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[USWEST][32P] Classic CTF+

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Harmony, Jul 3, 2014.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    Get it while the gettin is good
    Seems most boss, sorry if this trumps an official announcement
  2. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Server is apparently back online. YES. My buddy started it up without calling me lol.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 3, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 3, 2014 ---
    but this is in the wrong section i think :d
  3. Finally... US servers
  4. moved
  5. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    Well, now that that's settled[​IMG]
    Know you love
  6. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    Heh i happy i eu ;p
  7. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    pl0x bring back up (down for fixes?)
  8. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Wasnt aware it was down, i was out camping. i just got back and the server seems to be up :P
  9. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    More power to you, it was resolved within 24 hours of post
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 22, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 22, 2014 ---
    Yo I will take admin whenever, getting griefed left and right
    --- Double Post Merged, ---
    pl0x fix fall map too
  10. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Please state all your wants and needs, and i will get to fixing everything when i can. Sorry about my absence lately!
  11. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    Just a few bug fixes:

    Archer shop and knight shop swapped back to their original functions
    Make proper spawn points on the airy map where there's like maybe 100 blocks of stone and dirt and the rest is air? (Because everybody falls to their death every time)

    It's up to you on the health situation, most people are pretty offed that knights have four hearts (I sure don't mind though, lol)

    That's it. Catch you all sometime later on
  12. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Cool. thanks for making that list it helps when i go to make changes. Right now ive been lazy and havnt had the server files transfered over to my person vps, everything is still being hosted on theirs. that isnt a huge problem though its a fix that will take 10 minutes once i get in contact with them, Ive just been around doing my own thing lately so i havnt had time. Plus my computer fried a few months ago so i rarley get on. These changes will be made asap though!
  13. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    It would be boss if we could get some bot functionality, I tried the method in this thread https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/how-to-add-bots-to-a-server.6154/

    No dice, thanks much

    Edit: Talked to some bra and he told me it was because I wasn't superadmin, lol

    Edit 2: Also, we need to add some denys. Tons of hackers, only ones I can remember are gaglimis and aussiebruh, or hell, anything *bruh for that matter (guy's got like uruguaybruh, nigeriabruh, etc.)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  14. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Start listing names of people and ill admin them if i trust them enough. A global list of banned names too would be helpful for the ban seclevs. Im going camping for the weekend, so ill get to work on dis stuff when i get back :)
  15. /rcon /assign seclev
  16. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    That command only works until the players you assigned seclev to logs out of the server. Why are you mentioning this here?
  17. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    pls allow me to join gold day, I used an old code I got but can't remember what login it's tied to lol
    EU server so bad for me

    but it is cool, have fun on gold day
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
  18. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Today is zombie ctf day. ... i still have that steam code if you want it.
  19. Harmony

    Harmony Shopkeep Stealer

    want to make waves in beta, pls
  20. IrishSmalls

    IrishSmalls Bison Rider

    Hooray! USA
Mods: jackitch