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Quick Building Structures

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Yantex, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Hey guys, I'm fairly new to building and would like to know what a good 'strong' Rush building structure would look like, I've checked some buildings in some other threads, none seem to work, So I was wondering if any of you builders, could upload a pic of your quick building structure, thanks.
    meaow and Vanoss like this.
  2. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG


    There. A quick rush building that could be reinforced. There are back walls behind the stone obviously. You could also make beds, bomb shop, anti bomb jump tower and an archer nest.
  3. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Thanks for the help! :)
    meaow and Vanoss like this.
  4. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Something like this is what i use in most my classic games when rushing, its quick and easy, doest use too many resources and can be reinforced with add-ons.
  5. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Ahh I see, Thank you for the help, I'll be sure to use that.
    meaow and Vanoss like this.
  6. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Good building but could be taken down by archers. Consider adding an archer nest/anti arrow protection.
    Really good tj. Love the building.
  7. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    You really want to keep your towers at low cost of mats. One of the structures would be this:
    It's easy, affordable and allows for easy repairs. If you want to be a good builder, always be on the offensive, always be rushing forward at the right time and spamming those ladders.

    With this tower you can add on more things, make it thicker and just easily travel through it. I would recommend always allowing your teams' archers to easily climb up and down the tower while charging a shot.

    Pretend the gold brick is an enemy trying to slash the doors up into your tower. I usually remove the door so it's easier for me to place a spike there (it's also faster than waiting for them) I personally like this since tactic since it is harder for them to dodge the spike. (when you collapse a block)

    When they slash up quickly place a spike there, they will lose 1-2 hearts (depends how long they stay there) and once they have been damaged that much I usually finish them off with my hammer.

    Imagine having a tower like so, and you've run out of stone. What will you use without being shot in the face?
    Simply just stand against the top door and place a bridge. You can extend it like so:
    Just keep placing more onto that one bridge. I usually keep with three bridges for collapsing.

    Really, you can use any sort of structure you like. I just personally like this one because you can do so much with it. You play the game you want man.

    Hope I helped. ~

    (Also if you need more tutorials on other things. I recommend checking out this thread: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/list-of-guides-and-tutorials-updated-july-3rd-2013.5022/ :thumbs_up:
    Noburu, CrystalClear and Yantex like this.
  8. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    All these tips have given me knowledge on the builder, Thanks guys.I would say that I fairly improved on my buildings.
    meaow and Vanoss like this.
  9. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    In my experience this design works very well. It's fully repairable and overall really great. Have to try and remember this because its from ages ago and I havent played in ages :P

    Its very quick to build and provides a bomb trap.
    First of all build the main building up to the two stone about the double doors which you can do very quickly. The ladders are essential and prevent you're team from unnecessarily opening team doors, allowing archers to shoot, and lets builders quickly drop stone on unsuspecting knights camping at the bottom.
    The top trapdoor trap is only to be used if ladders are being put up by builders to kill any scaling enemies. It can be replaced by stone if you want.
    The bottom is completely repairable but must be done quickly by the builder.
    You can make the bottom bit 5 blocks high if you want, but I dont do that. Try it out for yourself and see how effective it is. All the stone backing isnt needed so you can make a T shape if u are low on stone
    Have fun :D

    Yantex likes this.
  10. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    Awesome, i'll try it out sometime, Cheers. :)
    meaow, Force and Vanoss like this.