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Tunneling - How Can We Stop Them?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vikthar, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Vikthar

    Vikthar Shipwright

    First Off, Awesome Game!

    I'm Vikthar, I play on Aussie servers and some of you have probably seen me around quite a bit.

    Anyways, down to business.

    My suggestion is based on the limited means for castle defense. Spikes and stone work wonders in a multitude of combinations but it seems little can be done to prevent tunneling under walls. It got me thinking about real world battles and what inventions have been created to prevent tunneling.

    The only fitting suggestion for this era I came up with was to implement crude oil into certain dirt pockets. It's minable for Builders and could perhaps be placed or thrown by the Builders and then ignited by Knights bombs. If it had a long burning effect this could combat tunneling. Just a suggestion, and I am curious as to others suggestions or what they have found useful in combating this rat like threat?


    Vikthar Nokisonur
  2. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    That sounds good, but really all you have to do is break into their tunnels and have one or two semi-skilled active defenders with a height advantage.

    EDIT: Also this should be in the "Suggestions" section.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I would be happy with this.
    Maybe the oil could slow you down, like ladders?
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I like this idea, would be pretty cool.

    But tunneling is mostly balanced now. In order to tunnel you need at least one builder and one knight, the builder is there to mine through stone blocks, the knight there to help mine everything else and defend. Even this combination can be stopped by an enemy team knight who has the height advantage and can easily chuck a bomb into the hole.
  5. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    need lava, sands and water biombs to stop them)
  6. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    a moat
  7. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique KAG Guard Tester

    Stone floor
    And dig under each tower to add stones, 5 or 6

    In the current build, knights never get past the first or second obstacle, usually towers and the flag is never taken, I don't see people tunneling that often, because it has no purpose what so ever as it's easy to block with stones
  8. Vikthar

    Vikthar Shipwright

    Appreciate the response.

    Too much to quote but let me add. I totally agree that tunneling is " Balanced " however I don't agree that you need anything more than one solo knight thats keen, and as far as tunneling not having a purpose, it is a common and very plausable tactic on the aussie servers I play on. The only thing that stops the Knights tunneling is stone blocks or those green stone foundations, which simply require a change in route. I'v found the defedning teams pit traps are dug up from the bottom as a means of breaking through stone sections and then floods of knights start hacking diagonaly up till they breach.

    Maybe it's just the crazy Australian " Diggers" who employ this tactic, but this is what spurred my thoughts.

    Again thanks for the response and sorry I posted in the wrong section.


    Vikthar Nokisonur
  9. opsneakie

    opsneakie Shipwright

    I still see tunneling every once in a while, and I've found that a well-placed bomb makes people think twice about it, especially now that there are limited respawns. I think bombs are the perfect anti-tunnel, because there's pretty much nowhere to run in a tunnel.

    Spike traps getting dug up from the bottom is a problem though.
  10. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    make better traps
  11. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I dont have that much of a issue with tunnelers, Yeah they are annoying but you what can one do except deal with it? As mentioned earlier.. a well placed bomb or clever trapping/fortifications and you wont have that much trouble with em.

    (Also I try really hard not to make a joke about Australians and diggin... you know.. down under... sorry sorry!!!)
  12. FinDude

    FinDude KAG Guard Tester

  13. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I like this idea as well, but I think tunnelling isnt that much of an issue now.
  14. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    The last time my team had a major tunneling excursion, the enemy builders repeatedly dropped blocks from where we were to emerge. That, combined with their turtling, really put a kibash on the whole tunneling effort. We would have lost if the last players hadn't derped around enough for a nextmap vote to pass.

    This would be even easier to prevent with the revised allowance of collapses underground. Yea, tunneling is amusing and mostly harmless.
  15. kungfuman

    kungfuman Shipwright

    I like the idea. I hope this get's implemented!
  16. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Well... you can't really stop tunneling unless you make a huge stone slab under your fortifications and a bottemless pit before that... You just gotta manage and deal with as a team.
  17. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Shipwright

    These bedrocks are quite annoying, we need lava and water ;)
    Hmm what about forcing to build supports for tunnels? Some wood bales every 2-3 blocks in dirt or construction will fall down?