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Important Suggestions and ideas

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Diprog, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Leave you suggestions or ideas below

    Your message must consist of two parts:
    1. Short description: explain your idea in one short sentence.
    2. Full description: write as much as you wish, but put it under spoiler.

    This thread is about suggestions, not duscussions. Please, only leave here your ideas. Don't comment on ideas of other people.
  2. Stella-Jim

    Stella-Jim Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay
    2. FUN Servers

    Apparently You Dont Made The Super Bomber This is A Idea


    Items: Shotgun Bow Two Cannons

    Health : 600

    Can Put Five Persons

    Storage Giant


    You to make this Balloon you will need 1500 Gold, 5000 Wood, 35o0 Stone, 1000 Coins


    Ballon Protection (Anti-Arrows ) Making(Need 500 Wood 200 stone) (Local Siege Shop)


    Admins Can Make The Height

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2015
  3. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers


    I can't understand what do you write cause you write like this "I Can't Understand What Do You Write"

    I only understood this:
    And yes, this is good idea
  4. Stella-Jim

    Stella-Jim Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay
    2. FUN Servers

    I'll put new items after you add the balloon
  5. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    • Iron trampoline
    • Fix weak wizards HUD ( Shows 2 orbs while it's reloading )
    • More life to weak wizard but 2 seconds longer reload
    • Weak wizards costs 30 coins and you can swap only in barracks and wizard shop
    • Archers should not drown at surface of water as they're much lighter than knights
    • Archers should have +1 arrow for Legolas shot
    • Shorter cannon reload time OR More powerful shot
    • Airship ( But hey heavily modded, too op like current. I'd love to see it powerful but with hard controls, that would be really beautiful )
    • More camera rumbles, I just love those, maybe adding a mod settings window?
    • Outpost can't be stored
    • You can't get in bomber with heavy stuff ( Mounted bow, outpost )
    • You can't spawn to a ballista if it is linked to a bomber ( Used to glitch abuse )
    • Really unop scrolls OR very high price for those
    • New scrolls ( Fire scroll, forcefield scroll, flying scroll )
    • Potions with new brewing stand workshop ( Invisibility, water breath, speed boost, jump boost, life boost ) with malus potions to drop ( Weakness, slowness, poison )
    • A bunch of new plants & trees for potion brewing
    • Jetpack
    • New kegs : Small, a bit more powerful than bomb ( 1x1, 3 radius ), Medium ( 2x2, same as current keg ), Heavy ( 4x4, 6 blocks radius ) and nuke ( 6x4, 9 blocks radius ), Fire keg ( 2x2, same as satchel of old Beta versions of KAG ), throwable potion keg ( 3x3, +4 radius to the throwable potion radius ), multiuses keg ( 6x6, same as medium but 2 uses )
    • Firebombs
    • True bombers ( Can literraly throw bombs )
    • Automatic medikits ( Enables automaticly when low life but only 5 hearts in, 2x1 size )
    • Forge workshop ( You can burn wood to make charcoal that you can use as fuel for bombers & submarines )
  6. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    since i promised diprog i would write my ideas down.
    Teleportation scroll.

    1-Teleport enemies back to there base using this they drop the flag.

    2- Teleport's you back to base for balance you cant use this with a flag or it drops.
    Legendary Weapons.

    These Weapons can only be found around the map or are veeeeeeeeeery expensive only 1 can be made im not sure if its possible with modding but diprog can manage i hope ;p

    Please Note that the pictures i link have been created by me and no one else

    1-Excalibur does 4-5 heart's per hit able to send a wave of energy that explodes upon impact?.
    2-lance of longinus. when thrown it does NOT stop by anything until it reaches the edge of the map it will pierce everything by a 2-3 block height and will insta kill anything "buildings included"
    3-Aegis Legendary Shield That is able to Block any Sort of damage Has a durability? can block the lance of longinus but doing so causes a 4keg Explosion outward from the shield. destroying the shield and the lance in the process "Only way to block the lance"
    [​IMG] Yes i know this shield looks terrible ;/ my first attempt at one
    4-Holy Grail allow's you a limited invulnerbility recovers 1 heart per 0.5 seconds allowing you to breath under water. only way to kill you is by an attack that destroys all your heart's in one go. "might need balancing with the heavy knight.
    5-pandoras box Becomes a zombie/zombie knight spawner?. until it is destroyed the zombies are on the target team that aqquired it. good for sieges.

    6-Lightning staff/scepter that is able to shoot lightning? or cause lightning strikes in the clicked area?. 10 second cool down. causes 1 block to take 1 click of damage.
    7- Gungnir Legendary form of lightning staff able to do 2 and a half hearts of damage in an aoe Damages blocks by 2 hits 7 second cool down.
    8-Artemis Bow - Fires a magical Arrow that can damage block's by 2 clicks and take 2 heart's of damage. has a nice particle effect. requires certain arrow's for use can be

    i put two desigs for this the not so colourful one bieng the final?

    1- Light arrow/Heals ally/drains enemy hp and heals you?.

    2- Dark Arrow Blinds the target making there screen black and posions them?.

    3- Demension arrow expensive Arrow causes whatever it hits except buildings to vanish and die instantly. for instance if a catapult is shot by this add in nice particle effect's and it vanishes to another demension.
    same thing for hitting a knight. but very expensive and cannot be stacked.

    4-Undead Arrow used to summon a random ammount of zombies 2 zombies 50% chance 5 zombies 20% chance. allied exploding zombies 20% chance 2 zknights 10% chance.

    Obelisk of healing?. bassicaly a 50% weaker version of a bed think of this as a portable placed bed. that only heals you and your allys.

    Teleportation Totem. 10 seconds cooldown teleports the enemy back to there base has very weak durability 2-3 hits and its dead so its not to op. it has a range of about 10-20 blocks in all directions?. cant be used to teleport yourself back to base.
    Super Scrolls.

    as much as i like the scrolls ingame unless someone spams the zombie scrolls there not much use and even using the zombies is hard because they will attack there own base.
    Meteor. as it says bassicaly a large meteor comes down towards where the scrolls was summoned possibly a 5-10 second delay or instantly summons if someone wants to play rambo
    Star Blast a beam of heat is shot downwards lightning everything on fire in that target area/aoe area lets say around 10-20 blocks wide does not light up stone it will insta kill anything that is directly in the beam it will also destroy blocks if it hits but has no penetrating power. if used during day it is 50% more powerful
    Moon Blast if used during night it is 50% more powerful. it floods the area with water for around 10-20 seconds with a height of 10-12 blocks heigh bieng the single source block it also damages blocks. this is most effective at water against ships because ships cant ride waves and will be consumed by the water. unless its a sub.
    Undead Ritual
    turns everything living in the area into 3-2 zombies per living thing's knights will turn to zknights builders to normal zombies archers to skeletons "this also effects your teamates"
    Upgrade Scroll Armageddon Ritual using 3 undead ritual scrolls you can create this it bassicaly summons a boss zombie?. a swarm of gregs? a swarm of exploding zombies? the devil killing
    him drops something good to use for a weapon?.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  7. Reality69

    Reality69 Bison Rider

    stone ladder, steel door
  8. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I know this sounds a bit hard to do, and crazy, but hear this:
    A new space realm, you can create rockets to launch to space and have space battles.
  9. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

  10. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I knew you would answer that ::D:
  11. Stella-Jim

    Stella-Jim Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay
    2. FUN Servers

    Explaing This Forum :

    The Forum Dont was Made To Put Made things Univituals is To Post an Suggestion of Things if The Creator Can make Dont Make Like This

    king-george said:
    I know this sounds a bit hard to do, and crazy, but hear this:
    A new space realm, you can create rockets to launch to space and have space battles.

    This is Madness More He can Make This

    • Iron trampoline
    • Fix weak wizards HUD ( Shows 2 orbs while it's reloading )
    • More life to weak wizard but 2 seconds longer reload
    • Weak wizards costs 30 coins and you can swap only in barracks and wizard shop
    • Archers should not drown at surface of water as they're much lighter than knights
    • Archers should have +1 arrow for Legolas shot
    • Shorter cannon reload time OR More powerful shot
    • Airship ( But hey heavily modded, too op like current. I'd love to see it powerful but with hard controls, that would be really beautiful )
    • More camera rumbles, I just love those, maybe adding a mod settings window?
    • Outpost can't be stored
    • You can't get in bomber with heavy stuff ( Mounted bow, outpost )
    • You can't spawn to a ballista if it is linked to a bomber ( Used to glitch abuse )
    • Really unop scrolls OR very high price for those
    • New scrolls ( Fire scroll, forcefield scroll, flying scroll )
    • Potions with new brewing stand workshop ( Invisibility, water breath, speed boost, jump boost, life boost ) with malus potions to drop ( Weakness, slowness, poison )
    • A bunch of new plants & trees for potion brewing
    • Jetpack
    • New kegs : Small, a bit more powerful than bomb ( 1x1, 3 radius ), Medium ( 2x2, same as current keg ), Heavy ( 4x4, 6 blocks radius ) and nuke ( 6x4, 9 blocks radius ), Fire keg ( 2x2, same as satchel of old Beta versions of KAG ), throwable potion keg ( 3x3, +4 radius to the throwable potion radius ), multiuses keg ( 6x6, same as medium but 2 uses )
    • Firebombs
    • True bombers ( Can literraly throw bombs )
    • Automatic medikits ( Enables automaticly when low life but only 5 hearts in, 2x1 size )
    • Forge workshop ( You can burn wood to make charcoal that you can use as fuel for bombers & submarines )
    THis is An Good Idea AN best This is The Top Idea More Remenber DOnt Put Madness Put Good Suggestions

    Thankss <> Colors Significative (Blue : Read ) (Red : Bad Ideas ) (Non-Color :Explication )
  12. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Wait for 2.1. I made lot of new classes, things etc. I think you have to wait.one week or two weeks. All artist are busy and I can't work because of it. Thanks.
  13. Stella-Jim

    Stella-Jim Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay
    2. FUN Servers

    Wow Seriously Add Necromancer and i Need Say an Thing

    Remove the Weak Wizard Shield Penetration Ball
  14. matheod

    matheod Shipwright

    Short : Give explosives when the round end

    Long : I think, for more fun, when a round end you should give to each Knight a keg, to each Archer bombs arrow, to each builder a golden drill, and to each wizard bomb orb. That would allow people to have fun by blowing their own base. (don't know if the two team should get it, or only the winning team).
  15. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    I miss you Fun CTF :QQ:.

    How about a bedrock chamber that has a spawn in it, then when people get vote kicked they can be sent in to there (unless its because of spam)
    Or maybe he gets muted as well

    And vilereaver41'a idea about the posh shield should also be able to block mage's bolts, or perhaps the mage's bolts should be very effective? (not including the weak mage's attacks)

    A portable builders workshop that can be carried by knights only. Then knights could get in to some cave inside the enemy base then turn builder or something.
    This would have to cost lots and maybe or maybe not be able to fit in inventory.

    I'm thinking of more ideas but I'm not so sure how useful they could be on here seeing as the servers not running i don't think... Meh!
  16. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Good ideas, thanks. Maybe I will repair mod and add thios portable builder shop
  17. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    Something you make at a work bench, people can stand on it, aswell as pick it up. It changes block type depending on the type of block. And then you can camouflage with it :D.
    Or some other kind of camouflage.
  18. KArth

    KArth Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Make another vehicle, kind of like a tank

    And When when you update the mod instead of the mod file always being called FUN make it FUN1.6 or something like that, because thats where the bug that keeps downloading the mod over and over again with no end originates.

    health: 900 (or some crazy high number)
    armament: HMG, Cannon
    speed: very slow
    upgrades: dirt mower (able to get over 2 block high dirt wall by removing the top block), HE shells
    Cost, 1500 stone, 250 gold, 3000 wood, 350 coins
    it would be awesome if it had an 'inner room' like the submarine, so you can actually get inside
    thats all that i can think of for the tank (for now, he he he)
  19. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Also add a lawn mower. Lawn mowers are great. I don't want to look too brutal inside of my tank...
  20. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    it's not a bug, Bunnie broke it. I said to him that he must restart it, but he didn't