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Who wants to stop the new bridge update? Vote!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eric_Rommel, Nov 5, 2011.


Who doesnt want the bridge update?

  1. I dont want it.

  2. yes , keep it , it is useful.

  3. Lets just wait for something new to come up.

  1. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Please vote to stop the new bridge update. Who else things its useless? please vote. and give your opinions.
    Eric_The_Great likes this.
  2. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    How is it useless? It is probably one of the most useful additions in the last update. Makes for much better traps that your team can still get out of.
    Mathewson likes this.
  3. opsneakie

    opsneakie Shipwright

    New bridges are incredible, especially the part where arrows/bombs pass through them (not 100% sure on bombs, but I thought they go through now. We're only just starting to explore all the possibilities there, but I think the amount of control it gives builders over how their team moves across the map is really interesting.
    Eggnogg likes this.
  4. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Can you give me an example of that kind of new trap with the new bridges?
  5. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Ok in what way is it cool? you cant even make good skybridges with it . Anyway nowadays we are seeing the end of all skybridges , not many build it after the 2 updates. :( Anyway nor is it realistic?
  6. SpruceMaroose

    SpruceMaroose Shipwright

    It makes much more sense this way. I was often frustrated (as a noob, only been here a few days) being trapped under a spike trap. Now that these operate like doors, I can get out.

    That is really only the tip, of the tip of the iceberg though! Making defenses out of a mix of these and stone enable me to snipe the people below at the same time as not having to worry about catapulted knights from the front... it is an excellent addition IMO.
  7. Knight1

    Knight1 Shark Slayer

    Its nice, but the way it trumps ladders is a little saddening. I miss ladders :)
  8. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    those new bridges are the best thing since arrow shops D:
  9. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    Ladders are still cheaper. They're useful for scaling enemy fortifications.

    I'm neutral about arrows passing through bridges, but being able to move through them is awesome.
  10. Snow

    Snow KAG Guard Tester

    Bridges should have always been 2 way like they are now. Just this little addition improved the game quite a bit. I've already seen some creativity involving them for use in hiding and elevator shafts.
    Noburu and dnmr like this.
  11. Nixito

    Nixito KAG Guard Tester

    I think the way bridges work now is pretty awesome. Being able to shoot through them makes for a damn good time whether you're on the topside or underside of one. My only complaint about bridges now is how they're being used as ladders, and not even that they're being used as ladders... mostly that bridge ladders are by far the tackiest looking things on the map. :D
  12. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Sky bridges are still quite doable, even though I dont care for them much. Last night a couple of builders had a full teambridge skybridge to the top of the map and all the way over to the enemy base. They had a very hard time taking it out as the map was out of stone and there were very few trees. We had already collapsed their biggest tower.

    Protip: If you are REALLY careful you can now build DOWN from a sky bridge making a safe path all the way down to their flag.
  13. Arrunas

    Arrunas Shopkeep Stealer

    @ Eric_Rommel - I can see this thread hasnt really turned out how you want it to, personally i really like the new bridges. i comment here really because i saw you in game over the weekend (and btw, i love that this community is still small enough for you to recognize people online day to day :P it wont last but its very cool for the moment) if you hadnt been trying to explain what you were trying to do i would have reported you for griefing.

    you claimed to be trying to fix a trap but you were blocking everyone inside the base because the first thing you did was to completely block the door with rock thereby trapping everyone who was respawning in a spike pit.

    Someone challenged you on it and from your explanation i don't think you were griefing on purpose, but please try and watch what you are doing in future as that sort of thing will get you banned if you carry on.