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Getting mods to work in sandbox

Discussion in 'Modding Help' started by BanakaI1, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    I tried to test some mods in sandbox today. They are indeed in my mods folder and I wrote the name in mods.cfg but they do not work. I have never had a problem with this before so I don't know whats up.
  2. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    are they rules scripts? afaik the game has a difficult time loading modded rulescripts in local.

    i've had no issues trying to get other modded files to work locally
  3. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    Nope, just entities

    It's strange because I have had them working before
  4. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Yeah I have the same issue, mods don't work on singleplayer, they do when I host a server. Well it wouldn't be a problem, but modding is easier if you can use JIT. Also they all worked before. This happened recently, with some recent build I believe. I have no idea what is going on.
  5. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright


    Nope. Does not worked. Kag has stopped working please send this error report. (on an unrelated note sending an error report never works).

    I may have done it wrong since I have no idea what the "kag root directory" is. I assumed it was my steamapps/common/king arthur's gold
  6. SirMicheal

    SirMicheal Catapult Fodder

    um..Excuse me Srry if this post is old Or i may be in an another topic.....but.....Can you help me? i realy wanna know how to install mods for My Kag beta on singleplayer :(
    Fernegulus likes this.
  7. KaBooM

    KaBooM Horde Gibber

    I have same problem too. Mods used to work in sandbox mode(started from KAG client, not dedicatedserver.bat) and they had script auto-reloading. Not sure which build broke it. Dedicated server works, but you have to restart it to apply changes to mods.
  8. SirMicheal

    SirMicheal Catapult Fodder

    oh Do you know how to use mods on Single player? pls Tell me :( i realy wanna have fun with my kag using mods :(
  9. KaBooM

    KaBooM Horde Gibber

    It would be the sandbox, but it seems that it doesn't work currently.
  10. SirMicheal

    SirMicheal Catapult Fodder

    0.0 the sandbox? what does that do? exactly? isnt it already there a sandbox .-.
  11. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Are you serious Micheal? A quick guide to a conversation that makes sense:
    1. Read the post of the person you are talking to.
    2. If you understood the post yet, go on to the point 3. In other case, go back to point 1.
    3. Reply.
  12. LightTab2

    LightTab2 Drill Rusher
    1. Zen Laboratories

    1. Copy your KAG.
    2. Put everything from mods to base folder.
    3. Toggle off network and run KAG.
    4. After done testing and fixing bugs, copy your files and create mod folder.