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KAG New update

Discussion in 'Help' started by Swiftx, Jul 13, 2014.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    I wasn't sure where I should put this post so I just put it in the general chat and I am sure it will be moved accordingly.

    The issue I am having currently is that with the new update I can't record the game effectively anymore. I use Open Broadcaster recording software and my computer is perfectly capable of handling the little stress that this would cause. I must have recorded a couple hundred videos perfectly before this but now everytime I fire OBS up and start recording I lag so bad in game that its unplayable. This happened with the new update. Any advice, questions or comments please let me know. Again I assure you it isn't my computer.
  2. Do you mean lag as in ping, or framerate?
  3. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    Framerate. Ping is fine.
  4. What video card and CPU are you running?
  5. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    I run a six core amd processor 3.5 ghz and an r7 2gb graphics card.
  6. The fact that you're running AMD probably has something to do with it, as I run an AMD Vision A8 (quad core, 1.9ghz, turbos to 2.8ghz) with an AMD Radeon HD 7640M, and i get horrible, horrible stutters. Try updating your AMD video drivers.
  7. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    I have done all that and as I said before I have recorded this game with no problems at all before this last patch so I highly doubt it is my CPU. Plus my CPU is definitely strong enough to record KAG xD I am 100% sure of this.
  8. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    AMD might be your issue. I have the same CPU and same problem. ~8 FPS.
  9. Swiftx

    Swiftx Cleave and Smile Donator

    My point is, even if AMD is the issue, it didn't start happening until after the last update. I was recording and streaming the game perfectly fine. It is an AMD processor, yes, but by no means is it a weak processor. This game takes little to nothing to run.
  10. It seems to depend on the AMD processor - i've had this issue with an AMD A8-4500M for about 100 builds now. I'm pretty sure Geti's looking into the causes.
  11. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    No update for classic ;(
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey