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Make Shield Walls/Shield Boost more plausible

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by swiggityswooty, Mar 31, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. swiggityswooty

    swiggityswooty Shopkeep Stealer

    As it stands, I feel that shield boosting (AKA using the knight's shield up as a platform) is little more than a novelty function that has little purpose, and often in fact gets in the way when multiple knights attempt to wall-jump. Also, knights as they currently are are in most cases solitary creatures, who can get into a base and essentially hold it themselves if they can find a good position and are passably good. I think that since knight is a soldier class, this is not really a function which befits them (believe me I love doing this, but I just don't think it fits the flavour of the class). I think a way to solve both of these problems would be to remove infinite wall-jumping, and replace it with a buffed shield platform, perhaps it could function like a less powerful trampoline? Just an idea, and I think it would compliment the co-op flavor and the need for ingenuity in this game, as opposed to just buying two bombs which can get past anything or just infinite wall-jumping.
    Starsly likes this.
  2. zerd

    zerd Arsonist
    1. SIEGE Clan - SIEGE

    I actually find the current version of shield boosting quite useful, especially when you are multiple knights trying to scale an extra tall wall with infi-climbing, since you can save each other, should you misstime one of your wall hugs. I must admit though that this can be quite annoying when friendly archers knocks you down, but can still be avoided in most cases.

    It works well too for helping friendly keggers when they need to get across a wide gap, since you can allow them to land on your shield while you are both midair, and he can perform an extra jump.

    I realise that your suggestion would only make both these situations more viable, but im affraid that using the current trampoline physics, even with very low power, would cause people to clip through wall etc. when stacking on top of each other under a ceiling. It sounds like fun, and would like to see if people can get good results with modding this in anyway though.

    On a side node, maybe consider adding a slight environmental knockback effect to the shield hitbox on the physics update at which the shield is drawn. So that you can actively give your teammates a boost, but don't have the issues of the current trampoline physics. If this should include explosives, enemies, all shield directions, cooldown time, etc. I have no idea, but as I said, only something to consider.

    EDIT: typos
  3. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I think giving a "mario bros" type boost to the shield boost would be a good idea. If you jump on a friend's shield it boosts them up a bit higher like a trampoline.
    emasame, Starsly and kodysch like this.
  4. swiggityswooty

    swiggityswooty Shopkeep Stealer

    I think it would be more balanced if it was a bit lower, since that would make trampolines more or less useless, and would also largely make bomb jumping and the like unnecessary
  5. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I wanted to propose the idea based off of a game that is near and dear to my heart.


    Essentially, shield laddering is dead. Very few people actually do it anymore with the ability to scale any sized tower with the current exploit, if it is even considered that.

    So, I propose a sort of "double jump".

    When one knight is on the ground and another is on top of your shield you can simply press W and give him a quick "boost". Propelling him up somewhere around the 2nd jump height of a trampoline. Not only working with going straight up, but also with the diagonal angles.

    Of course, this would only be allowed when on the ground. Allowing it to be done midair would be quite a bit much.

    Thoughts and ideas?

    If you don't like the idea, say so, but give a reason why. Give me the legitimate cons of adding this to the game. Send me insults via PM.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    zerd, kodysch and Starsly like this.
  6. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)


    This sounds amazing, I like it a lot.
  7. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    Eh, that seems like a preeeeety major buff to me. Knights are really good at getting over towers as is. (Too good in my opinoin, but thats not the point here)
    Sheild ladders were great back in the classic days, when the gameplay was slower and the knights less agile, but the amount of time and effort that is put into making a sheild ladder in beta is incomparable to the conveineince and reliability of bombjumping.
    Sheild ladders are dead :/
    (still not the point tho)

    Basiclly, bombs are good enough. Don't beat a dead horse.
    swiggityswooty likes this.
  8. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    but this way incentivizes teamwork, and if bombs are obvi the high limit, no reason why we can't have a short jump. Along the same lines of having a single and double slash, double is far superior, but it's nice to have a quick short alternative.
  9. steve_jobs

    steve_jobs Bison Rider

    fair enough, but anything that gets knights over towers faster makes me uneasy. Honestly, I remember back in classic how a small tower could block an entire stream of knights. Then a builder would come along and help the knights take the tower (or collapse it). The knights would protect the builder. THAT was teamwork.
  10. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    this just makes the need for more complex towers to stop knights, while still maintaining the need for a builder.
    swiggityswooty likes this.
  11. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    RIP offensive builder.

    (like it already wasn't already dead)
Mods: Rainbows