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BUILD 1215 - Rebalance and Fix Central

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hint, hint. Donate!
  2. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    That's it, specially the teamwork thing, but I'd say more "give it a month": I've suffered the same thing as the knights whining in this post after build 939 (the one right before "stomp does not stun the stomper"), and believe me, I felt this game (my KAG where I owned as knight) was so ruined. Accepting to be killed by new steam players after having really great performances as knight was so hard, my KAG Beta had dissappeared.

    The game is not dead, I think in terms of balance it's in a better shape than ever. But it's about getting used to it again, eventhough the fact that not being as good knight as before can be a bit frustrating at the beginning, but let's think about what the game itself needs and less in how we want it to be. I'm sorry to hear some players saying they won't play anymore, please give this a try from time to time, and you might understand what most of the testers say, that this now is a better game to play.

    Apart from that, and following the thing on the maps regarding the wallclimb, these changes are way too notorius in TDM, where now players sometimes struggle to climb and make smooth transitions. TDM in general feels better, yeah being a bit slower is way much better in my opinion, but atm I can't tell if after a while we won't miss being able to wallrun further. Perhaps some maps could be tweaked.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  3. This thread really fucking pisses me off.

    I had to read that old time forum members are not loyal to the game.
    After all I endured. I spent 3 years playing this game, moderating this site, hosting tournaments, organizing clan wars, helping with testing.
    3 years and last 6 or so months I had to force myself to play KAG at all because I just didn't like the game. There have been tons of build I hated. And I still played all of them more than I should have.

    And you, you fucking steamies, decide to all leave because of 1 patch you don't agree with and then proceed to call all of us, who stayed with this game and the community through good and bad days "not loyal"?
    You don't fucking know what loyal means

    Get of your fucking high horse, good weather friends, and then please proceed to fuck off and never come back if you want to act like this.
    101i, Vidar, NinjaCell and 14 others like this.
  4. Medieval

    Medieval Haxor

    And i don't understand why they are crying...

    Yes, no more op knight, yes, game is more balanced. don't see any problems.
    You think it was funny to see a lone knight fucking all our defenses? Now, you need your team to win, so, stop crying, it's not fucking call of duty. there is 3 classes, use them.
  5. you think what ive been doing you idiot?
    i simply never threatened a ragequit like a 5yo

    edit: werent you supposed to leave the game? please do it?
  6. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Can't you just re-learn the mechanics and become "over-powered" again? I played today and it's not that much of a change in general. You just have to be more carefull.
    This is what everyone else has to do. Re-learn the game. You can be good again but it takes time like all games.
    AdrianC and Medieval like this.
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    we HAVE been letting the developers know what our issues with the game are, which is why we're getting a balance patch now. did you ever think to put two and two together??
    Noburu, Medieval and Gurin like this.
  8. TheAverageMan

    TheAverageMan Shark Slayer
    1. DUCKS - We Love DUCKS


    This game is the developer's baby, they've put their sweat and blood into it. The devs will do what the devs want to do, of course that doesn't mean that community feedback isn't wanted or that community feedback doesn't change anything -but in the end it's up to the people designing the games, not the people who play them.

    No one is really solving anything by getting in a tiff with each other and no one is really here to have their opinions changed it seems :l (not that writing this solves anything either).
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
    dnmr and Noburu like this.
  9. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    MFW still arguing while geti wont revert anything becauze its gud
    Medieval likes this.
  10. Aurora-

    Aurora- Shopkeep Stealer

    People are being very over reactive considering it has been hardly 24 hours. You need to be a little more patient instead of just going off what you have encountered in first 3 games of playing, especially since this build is quite a game changer.
    The problem is people care far too much about their K : D ratio rather than team work and capping the flag (I am even guilty of this and I play archer), just because you can't cut through hoards of enemies with spamming slash any more doesn't mean the game is 'ruined' you have to adapt to these changes and that doesn't happen in the first few games of playing.

    Since playing I have seen significant increase in teamwork, I've seen others and myself helping knights advance using arrow ladders (something you rarely see used until this update) and blowing wholes into towers/walls that are too big with bomb arrows etc.
    Builders have been going up front more often to help the team advance, instead of minecrafting at the back of the base.
    Knights have actually been using their shields as ladders too, giving other knights step ups over walls.
    This is happening because knights cannot advance over every enemy tower they see, the game actually needs all three classes now to win the game instead of just a couple of good knights. :0)

    Honestly the community doesn't need people who give up on the devs after a single build that they think is bad, we're here to give feedback and help improve the game. Not threatening to leave unless it is reverted, that's just immature.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  11. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Aurora for president please.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, Medieval and Aurora- like this.
  12. DatNobby

    DatNobby Haxor

    is there even any point to this discussion anymore? it's just people yelling how KAG is shit and then the people who actually understand what's good for the game telling them to fuck off, plus there's barely any actual feedback on the build cause everyone gets sucked into this argument
    Lawrence_Shagsworth and Noburu like this.
  13. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    No one seems to understand that playing offensive, (FULL REK MODE OH YEA BABY A TRIPLE) isnt an option anymore. the game is now more geared towards playing smartly and defensively as knight and helping out the team. the players that want to leave i can tell were the offensive types that just liked rushing in and killing everything instantly without trying to protect yourself. As long as you actually try to relearn the game instead of flipping out because its different then maybe there wouldn't be all of this drama...
  14. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay


    50,000 was an example. The fact is that while it wouldn't hurt to get more players, we're pretty fine in terms of how many people we have playing. It's not like it's the same 200 to 300 people all day. People alternate based on their own personal schedule, and for an indie game we have a good base built up. Some newbies, and some oldies, just wish to bitch because it's not COD sized.
  15. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Lonewolfing is still possible, at least for now. You can still occasionally (if you see an opening) jump over everything and crash their base and kill them all by yourself. The difference is it's a lot harder to pull off (due to border changes), more situational, and most importantly, there are better things for a knight to be doing, most of the time. That's mostly why I think this patch is so great - they didn't totally change the game, but they did shift things towards teamwork.

    The jabstun change that everyone is whining about is barely even a stun, and is more like an interrupt. It is really hard to use effectively as far as I can tell, unless you're group jabspamming, which is terrifying. (But if you group up, you're more vulnerable to getting slashed as well!)
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  16. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    I've got to say, I really like the changes that happened, because previously, it was all about momentum, and I sucked playing that way. :P. There is a lot bigger emphasis on actually knowing what to do, when to move away, and forward, as opposed to. SLASH JUMP FORWARD SLASH DOUBLE SLASH YES REKTTT!
  17. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    as someone who pretty much mastered the knight, before this update, I can actually say that so far its not so bad. I havent really played that much yet but well see. But first impressions are ok!
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hell this isn't even that true. I can still mow down a hoard of steamies and occasionally a zen or two here and there the same as I did before this build.

    Hey guys, do you even know how to balance? Let's say that Geti nerfs knight. Let's say slash deals .5 heart dmg and a stab deals 4 damage. This is still balanced because every knight on the field has the same attack and they can all stab spam. Sure, it's not fair for archers and builders, but for the sake of knight v knight combat, it's still balanced because all knights have the same attack arsenal. What wouldn't be balanced is if geti made a knight gain .5 dmg to both attacks after every kill and they also regenerated life like a vampire whenever they killed someone. After a while the knight who had killed 10 guys would be immortal and invincible, and he would have a massive advantage over every other knight that spawned in. That's bad, this build is not bad.

    Before this build, slash killed everything. After this build, slash still kills fucking everything. I had my reservations when I saw this build, I don't like the clunky forward wall-climb mechanics atm, but this is by far the best build I've played yet. By far.
  19. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Build 1215 a.k.a. KAG Classic 2.0

    Now with increased perks to jab spamming.


    So really quick, knight shield glide is now no longer infinite to be fair to the rest of classes who also apparently have a shield glide.

    I kinda thought the shield glide was specific to knight. That, it was one of its abilities.

    Builder can build.

    Archer can grapple (which btw can save you from giant drops)

    Knight can infinitely shield glide... oh wait.


    I would go into other nit picks of this update, but I really don't want to spend the time pointing out the obvious flaws that many others can see.

    Overall, I think this update is not "Rough", it is just sloppy. Don't put out updates and makes promises for things you know you aren't ready for. Don't become like Warz / Infection: Survivor Stories.

    And just because you give warning that the update will be "rough", doesn't make it ok to make such changes.


    Oh, but thanks for implementing the ability to rebind emotes like I suggested a few months ago. It really helps get over the fact that you are trying to make KAG a super competitive MLG 360 No Scope #420Blaze it game, instead of making it a fun game that everyone enjoys playing.

    Remember back when KAG was chaotic as hell? Explosions everywhere. Blood and Body Parts flying all over the place? I do. Thats the KAG I want back, not a game stuck in constant "BALANCE" changes like it is now.

    Theres a reason why the "Balance" category on the forums says this:


    I have more experience suggesting bad ideas than anyone else here, so don't take lightly what I say. What is happening to KAG is ruining it.

    But of course, all is for not, the shit stained slope KAG's gameplay is sliding down has no way of getting back up it. A new game will come out and replace it before the game becomes fun again.



    - Love Duplo, Ex-Suggestion Maker and KAG Player.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
    Asu, Klokinator and Fuzzle like this.
  20. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    thanks for the constructive post, it is of the usual quality i've come to expect from you.

    as i've said multiple times in this thread, jab spamming can be simply blocked by shielding, if you cant press rmb i'd consider you legally retarded.

    as for knight shield gliding, it being infinite was a cancer upon this game. now people wont waste time building these retarded "tramp cannons" and will actually rush the enemy team with the resources they saved from not building these retarded cannons.

    also idk if you've noticed or not, but people are actually starting to work together now. MAN TEAMWORK IN A TEAM BASED GAME, WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?
    dnmr, FuzzyBlueBaron, Auburn and 8 others like this.