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My view on catapults

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cryptly, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Cryptly

    Cryptly Shipwright

    I’m not even going to attempt to try to explain the qualities of a real catapult because; in games there is always a difference and I understand that. But I am going to explain the current details behind what the current catapult amounts to.
    Firstly the durability of the whole thing. It takes 1 good aimed shot from an archer to take it out which in reality isn’t very hard to do. While it takes a builder forever to rebuild it, Especially since you only gain half the materials back and none of the stone that was loaded in at the time of the catapult being destroyed. In turn that’s one builder out of the count for building towers or assisting the army to advance if they want to have a catapult.
    On the same note about durability, the catapult takes precedence over other targets or blocks for example if you want to kill an opponent that’s standing beside the catapult you’re going to destroy the catapult at the same time, or if you want to remove something from the ground you’re going to have to carry the catapult place it down before removing that block (this does not happened with workshops and outposts and other buildings)
    The entire concept of the catapult feels like a dance hold f key place bomb quickly hold e launch it before it blows “woot” it blew up in mid-air we got our self some fireworks, oh no an archer has squished my catapult” Builder!”
    The entirely of the catapult is confusing for new people because of the fact that throughout most games people are taught to right click or left click. In this game that’s not the case so adding the dance with someone who doesn’t understand a catapult is a liability to the team and dangerous.
    -Cryptly (kekeke)
    trelawney likes this.
  2. Cryptly

    Cryptly Shipwright

    ps. i like the spread quality of catapults :P
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Catapults have lost their intuitiveness, that's for sure. Being in the 'foreground' in relation to other blocks makes sense in the context of mobility, but is also ultimately buggy when you end up accidentally destroying them.

    So yeah,I've got nothing to add, I'm just rephrasing what Cryptly said.