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KTM - Kill the migrants

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Asu, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Server name : KTM - Kill the migrants
    Slots : 32
    Gamemode : Kill the migrants (Custom gamemode)
    Server location : France

    Welcome to the KTM server!
    What's KTM? It's a new gamemode, where the goal is to destroy your enemy migrants and to protect yours!
    Migrants spawns at your base every 2 minutes and you get some others at the party beginning (In fact, they spawn where flags are supposed to be). You must build dorms as possible and keep them safe, so your migrants gets in. Once the party start, you have to crush enemy dorms, until they don't have any sleeping migrant anymore!

    Admin list : AsuMagic, Diprog, Joiken, Shadowor, Tobz789
    RULES :
    1. Basic rules (No griefing, no hacking)
    2. Do not spam admins for stuff
    3. Killing your migrants (Even by giving them to enemies) is considerated as griefing
    Q&A :
    Q] I've got banned, but I don't know why!
    A] Try connecting few minutes later, it maybe was a ping ban. If it's not, make a ban appeal here.
    Q] Can you add... to the mod ?
    A] I won't add gameplay-changing stuff, only some little stuff that could be interesting. The main goal of the mod is just to make a huge migrant slaughter, basing on CTF, without changing too much the mechanics.
    Q] Can I be admin on your server?
    A] Send me a apply by PM. You'd say if you already was / you are admin on some server.
    Q] Is that just a temporary server or you'll keep it on?
    A] Yes, I guess i'll keep it on, because it has a lot of success (32 players on only the 4th round ever!).
  2. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    This seems oddly familiar... Are you a demon time traveler? (cough David Blaine; cough WAR Mode)
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    er.... I never saw that kind of server earlier... And I coded the mod yesterday... So I don't know how it could be
    Ah : I took the migrant code from another mod (Edit: And sorry, I don't know who was the author, but it's picked up from a zombie server) (I didn't know why, but onTick() wasn't called in my script based on the original migrant). Dorms were already existing, and the 'old' migrants (Before the TTH gamemode) were going to it automaticly. But the idea is mine. Btw, it's based on CTF. That's why there are so few scripts. I've tried to keep the mod the most compatible and light as possible.