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My problem with the knight

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gamegamer0, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Gamegamer0

    Gamegamer0 Shopkeep Stealer

    Ok i just want to let off some steam after dying about 30 times in a row due to this.
    I hate playing knight sometimes becouse a little teeny tiny bit of lag or frame drop SCREWS YOU OVER SO EASILY.
    Im tired of hitting the enemie when theyre sheilds arnt up and still not do damage,Get attacked through my shield,Miss a charged attack due to lag,ETC ETC ETC

    I cant be the only one that gets annoyed by this.
    (Oh and before anyone says "Well why do you play knight then?" i hate it when it lags i love it when it dosnt and no im not just posting this thread to whine about me dying)
  2. opsneakie

    opsneakie Shipwright

    Yeah. I think if you're going to spend a lot of time as knight, try to do so the the least laggy servers. I'm from the US but occasionally play on EU servers, so I usually just stick to builder there. Harder to get frustrated by lag/ping issues that way, and you're still contributing to your team.
  3. tinsoldier

    tinsoldier Shopkeep Stealer

    Yea, it can be infuriating sometimes. I remember one time it was me (knight) and an archer versus another knight. We took it easy, I put up my shield and waited for the archer to do a power shot. I'd strike and nothing happens. We did that 4+ times and I was even anticipating the shot and it just wouldn't connect.

    Having your charged swing go straight through people and the glitchiness of it overall sucks. I love playing knight but it doesn't feel fair sometimes (lots of times). Oh well, </rant>
  4. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Well lag can be annoying but if you play alot with lag(i do cause im always on server with most people i love the chaos)eventually you will get used to it and will start getting more kills than deaths.Example:I have every match so far have had 10 more kills than deaths on a bad day.(Once i killed 12 people in a row before i got killed in their base no less and 8 were knights,i faced most of them at same time lol.)POINT OF POST:So the point is practice with lag and use it your advantage,it can be very helpful,practice is key.Hope this helps:D.
  5. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Master the lag
    Become Zen master of Lag
    Become King of King Arthur's Gold
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Of course you are not the only one annoyed by lag, but who is to blame? There is nothing to do other than cursing your ISP or location, because there is no way to make sword fights less fast and dynamic (unless you want to turn this into a turn-based game).
    However, I play from South America, and my ping has never been below 250 on this servers, so I know what you mean. Seeing enemy hits, arrows and bomb blasts go through your shield as if it was made out of paper is no fun at all. Arm yourself with patience... or a bow.
  7. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes it's a shame that the internet obeys physics
  8. kalidor

    kalidor Shopkeep Stealer

    Ive had a lot more trouble with lag lately than when i first started playing. Mostly because of the prediction system thats been implemented, I keep teleporting before finally landing in the right place, and by that time I'm already dead because of the precious seconds i lose bewildered in a fight. Not to mention as an archer I can be three blocks away from a builder running for my life and hes hammering away at my life somehow someway, it's very disconcerting.
  9. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    So one time I was getting chased down by three knights and because the server was lagging so bad everyone froze

    And while they were frozen I slaughtered them

    Zen master coming through