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[1087] catakill

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Vampire, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. So you ride your cata into the trampoline and it shoots it forward really fast.
    insta kill.
    easy to make.

    EDIT: this was made in order to instantly kill a enemy player by pummeling them by the catapult.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
    NinjaCell, kodysch and franek123 like this.
  2. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Wait, can you drive through your own doors without mowing them down? :eek:
  3. metalcallous

    metalcallous Shipwright

    Next question: the doors are holding that trampoline erect, if those doors are opened won't it make them fall down? I'm curious as to try out some sort of infantry launcher on the near ground level, especially if near water. A knight can just enter a tramp cannon and block down in preparation for a shield slide.
    zerd likes this.
  4. The trampoline wont fall when the doors are opened.
    Yes shield gliding while going though a tramp ejects the knight at a higher speed.
    here is a very ugly gif
    zerd likes this.
  5. emasame

    emasame Bison Rider

    please make a video of this for lols sake.
  6. Kotobukiya

    Kotobukiya Shopkeep Stealer

    dont you need to reset this after each use? Kinda trouble some if you dont get the whole clump of knights in one shot
  7. koto there will be a trampoline on the other side which will bounce me back and forth
  8. Kotobukiya

    Kotobukiya Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah it sounds quite legit if you add another trampoline to the other side. Can imagine it cutting through swathes of knights =D Great idea for a surprise trap though knights may try to lock your cata
  9. koto at the speed the cata is going it would be hard to lock it.
  10. Kotobukiya

    Kotobukiya Shopkeep Stealer

    I guess i will give it a try later on