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The forst time you got the flag.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AJ, Nov 5, 2011.


How did you feel when you first got flag?

  1. It felt good.

    25 vote(s)
  2. I never got it.

    2 vote(s)
  3. Other.

    7 vote(s)
  1. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    How did you feel?I felt good.

    EDIT:I mean the first time you got to the enemies' tent took the flag and brought it to your tent and won.
  2. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    Not sure if this topic really belongs here, I don't see how we can really discuss this.
    Probably the enemy flag.
  3. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I honestly don't remember my first time, probably because the number of CTF games I've played is probably nearing the thousands :S

    But, I do remember when I captured a flag with zero resistance, in a full 32 player server, because the enemy had entombed themselves in a tunnel using outposts, and I was the only archer that was able to scale their walls using arrow ladders.
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Eggnogg = Flag slut
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I didn't know that I had the flag, and everybody was yelling at me.

    Then I noticed it and took it to the base. Felt good man.
    Eggnogg likes this.
  6. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    That used to happen to me ALL OF THE TIME in Team Fortress :S
  7. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    Ok , Well I have had a time when i had flag and lost it in the abyss

    I was last player alive and i dived and a arrow shot me
    my flag fell into the abyss :(
  8. Potassiumxthree

    Potassiumxthree Shipwright

    It was like the second time I played knight. Both teams got the flag but I killed the other flag carrier on the way back.
  9. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    The only thing i remember about it was the complete rout we did of the enemy team, and then me running back, spamming smilies. then when i came back to my base, it took me half a minute to understand i had to jump to return it, lol:D
  10. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    I await the bard guy to come in here and tell us a story of his flag capture with great detail.

    Also I do not remember my first flag capture either : <
  11. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Uh oh.

    I'm blaming my missing memory on the alcohol.
  12. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Successfully captured my thirteenth flag yesterday. Feels good as ever. The first time, however, it was the best.
    They were beating the hell out of us. We were out of lives and they still had sixty!
    Me as a knight and another guy as a builder dug under their wall. Very deep, we were digging, so no-one noticed us. We didn't have to dig far, as they had a vertical shaft at the back of their base. Man, it all happened so fast!
  13. I think getting a flag itself is not a big deal, since if you are grabbing the flag, and you have a good team, it will be a frenzy to get the flag, and you are safe until your reach your base. As in, if you get the flag, that usually has nothing to do with how well you did that round otherwise.

    Anyway, when I got flag I was super excited, because the entire run back to your base is like a victory lap with everyone highfiving you.
    Eggnogg likes this.
  14. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Well, it depends... but you're right.
    And that's what makes getting the flag so good: it is instant redemption for an otherwise failed round.
    As of yet, I haven't captured a flag when we were going to win anyway, so I feel okay there. :D
    Birdman159 likes this.
  15. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Flag caps where you got it by being a part of base raping knight mobs aren't very rewarding but solo caps are great. Before when archer was still fun I played on small servers of 8-10 people and would grab the flag within a minute or two of the game starting. Start sprinting as soon as the game starts, snipe some surprised workers, hide out of sight of some oblivious knights running past, sprint up a wall, bounce across some drawbridges, climb around some overhangs, grab the flag and sprint the hell out of there climbing up obstacles and avoiding knights as you flee. While the rest of your team is still minecrafting. That's a capture.

    Ninja bombjump caps are fun too. Bomb jump in, kill some dudes, lay down bomb, grab flag, catch ride on bomb.
    Kurohagane, Wyeth, AJ and 1 other person like this.
  16. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Captured it solo one time. Fun when everyone went "WTF?!" and "how did that happen!? lol" :)
    Neat and Wonkyth like this.
  17. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, solo is the best!
    When you're running back home, all your team gives you a :D
    You get to your tent, and the "WTF?" s ring out from the other team.

    EDIT: Also thought I'd mention, for Contrary's benefit, that my ninth capture was a double bomb-just solo job, but neither of the bombs were mine, or even thrown by someone on my team. We didn't even have a bomb workshop!
    So, a precautionary tale: beware throwing bombs around near your lower defenses, as knights may ride them to victory!
    EDIT 2: Actually, just now I remember that I was involved in a ninja-rush not that long ago. I didn't get the flag, that went to another archer in our team, but it went really well, getting us the flag a minute after the game had started!
    Never underestimate the power of six archers climbing over your walls and pin-cushioning you! :D
  18. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    @Contrary wow thats pro.
  19. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    God, I loved ninja bomb jump caps... did it all the time... sadly games only took 10 minutes that way :)
    I am glad they took it away though... too hard to defend against shit like that (if done right)
  20. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    But... I still do them...