy-paste the op, and make a new group in the social groups.
  16. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

  17. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

  18. rexo12

    rexo12 Catapult Fodder

    oh god... What have i done?
  19. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I remember that video... xD
    Best fucking video ever created... xD
  20. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Locked because this thread is obsolete now.
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