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BUILD 1215 - Rebalance and Fix Central

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I consider it more fun to work as a team than to destroy an entire base solo as a knight/builder because I'm 800% better than everyone else there. I also like working well with other people, all the best matches I've ever played were when both teams were constantly hounding each other, picking at little broken spots in walls and shit like they were scabs, and eventually tearing them down, leaving behind this awesome feeling of accomplishment that you and your team as a whole worked together to defeat a monumental enemy.

    A game where you can hop over a 14 tile tall wall as knight, destroy the entire base, and waltz out with the flag has its own perks, but I never feel that glowing sense of accomplishment in matches like that. More of a "I'm carrying this team while the rest of these noobs do nothing, fuck those guys" feeling.

    Btw, in case you're wondering why I liked your post, it's because of this line right here.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Breaking a shield stuns the player for less time.

    I guess the new strat is to hold your shield up forever and then jab whenever someone dumb enough to try to slash you gets in your range.

    And FYI, teamwork isnt being boosted because of the most recent changes. Its slowly been increasing since more players are getting better at the game.

    One other thing.

    Which is more fun, tramp cannons or having to constantly fight players in the same spot for the entire game?
    Sinleet and Fuzzle like this.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Knight combat is much better now
    ~former best knight
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    1) have you never noticed you used to be a ble to break someone's shield, then have a slash ready by the time they're able to reshield? yeah, that was bullshit, i'm glad you enjoy shit mechanics.

    2) sure you can try to do that but you'll just get killed by the other team when they get more than 1 knight in front of you,

    3) have you even played the patch enough? the teamwork has increased a ton from just 3 days ago, dont kid yourself.

    4)yes having knights fly across the map and invalidate all your defenses is really fun for all the classes
  5. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Tramp cannons are actually more effective now, in my opinion, as you can light a keg, wait a second, then jump in the cannon and shoot across the map, taking out the top of the enemy tower. That's what you could always do, but the difference is that now you can SEE the top of the map, not just randomly hit an arbitrary red line wall. Being able to actually see the top means that as a builder I can put the cannon at the very top exactly with no mistakes and enemies can't land on top of it and destroy it like they tend to do. I also know how to place it so that it will send the knights right into the enemy's main section, because I'm not an idiot.

    Speaking of which, tramp cannons > catapults any day of the week.
  6. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    What are you talking about. You cant load up a slash faster than someone raising his shield after a slash hit...

    Let me ask you; do you even play the game at all? And if so, what class are you always playing; archer or builder? Youre obviously not a knight since you always bash everything knights can do.
    ShinySkies and Fuzzle like this.
  7. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I'm talking about previously, before this build it was possible to pretty much stun lock someone by using single slashes on their shield.

    Yes, i play almost every day either on LK or CTF official US. when I do, I play knight, the majority of the time, i just dont think they should be able to do everything on their own. whats the point of having multiple classes if one of them just dominates everything? also can people quit fucking asking if others play the game. it's stupid and makes you look like a condescending prick. yes, most of us play, just because you dont see someone ingame doesnt mean they dont play.

    is that right? really? man i had no idea i was so fucking boring.
  8. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I find it HILARIOUS how kids argue with Rayne, that assume he knows not of which he's talking about. Rayne is one of the most experienced people on KAG. I guess experience means nothing against personal, bias, pissed off opinions and butthurt.
    SirDangalang, Anonymuse and Rayne like this.
  9. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    Well i think its boring to always have to depend on your teammates for everything. This means, with the current build(I think), that when your teammates are really bad, which happens more times than I find reasonable, you have to wait for them to get you further to the enemy base...
    This is a factor i hadnt noticed in my first post. But now I fear that making knights immobile will break the game for me. Nonetheless I will just keep playing to see if my fears are a reality or not.
  10. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i agree but you wont get more players because of comments like these
    anyone who disagrees with anything the developers make is a whining baby
    of course thanks for explaining to me that new player's opinions are worth alot less than old ones(i wonder why people leave?)

    the fact our opinions are discounted as we are crying babies is just purely disrespect that none of us showed you, and im proud i came from steam and will gladly go back.when you guys come to visit read all the kag reviews about how the community is toxic and then rethink all your posts(minus rayne i think your the only one who didnt refer to be as a whining baby?)
  11. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Once most of you love being rude and directly blame steamies for example.
    Just check my first message and its comments on my first profile page, I know how to swear too.

    Stop throwing new stupid arguments that doesn't fit to the current situation at all. KAG adapts itself to noobs which is causing its death.
    Seriously, instead of asking the community, you're simply asking "skilled" "oldfags" from your little and closed tester group. Do you think it's the right way? No.

    This update is only helping newbs/noobs to be better than advanced and skilled players.
    Don't you get it!? Ask @Lumeos, @Snake19 . I sometimes played intensively with them and they're way more skilled than barely anyone in this game.

    By the way http://pastebin.com/0uj52Lzg , to show how rayne loved to ridicule me

    Well, really no good warrior argued with him, not at all. Anyways, everyone knows there is only one skilled player. Nice sarcasm huh?
    Fuzzle likes this.
  12. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Well thats fine, because fun is subjective. IMO the classes being imba like they were was more of a fun killer than anything else in this game.
    >doesnt know how to press rmb to shield jabs
    continue to get mad, magic raft. nobody wants sword clashing, it's an awful idea. did you expect praise for asking for this feature to be added again?
    I've never played with any of those players, but their posts dont give me any reason to think they're "the best knights" as they exclaim. I ridicule you because you're complaining about a preventable situation, saying the game is broken. I dont think you understand what broken means, kid.
  13. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    There is a problem, I try to find a solution, instead of telling me it's not a good way kindly, you're kidding me and you ridicule me? Dude that's some a nice way to think.

    Join BD, /rank Snake19 /rank Lumeos and you're done, that's magic!
    Did I say the WHOLE game is broken? I just said the knight combat got nerfed a very bad way. (If you want a kid here we are, we've got ej. He loves insulting every guy he doesn't like.)
    Once you love to ridicule me, I'll love to. I'm quite good as this.
    PUNK123 and Fuzzle like this.
  14. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    they just name eachother because theyre french fagfriends. sangfroid (best knight1!1!1) with monsteri (former best knight1!1!1) would rek their whole french army

    10/10 would watch
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  15. Lumeos is pretty awful.

    btw the solution to your problem is not holding lmb blindly until you get outplayed by someone. learn to play
  16. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    doesnt BD not count deaths into the ranking formula? i dont think this is a proper measurement system lol.
  17. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    So, this build simply separated KAGs community? Shit, I hate to fight but this time I'm taking the 1215 lovers side. The major change (jab stun) isn't like a stupid devs' idea. It's not like a mindless experiment... It has already been done in classic. AND IT FUCKING WORKED! What's wrong with you, you get jabbed, how can you still slash, that's really dumb. People don't like cooperating (too small minds? being douches? idk), but that adds new ways of fighting knight groups. Before the build the only things you could do were all jab spam or all slash like idiots. Well some players (haven't actually seen anyone doing this... pretty sure I'm not the only one) jump out with their shields blocking the enemy attack, allowing teammates to strike and quickly kill the enemy without losing health. Now you can cancel slashes, make combinations of jumping out with jabbing, helping your team in other ways. It's really cool... Also it's not like you can jabspam more efficiently. You can't cancel a going slash. You can only cancel slashes from short distance. Someone can still load a slash a few blocks away and jump on you proppeled by it's... ehh... Yeah, whatever it is that boosts you when you swing your sword. So don't shit on me. It balanced duels greatly. Back then, when you got slashed while blocked in close space or simply unable to move for some reason, you were, well, fucked. Now you can save yourself, hooray. Not a duel is lost from the start. You have more than one chance. That's what was cool in classic. 10/10 would play.

    Now awaiting tldrs.
    voper45 likes this.
  18. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Okay - Let's be calm on this post, it'll change a bit everything.

    Apparently @Rayne and few others were against the knights changes until they played it. Why? Because most likely they're way better at teamworking or because their playstyle was just perfect for these changes.
    The thing is, KAG is not ready for teamworking. Mostly because the community isn't going to.

    In fact this update doesn't "rek mah skillz :c:c:c:c:c", once I barely have the same ratio as before. I just don't enjoy it as before.
    Fernegulus likes this.
  19. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad


    Opinions are not allowed.

    If I had the art skills I would make one of the OBEY posters for KAG.

    Also, you don't need to defend me. I think its funny how butt hurt people get when someone, most of the time me, posts. The only reason why I even still come onto the forums is to get a quick laugh out of people killing each other over a half assed opinion I post.

    Also the hipocracy is off the charts in this community. Early on my time in the forum I posted lots of balance threads, many that were similar to what has been now implemented.
  20. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    but the community IS using teamwork, i've seen an amazing amount of shield ladders being used, knights protecting builders, builders rushing to build ladders, and teams using groups to capture flags. these three builders earlier helped me cap both flags and it was some of the most fun i've had in kag in over a year.