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Build 200 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    THIS, also I was told the RAM usage has increased 300% this build. Maybe it has something to do with that?
    Seems like a pretty big issue.

    Something else that is not so much a bug (maybe it is) but rather its the game mechanic not gripping right:
    Hitting someone will cause him to be unable to attack for 0.5 seconds, however it seems that this time is not enough for you to complete a second hit (which was kinda the point, forcing one player to be on the defense very briefly and thus entangeling the whole combat situation).
    Basically you JAB -> Hit the enemy (he gets the semi-0.5sec-stun), next JAB will be a clash since the enemy can allready JAB again (or at least early enough to count as a clash). So repeated hits are not possible if both are spamming the jab.
    I think the semi-stun needs a very slight increase, not so much that its overpowering but enough so that the one landing the first jab can basically keep on stabbing repeatedly (making the combat more clear and less random). Maybe 0.6 or 0.7 sec?
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Tried it for 5 minutes, with a ping of 166 I was lagging balls. Is this intentional? I've always had a ping of around 166 except on maybe 1-2 servers (US)(maybe I get 66-100 if lucky) where I rarely can find people playing.

    Never had much lag other than server lag when I had ping of 166, but holy crap this time it was insane, everyone and everything was super laggy, like 200-300ms delays.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I think we will get used to the new knight combat as everyone has been saying, but I don't think we'll ever like it better.

    Last patch: Archer receives fun nerf. This patch: knight receives fun nerf.

    Time to minecraft?
    Noburu likes this.
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    What shad said. I also noticed a huge jump in RAM usage.

    This is not network-specific cause my servers run on different hosts , it's unlikely they're both under strain/DDoS or whatever at the same time.
  5. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    yup, weird lagspikes noticed too

    yes please.

    Got used to the jumping after playing for a bit too.
    And sorry to hear about knight nerfs, looks like we're evenly crippled now ^^ *evil laugh*
  6. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    Like the new update, don't love it, but like it, used to be that one knight with enough skill could kill two lesser knights, but now I just die die die.

    but then again I'm now the pumpkin king, so random thought, Is the pumpkin slot going to be seasonal?
    Halloween - pumpkin
    Christmas - santa hat and beard
    Easter - bunny
    St. Patrick's - leprechaun hat and beard
    Talk like a pirate day - eye patch
    so on and so forth.

    That would be really cool, and It would not be to hard to do, I hope.
  7. Knight1

    Knight1 Shark Slayer

    Why does everyone think this is a nerf for the knight. I actually think it has improved him. You have to stab when you think they are charging up, or charge up when you think they don't know you are going to. Its a game of wits and not jumping around swinging randomly (Though it still is to an extent)

    I think the only way you can really see the knight combat in its glory is in a passage way, where people can't jump and rely on certain moves at certain times.
  8. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Here is another glitch: The winning team gets faster respawns at the start of the next match if they killed all of the losing team. Essentially since everyone on the losing team needs to respawn they have to go through a respawn timer while the winning team doesnt. Gives an unfair advantage to the winning team in the next round.
  9. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Knight1, if it were that simple, it would become a game of chess. Not everyone charges, some people throw in shield bashes and other people try to get on your head. Couple clashing with that when its not supposed to happen, random charges coming from not fully charged knights and lag issues, its a mess. I dislike the clashing and I think the 0.5 attack stun when stabbed would be enough for people to not stab each other endlessly (you can still move and block after being stabbed)
    Bandwagonman likes this.
  10. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    Three issues that compromise gameplay but I think could be easy to fix.

    Players can mount themselves into a catapult after it started charging. This doesn't seem like a big issue, but it can be decisive when you need to destroy an opposing team's catapult that's sieging your castle and your teammates keep hopping into the catapult (for a launch to certain death) you are trying to fire.
    A related issue is the one Quimbo posted about. People can pickup the catapult you're charging to fire, ruining your shot and your patience.
    Proposal: once someone starts charging a catapult, no one can pick it up or mount themselves until it shots the rocks.

    Picking resources is bugged:
    Consider the following situation: you have 200 stone with you and there's a 100 stone stack in front of you.
    You walk over the 100 stone stack and pick up 50, capping at 250 stone. The problem is the other 50 stone you can't pick up disappear!
    What should happen is that those 50 stone you can't pick up should remain untouched on the ground, as the last pic shows. This also applies to wood.
    baranok, Rainbows, haladuz and 3 others like this.
  11. Quimbo

    Quimbo Shopkeep Stealer

    I think it would be better if catapults wouldn't be able to carry while someone is using them. I mean, we gotta explicitly select "use" in the menu so the game knows someone uses it, right?
    Fellere825 and Strathos like this.
  12. Knighthart

    Knighthart is love Donator

    No idea if this belongs here, but a few minutes ago I encountered a bug:

    Using 3 Knights shielding up, the lowest one was somehow able to climb to the top with the other 2 staying in free space.
    We almost managed to climg a whole pit up, though as someone got their timing wrong we all fell down.

    Reminds me of the flying knights we had a while ago, so this might also be added officially sometime :p
  13. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I need to know, can slashing be clashed with stabs and other slashes? I've pinned enemy knights in tunnels countless times with who knows how many other friendlies behind me and we all form a nonstop slash machine and they survive for FAR too long.

    I just don't know anymore. Combat is much too convoluted & unpredictable already, this update just made it worse in my opinion.
  14. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Oh yeah, my server has been eating up a load more resources too.
    Duke_of_Sausages likes this.
  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Hmm, but the game seems to run better now on my crappy laptop with a AMD Sempron 3500+ proc (OLD!) and 896mb ram and integrated graphics :eek:

    At least it doesnt freeze my game up and disconnect me when people collapse large structures now. Havent noticed much difference on my desktop either but its got 8gigs of ram.
  16. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    I don't think you should be able to dig down to the void of nothingness.
  17. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Why not? Its the most epic trap ever! Me and other builders have been doing this a lot lately when possible. Its not possible a lot of the time though because of bedrock.

    I would like to add that I hate maps that have TONS of sky and/or underground. It slows down and takes away too much focus from the game. You usually get minecrafters who just tunnel or build sky bridges the whole time. They dont really contribute anything to the team and sometimes the tunnels get used by the enemy.

    Im not saying ALL tunneling and skybridges are useless though, far from it. They just need to be used in the right situations.
  18. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Also jabbing is incredibly OP. I was stuck in a 2 by 2 as a knight with the flag and I literally killed at least 10 knights and builders by jabbing them as they tried to kill me. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay OP
  19. Asterix

    Asterix Shopkeep Stealer

    Hopefully this comes in, it would be great! I suggest maybe setting up some sort of approval system for the guards such that they can login for 2 minutes, look at the submitted heads and 'tick' for acceptance or 'cross' for non-acceptance. this would prevent the inevitable idiot knight jumping around with a penis for his head... the shame of getting killed by him would be enough to make you quit kag.
  20. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I never used to get stun locked but I am now a lot. Many times I'll get jabbed to death and not be able to shield the whole time due to that delay thing being weird.

    If I manage to block a jab and I try to counter jab it gets parried. If I position myself well and set up a slash it also gets parried. Doesn't seem like a nerf to jab spamming at all.

    edit: just played a bit in tutorial where there's NO LAG.

    You CAN be stunlocked to death.
    You can jab at the same time and you'll get parried AND hit.
    Sometimes you get parried for NO REASON.