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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    This is why I identify potentially problematic builders before start time and freeze them until after the initial rush is over. Saves their team from frustration, the opposing team from a disappointingly ez rushwin, me from getting overly high bloodpressure, and them from being banned from the server for the day for griefing. See? Everyone can be a winner. ::):
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  2. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    (Now I know how to be a more insatiable builder.)

    I am very good at repairs, and barricading; now to use them to make everyone sad.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  3. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    a bus
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Yes, but if that's what it takes to keep the Australian servers less-shit, then I'm okay with that.
  5. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Beep beep, get off the road, fuck ass.

    (EDIT I: I learned a few things, and this is just what the Red Base looks like~)
    The right side of the Bottom Flag Cave is Empty, and those red doors you see, I keep on blocking them with stone
    Also, the water cave is blocked off on the far end with three stone blocks, and a stone door, giving blues two more entrances.
    (Behind that oak tree is a directional plat facing towards the red tent.)

    (EDIT II: I marked it up to show you how fucked the Reds were.)
    Red Crosses are Red Doors that are blocked. Red Arrows are where Reds can go.
    Blue Lines show Blue Doors. Blue Arrows show where Blues can come from.
    Orange Boxes are Spikes

    (Edit III: I've never seen this kind of kill before; a kill by shield stomping usually recorded as a kill by stomp, not shield)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    zerd likes this.
  6. wilpin7

    wilpin7 Lewd~ Donator
    1. KAG Competitive League

    I just found out what a lot of people do in kag [​IMG] I represent myself as the eagle :P
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    the shield hitter is kinda wonky, it doesnt apply all the time.

    fun fact, i screwed up my scripts a few days ago and everything was showing up as shield kills until i updated again.
  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Some disappointing matches in which I battle buildered the game, winning.

    Surprising how even half heart damage on retracting spikes kill so many people, let alone nobody having the two bits to realize they should weather down the spikes.

    EDIT I :
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  9. KingXandercosm

    KingXandercosm Shipwright

    This story makes me laugh hilariously and at the same time feel enraged...

    So I was on Black Death TTH or something (didn't really check the server) and I had bomb-jumped up onto a ridge that had a big enemy base on top of it. I get up and start climbing up the wall... Then a horde of players run out of the base! I jump off the wall and onto, like five heads and they all die and I just keep doing this as the guys come out... Then finally -after tons of kills- I get killed and one guy says "Hacker!!!" and then BAM! kicked...

    It was SOOO funny! 25252525

    //Edit from Kouji: merged
  10. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Today I zambied at Beo's.

    1. Added Link to First Entry
    2. Added Half-Hammed Statistics
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
  11. AsIPutOnMyWizRobes

    AsIPutOnMyWizRobes Catapult Fodder

    Had a fun clan war with STORM earlier today. DUCKS lost, sadly, but I think we held our own pretty well for awhile. One cool thing was in the first game I shot a loaded keg in the mid-air and it went back to their side. :)
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Ahoyhoy, party peeps. Anyone mind giving me a quick update on the game in general, I was around briefly for beta testing but I haven't sank my teeth into the new version yet.
  13. Boea

    Boea Such Beta


    Buildings are very unstable (high-cost, high risk chance, high risk).
    Lag (More notable problem).
    Every class is strangely powerful, and worthless at the same time.
    Water is always bad.
    Every class is awkwardly hyper mobile.

    And that's to say the least.
  14. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    -Knights have been redone as ninjas.
    -To play archer you need to be a hardcore pussy.
    -Builders are the dopiest classes possibly designed.
    -Water maps deserve no respect.
    -Any competitive side of KAG died, rip*

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
  15. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Why are clans dead?
  16. They are very much alive over here
  17. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Steam newbies didn't quite get the grasp of clans, even contests like CSK didn't really get them that involved.

  18. Such negativity.

    Buildings, in comparison to classic are more fragile. It is easier to mine through stone, and there are many more powerful explosives. There are similar designs to Classic, but notching does not exist. Instead, there is wallrunning, which is much quicker and more arcadey. It's also more accurate, movementwise.
    As release is faster paced, lag factors in much more. This is the same with any game with a fast pace. It is difficult to fight accurately in release with >200 ping. Lagswording like you could do in Classic just does not occur.
    Every class hyperspecialises in their area.
    Archers now cannot stun with a full charge, and deal less damage per shot, but their fire rate is greatly increased vs. classic. Archers get three new types of arrows: Water, which stuns in a small area (not unlike old school archers at full charge.), Fire, used to ignite wooden structures and siege engines, and also can be used to light players on fire on a hit, dealing slow DoT unless they put themselves out in water or with a bucket of water. Bomb arrows, which are pinpoint area destruction. Highly accurate, practically uncounterable except by a vigilant builder patching the holes. Archers must get much closer to foes in order to reliably hit - they cannot fire across the map without a care in the world anymore. Archers can fire a "legolas shot" by overcharging. This fires three arrows with a little more random deviance to their flight path - inaccurate at long range, but a close range (<10 tiles) legolas shot deals two hearts of damage to a shielding knight, and 3 or more on anyone else. (more if you're using your utility arrows.) It takes very long to charge compared to the knight's double slash.

    Knights can now trigger double-slash by overcharging, where in classic they had to connect with their first hit. Knight's slashes launch them very slightly in the direction of the attack, and the faster a slashing knight is moving when he hits, the higher the priority of the slash (likelihood of hitting before the opponent). Thus, a fast moving knight is a strong knight. The knight also gets two new toys to play with. The knight's old handbomb is weaker vs. buildings, but does just as much "anti-infantry" style damage as before. It's quite easy to instagib weaker classes with it, and a knight standing on it is probably dead unless they're very lucky. Knight's damage is roughly the same as it was in classic, however they are much faster. They also have directional jabbing.
    The new toys: knights get Water bombs, similar to the archer's Water arrows, but they are difficult to aim well and explode on hit, instead of time. They will stun anyone in the radius, which is pretty much only big enough for two, maybe three if they're all right next to each other. A poorly aimed water bomb will hit you as well, stunning you for the duration.
    They also get kegs (the other classes can carry, but not use them). Kegs are supremely destructive bombs, carried on the knight's back. The knight moves slower while carrying the keg, and the keg will be knocked off the knight's back by any successful hit. However, they can be lit with spacebar, and used to 'suicide-keg', or just dropped in a vulnerable area while everyone stands well clear. A keg dropped from very high up will explode on impact - a knight carrying a keg launched out of a catapult can light and throw it in mid air, and it will explode upon landing. This is pretty crazy when you see it in use.

    Builders physically haven't changed much besides getting a few more frames of animation, and hence a slightly lower attack speed. However, they get access to mines (well, any class can use these), which are instakill bombs that detonate on contact with a foe or foe's corpse. They can be 'defused' by hitting them with a sword or the builder's pickaxe, or forcibly detonated by an archer's arrow.
    While all classes can use this, it is built at the Knight's workshop.
    The Builder also gets the drill (again, everyone can use this, but builders have the resources to construct it) which can be used to mine quickly (losing 50% of resources) or to hurriedly tunnel through an opponent's wall. It overheats very rapidly, especially when not used on stone or dirt, but it is a very useful siege tool. A drill carrying builder vs. a normal builder will win if he's spinning the drill- but otherwise, it doesn't have much more combat utility.

    Water is still as difficult to play in as it was in classic, but there's a few things that make life easier.
    Swimming is possible by all classes, who all have the same amount of breath. Bombs will skitter along the surface of the water when thrown, giving knights a bit of an advantage in water. Arrows fired below the water will not go very far at all.
    There are three boats buildable similarly to siege engines - the Dinghy, a small, two man rowing boat with storage for items, but it is quite fragile. It costs a meagre 100 wood, if I recall. There's also the two bigger boats - the Longboat, which is somewhat capable of ramming holes in stone, and is faster than the dinghy, but has no weaponry, and the War Boat, which is less capable of ramming, but comes with a mounted bow on the mast, as well as space for a catapult or ballista, AS WELL as a mobile spawn point. You can also hide slightly inside the boat to protect yourself from bombs that bounce off the front of it.
    Ozminer, lukepop, Klokinator and 5 others like this.
  19. Too lazy to read this but seems good and thought out so I'll just give it a like :wink:
  20. Takain

    Takain Ballista Bolt Thrower

    this happened some days ago, but worthy to share
    Geti, Aurora-, Sir_Walter and 5 others like this.