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The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by CaptainKyle, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    We are the ones who walk along the path of shadow those who abandon the light and the chaos of war
    We are the thieves who run the blood of those we target and the clink of gold is the only sound that mark our presence
    We fight for ourselves, we follow our own code, our own creed, The existence of gold is both a gift and a curse.
    We are not soldiers, nor are we warriors or heroes,we see these people as our prey and we the hunters.

    Whether to fight for gold or fight for the king

    The choice is for you to make.

    master thief.png

    Now,for the thieves here already
    due to the transfer our activites have been joggled up a bit
    so lets get these few things straightened off
    1)Aside from our regular stealing all contracts can be posted in the comment section below
    2)A thief meeting will be held next week friday so please be present
    3)If anyone can draw or create a pic or image of thieves in a bar getting drunk and gold all over the place will get a reward!
    4)Keep stealing don't stop! And if you didn't stop keep going.

    Aside from that all we have to do is wait for like four comments then we change the sections and we will just continue as usual so!

    For Gold!
    For the death of guards!
    For the family!
    For the Thieves Guild!
    I am CaptainKyle the master thief of the thieves guild,
    I am your brother and your leader
    I am here to help you along the path of the thief as well as my fellow senior thieves
    so welcome to the family
    and remember
    Gold is our life blood

    Now,for the thieves here already
    due to the transfer our activites have been joggled up a bit
    so lets get these few things straightened off
    1)Aside from our regular stealing all contracts can be posted in the comment section below
    2)A thief meeting will be held next week friday so please be present
    3)If anyone can draw or create a pic or image of thieves in a bar getting drunk and gold all over the place will get a reward!
    4)Keep stealing don't stop! And if you didn't stop keep going.

    Aside from that all we have to do is wait for like one comment from four different people then we change the sections and we will just continue as usual so!


    All other thieves i am so sorry for forgetting your names but please comment your below and i shall add your name to the list and also we shall be moving to the serious section as soon as i can contact kag staff member! So hold on to those bags of gold!


    Okay so good news and bad news. Good news is that we are getting new recruits all the time even with the clan pages being moved and i also have some plans on branching out the guild into other games,But im still thinking it over and trying to make sure i dont over extend myself or anyone else and also we are going to have 2 new ranks ,bad news i wont be very active due to me having exams soon so yea.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  2. Hello, I am a top tier thief accredited in thiefing, stealing, making spooky crime times, and doing the dirty.

    I can thief nine people any minute, and I once thieved an entire server.

    Please consider me for top thief,
    Ebony Shadow Darkness McThief Sharkistan XVI Monsieur Icarus
  3. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    Whats the most gold you ever stole lad
  4. 500 boatloads of sheckels.
    -Ebony Shadow Darkness McThief Sharkistan XVI Monsieur Icarus
  5. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    well on number i stole about 25,000 on one server in classic kag and in beta heh i think that will be my secret for now
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 9, 2014 ---
    i dont know how much 25,000 gold is in boatloads of sheckels but mind doing the exchange rate for me?
  6. If thieves ever broke into my house and searched for money, I'd just laugh and search with them.
  7. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    xD epic lad lol
  8. Gold doesn't matter, its how smart you are at combat and gold stealing. Wisdom is the only key to survival.
  9. CaptianSlyfox

    CaptianSlyfox Arsonist

    So this is like a clan page?
  10. You should post the members here. I think I got an ounce of gold before.
  11. Slyfox, this is not the clan page...
  12. CaptianSlyfox

    CaptianSlyfox Arsonist

    Ok, i didn't think so
  13. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Lol.. Last time i stolled gold:gold_mat: of a builder:builder:.. then he started killing me but he failed.. He tryed getting the gold back about 15 times:huh?:.. but then he kept failing and started to rage:>:(: and left the erver::P:
  14. livsnitch

    livsnitch Shipwright

    I can't remember how much I've stolen in one day. Too much for me to use! A lot of clicking at the trader to get my coins.
  15. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    wisdom ,skill and discretion these are the aspects we strive on and prosper on these are the aspects of us that make us thieves
    and as epic said its the wisdom you bare that ensure your survival and he is correct but
    hey we gotta slack off sometimes :p
  16. I stole shitload of golds (550 gold) that day, and then throw them down to the pit in front of the builders eyes. Their looks... full of grief and hatred...
  17. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Man i just stoled gold today from a builder.. He said that i am a stealer then he banned me of a server.. i was like What the F#@*$!!!!:rektlord:
  18. I killed a builder>He dropped 6 gold> I took it> Banned
  19. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    lol xD
    Its like this.. You still a gold.. you get banend then your computor says to you.. Surprise Motherfucker :P::):
  20. Call who ever that is a bitch. Ill slap his cock one day