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Community App KAG Mod Manager 1.09

Basic app for managing KAG mods with the new web API system

Mods: Downburst, Mazey
  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Shadlington submitted a new resource:

    KAG Mod Manager - Crappy (ugly) app for managing KAG mods with the new web API system

    See https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/public-consultation-on-plan-for-mod-distribution-system.12597 for discussion on the new additions to the KAG Web API that this Mod Manager is making use of.

    Read more about this resource...
    Superblackcat and Noburu like this.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Runs well on Wine.
    Waky and Shadlington like this.
  3. daimyo21

    daimyo21 Horde Gibber

    I loaded the mod manager but dont quite understand it. How am I supposed to use the mod through the manager? What if I wanted to edit/add to someones mod and re-upload it with them still credited as the creator.
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yeah I really need to post some documentation, will do so tomorrow.
    You can't do what you just described - only the mod developer can do that (an update coming soon will allow developers to be groups instead of just individuals so people can collaborate, but you won't be able to just take someone's work and re-upload it like that without their permission - you'd have to re-register it as a separate mod).
    Also, I need to add the ability to download mods through the manager, which I neglected because it's easy to do so through your browser (though I failed to explain how to do that too :p).
    Noburu likes this.
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Superblackcat and Noburu like this.
  6. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Added documentation to the resource page (https://forum.kag2d.com/resources/kag-mod-manager.153/), let me know what else is still confusing.

    Updates coming over the next few days:
    - Button to delete mods
    - Options to specify if the mod full/server/client packages are auth-protected (i.e. need your developer credentials to download). So you could make it so that only client packages are freely available.
    - Developer groups (i.e. the developer can be a group of users instead of just individuals, and permissions for who can upload/download code can be set accordingly).
    - Versions (i.e. instead of a single upload/download URL that gets overwritten with every upload, you'll be able to create new versions and upload code specifically for said version).
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
    Superblackcat, norill and Noburu like this.
  7. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Superblackcat likes this.
  8. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Shadlington updated KAG Mod Manager with a new update entry:

    Fixes + package restriction settings

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Superblackcat likes this.
  9. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is broken and will be until tomorrow/Sunday because I just made some fairly substantial changes to the API that I need to update the app to accommodate.

    From the next release you'll be able to set a mod up with a devgroup as the developer, instead of just an individual.

    ...I'll probably have to create a new app for registering devgroups though :p
    Superblackcat and master4523 like this.
  10. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Sorry this has been delayed a little, won't be ready till Monday.
    ...I got pissed off at my own shitty code and spent considerably longer than planned re-writing it.
  11. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  13. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  14. dumping flawed sha1 algorithm in favour of completely broken md5 algorithm. cant say i like it
  15. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The hashing isn't meant to be super-secure, the main thing is for it to be fast (as we're dealing with digests of entire folders).
    And MD5 is faster than SHA1, plus we already have a decent MD5 lib in KAG so no extra bloat.
    ...If security becomes an issue then I'll change it.
  16. sha-2 has performance of 154 MiB/s on 2GHz CPU, while my whole Mods folder, containing probably every mod ever published is 30MiB. so it would take 0.2s to hash whole folder. its roughly 2 times slower than md5, and 2^248 times more secure
  17. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I guess bloat was my main concern, I'll take a look and see if I can find any cross-platform SHA-2 libs for C++ that don't require me to also link in an entire hashing platform. I was unsuccessful before but I guess I gave up fairly early in my search.
    Apronymous and Mazey like this.
  18. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just released a stand-alone python script that mod devs can use to quickly re-generate their mod registration.json file directly on the server, via command line: https://github.com/Shadlington/KAGModRegGenerate

    You need Python installed as well as the Python module requests in order to use it. More details on the github page.

    Sidenote: Still working on that SHA-2 thing. Having some trouble getting a SHA-2 lib to work with KAG, but hopefully that'll be resolved tomorrow.
  19. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  20. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    When I try to register mod with the name "FUN" it says "A mod with this developer and name URL already exists, please try another name URL", but when I press refresh list of mods has nothing
Mods: Downburst, Mazey