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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Dialmen, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Dialmen

    Dialmen Bison Rider

    Server: Cat and Mouse.
    Time: About 12 minutes ago.
    Evidence: Screenshots:
    Chat Logs:
    [14:26:52] <c===3 serdjo> and play normal
    [14:26:54] <Jelus> i use cheat engine andC++ to make it
    [14:27:00] <jenda123> yes
    [14:27:17] <Jelus> look at u
    Reason: Cheating.
    Comments: He was flying in the map and I can't kill her or escape it.
  2. a_wolf_with_collar

    a_wolf_with_collar Catapult Fodder

    Server: Rockers Knightonly server

    Time: just now. 20 mins ago.

    Video: N/A

    Chat Logs

    [09:47:19] <ImAwesome> =D )___)))_)__
    [09:47:23] <matiko280> we suck :(
    [09:47:23] <Jelus> cant ban me now bitch
    [09:47:25] * Balancing the teams...
    [09:47:25] Youtu SonicBrony1 has joined Blue Team
    [09:47:25] matiko280 has joined Blue Team
    [09:47:25] RainbowDash_101 has joined Red Team
    [09:47:25] Lady Daveymaple has joined Red Team
    [09:47:25] ImAwesome has joined Blue Team
    [09:47:25] Jelus has joined Red Team
    [09:47:25] <Youtu SonicBrony1> idiot
    [09:47:27] <Jelus> cant ban me now bitch
    [09:47:27] <Delta PixieKeira> when 50 people try to shove my bomb up their ass, it;'s hard to jump it
    [09:47:28] <Youtu SonicBrony1> moder
    [09:47:29] RainbowDash_101 has joined Blue Team
    [09:47:33] <matiko280> girl is best :(
    [09:47:37] <RainbowDash_101> my internet isnt hacked
    [09:47:38] <RainbowDash_101> loser
    [09:47:41] <Youtu SonicBrony1> lag
    [09:47:46] * The teams are in need of balancing!
    [09:47:46] TZU55 a_wolf_with_collar is now known as WOLF a_wolf_with_collar
    [09:47:46] <Delta PixieKeira> Jelus I have you on fraps, and this video is getting submitted
    [09:47:47] * SonicBrony1 is being swapped to the other team, because the teams are unbalanced!
    [09:47:47] * ImAwesome is being swapped to the other team, because the teams are unbalanced!
    [09:47:47] * a_wolf_with_collar is being swapped to the other team, because the teams are unbalanced!
    [09:47:47] Youtu SonicBrony1 has joined Red Team
    [09:47:47] ImAwesome has joined Red Team
    [09:47:47] WOLF a_wolf_with_collar has joined Red Team
    [09:47:50] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> hacker
    [09:47:54] <Jelus> do i give a shit about ur internet
    [09:47:59] <Youtu SonicBrony1> +1
    [09:48:03] * The teams are in need of balancing!
    [09:48:04] * ImAwesome is being swapped to the other team, because the teams are unbalanced!
    [09:48:04] ImAwesome has joined Blue Team
    [09:48:11] <RainbowDash_101> jelus fails at life
    [09:48:12] * Balancing the teams...
    [09:48:12] matiko280 has joined Red Team
    [09:48:12] Lady Daveymaple has joined Blue Team
    [09:48:12] ImAwesome has joined Red Team
    [09:48:12] Delta PixieKeira has joined Blue Team
    [09:48:12] Jelus has joined Blue Team
    [09:48:12] <Delta PixieKeira> Internet? I said you're getting banned.
    [09:48:14] <RainbowDash_101> jelus fails at life
    [09:48:15] <RainbowDash_101> jelus fails at life
    [09:48:16] <RainbowDash_101> jelus fails at life
    [09:48:26] <Youtu SonicBrony1> hey
    [09:48:34] <RainbowDash_101> jelus threatened to "hack and shut down my internet"
    [09:48:35] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> jesus...
    [09:48:35] <RainbowDash_101> loser
    [09:48:40] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> BAN THAT HACKER
    [09:48:42] * Balancing the teams...
    [09:48:43] <RainbowDash_101> jelus threatened to "hack and shut down my internet"
    [09:48:53] <RainbowDash_101> bring it on butt cheeks
    [09:48:54] <Delta PixieKeira> Oh hats a fun joke, I'm a fucking technician.
    [09:49:08] <Delta PixieKeira> thats*
    [09:49:12] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> noclip???
    [09:49:15] <Youtu SonicBrony1> hey
    [09:49:18] <RainbowDash_101> haha
    [09:49:23] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> REPORT THAT HACKER TO FORUM
    [09:49:23] * Balancing the teams...
    [09:49:23] Youtu SonicBrony1 has joined Blue Team
    [09:49:23] matiko280 has joined Blue Team
    [09:49:23] RainbowDash_101 has joined Red Team
    [09:49:23] Lady Daveymaple has joined Red Team
    [09:49:23] ImAwesome has joined Blue Team
    [09:49:23] Delta PixieKeira has joined Red Team
    [09:49:23] Jelus has joined Red Team
    [09:49:23] WOLF a_wolf_with_collar has joined Blue Team
    [09:49:28] <ImAwesome> jelus hack much =0
    [09:49:37] <Jelus> ok report me
    [09:49:45] <Jelus> i will laugh so much
    [09:49:53] <Jelus> they cant do shit on my ip
    [09:49:55] <RainbowDash_101> he probably has an ip changer to be unhacked form any server <-- Jelus has IP changer, probably.
    [09:50:01] <Jelus> my ip is invisable
    [09:50:08] <Delta PixieKeira> your username is not.
    [09:50:08] <RainbowDash_101> i doubt that
    [09:50:17] <Jelus> yep
    [09:50:23] <RainbowDash_101> go pixie!
    [09:50:24] <Jelus> I call my self Jelus
    [09:50:25] <RainbowDash_101> NERD RAGE
    [09:50:33] Youtu SonicBrony1 left the game
    [09:50:36] <RainbowDash_101> oooh
    [09:50:38] <matiko280> :D
    [09:50:42] <WOLF a_wolf_with_collar> BRB.
    [09:50:42] * Balancing the teams...
    [09:50:42] RainbowDash_101 has joined Blue Team
    [09:50:42] ImAwesome has joined Red Team
    [09:50:42] Jelus has joined Blue Team
    [09:50:42] <ImAwesome> bomb wow i didnt know
    [09:50:43] <RainbowDash_101> boom headshot

    Reason: Fly hacking, Noclip hack, speedhack.

    Comments: N/A
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Reported by a Guard and flagged/banned.
  4. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    I have found out that Jelus has created a new account called Jelus1 and is in a group of hackers, he told me, but I can not guarantee that this is true.

    So far, I have found out 3 of the members of this hacking group including Jelus, Flepio, and grifindor including some alts named k19 through to k22(this may have changed), Im_retardedretard and flepio2.

    Also, I have a video footage of Jelus1 and grifindor, along with some screenshots and some support of other players included in the video.

    Sorry, I have no idea how to add videos, but I have it here.
  5. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Just upload it to youtube and share the link to it here.

    Side note - I've banned today Jelus2 (he got reported by a Guard).
  6. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to post my video due to some issues, but, I have also fount out that he has made another alt, called Jelus3.
    I am trying the best I can to get my videos to upload.
  7. Sammy257

    Sammy257 Shopkeep Stealer

  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    He got reported by a Guard and flagged/banned.
  9. Yantex

    Yantex :^)) Donator
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]
