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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    i have log from worm ;D
    Anyone say for me what happening on that topic pls '-'

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  2. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    It was not me. It was Eric. He threw my catapult off the bridge when i asked him to move it. I didnt report him for that, cause he said sorry, and i believed him. I was just joking about it when i said maybe it was you, cause youre a griefer. Im not like you Duke. I dont lie.

    [179958] <Tiago> who was the griefer?
    [180114] cpt_crabcake left the game
    [180121] <Aluka> I didnt see
    [180343] <Eric_Rommel> tiago you compain a lot! <--- of course! griefers make me angry
    [180489] <DoomReaver> xD
    [180561] <Tiago> Duke of Sausages for sure hahah <--- me joking about it
    [180905] <Tiago> doomreaver did u grief their base? <--me serious trying to find the real griefer
    [181135] <Duke_of_Sausages> im no where near the damn thing tiago

    You know, maybe i can misjudge someone during gameplays, but i just come here to report people when i have evidence (prints, logs etc).
  3. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Doesn't prove anything just proves he had a go at Tiago~

    Edit: Tiago DoomReaver isn't a griefer he's quite a good player I was playing with him earlier
  4. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    It's not a joking matter. Ever hear of the Boy that Cried Wolf?

    Don't finger someone in game unless you are absolutely certain of their wrongdoing.
    Kagesha likes this.
  5. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    anyone say for me what happening here and if i can i help ;D
  6. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    To clarify, I asked LightzZ to post this as I saw he was mentioned in Tiago's log about Worm.
    So this pretty much confirms to me that Tiago's log about Worm wasn't fabricated.

    Quit complaining about Tiago.

    Also, explanation for you LightzZ: Tiago reported a bunch of people for griefing/speedhacking, they started complaining about his legitimacy. Unfortunately for them, Tiago's claims are backed up with multiple other reports & evidence so I am getting fed up with people having a go at him.
    That's all.
    Duke_of_Sausages likes this.
  7. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    Well. He was on my team (red) and I didnt see he griefing. I didnt report him for griefing anyway. But thats why i asked him if he was griefing... take a look on this log:

    [33502] DoomReaver joined red team
    minutes later:
    [156364] DoomReaver joined blue team
    [161457] DoomReaver joined red team
    [161761] <DoomReaver> guys
    [161815] <tallen_clinton> um ww should go now
    [161817] <Tiago> im watching the skybridge griefer
    [161853] <Unnamed player> Yes
    [161997] Zrod97 joined blue team
    [162052] <Duke_of_Sausages> watch it while you fight
    [162071] <DoomReaver> I switched team and Busted up there shit xD

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    Hrafnar likes this.
  8. LightzZ

    LightzZ Shipwright

    send the log will be more easy
  9. Wonka

    Wonka KAG Guard Tester

    1. What was the players name?
    fr quentus100

    2. What did the player do?
    probably speedhacking

    3. In what server?
    Rapid Deathmatch

    4. In what time?
    1.screenshot-name: screen-11-11-05-20-32-12.png
    so it was 5th November 2011 at 20:32 GMT I think

    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof)
    In the following GIF I made up the 2 times we (me and Wyeth) tried to make several of screenshots to proof it.
    The circle shows the Player I'm talking about. Poorly my fraps wasn't turned on, cause I don't use it that often anymore.
    Contrary joined the game , too, but I don't know if he noticed it, because we watched 'fr quentus100' several rounds and Contrary joined after half the time.
    The screens Wyeth made show Wyeth walking instantly from the second he spawns to the right while ' fr quentus100' does the same thing from the other side of the map!

    I hope I helped making the world a more peaceful place! =)
    See ya!
    Hrafnar and Wyeth like this.
  10. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    1. 34gladiator
    2. speedhacking+griefing
    3. Australian dedicated server
    4. 5 minutes ago
    5. screen-11-11-06-12-28-21.png
    This is the second time he'd taken out our stuff, the first time being destroying our entire dark-tower at the front, the remnants of which you can see.
  11. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - Speedhacking
    - Capture the Bacon
    - 1 minute ago

    [196126] <Hrafnar> sppedhacker
    [196382] <Awsomeman26> go kill em
    [196388] <Hrafnar> kick KINGVIP
    [196628] <Hrafnar> RED TEAM, KICK HIM
    [197128] sunglassed left the game
    [197197] <kaikal> HE'S HACKING
    [197356] <Awsomeman26> very nice
    [197638] New player joined the game
    [197697] Unnamed player is now known as jimy798
    [197985] bep1 joined blue team
    [198781] <Awsomeman26> by our base
    [198908] <mailgod89> we need more archers
    [198960] <Awsomeman26> someone please take out those tunnels
    [198998] bep1 joined red team
    [199852] <Drok> kingvip speedhacks?
    [199967] jimy798 joined blue team
    [200056] <Tiago> kick KINGVIP
    [200188] <Drok> KINGVIP speedhacks

    log + printscreen

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    Hrafnar likes this.
  12. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Actually, anyone with VIP in their name seems to be a griefer, I swear.
  13. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    HAHAHHAHA agreed!
  14. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - AODL Pixelspore
    - Griefing
    - Capture the Bacon
    - 1 minute ago

    Destroying our shops.

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  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Actually this seems to be true. Same guy making multiple accounts?
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

  17. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Confirmed? What evidence is there against me?
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Two candidates for closer scrutiny: The_Peace_Maker and Eric_Rommel.

    Sadly I missed the actual events, but there were three outcries over their conduct this afternoon. Not actual proof I agree, but it warrant's them closer attention, no?

    I've got nothing on you yet, @Rommel, but you watch it. And don't even think about trying to kick me - that'll only make the case against you stronger.
  19. Eric_Rommel

    Eric_Rommel Catapult Fodder

    Kck you? this is the first time we met another thing is that post anything in theis forum after getting hard proof !
  20. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Guys lets stop the bickering and threats. This thread it to report ACTUAL occurrences of griefing, WITH PROOF PROVIDED.
    Valkyrie and Eric_Rommel like this.
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