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Heads won't change on premium account

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Alicuza, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Alicuza

    Alicuza Shipwright

    Hy guys, just bought the game, but the heads refuse to change even though I activated my account on the website.
  2. Skulz

    Skulz Shipwright

    Hey, same problem here, it continues to say that I need a premium account.
  3. dledger

    dledger Shipwright

    Hey, same problem too... I have activated it and it even says on the website Premium Account but when I log in no premium... :(
  4. dledger

    dledger Shipwright

    I think the problem is is that the accounts aren't attacthed to the game only the website..
  5. MoonGeek

    MoonGeek Shipwright

    The problem is that the authentication servers are down, i to am having the same problem but its just a minor bump that comes from being in early alpha, so dont worry you will get your premium status back before you know it.
    Wonkyth, Kagesha and Valkyrie like this.
  6. Alicuza

    Alicuza Shipwright

    Thx. I just wanted to know what's up.