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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Ziven

    Ziven Shipwright

    1. DevilDrax
    2. Griefing - helping enemy team by destroying gates, outposts and building ladders, bombing structures
    3. Heart Attack (
    4. 2011-11-10 ~22:00 (CET)

    Gold player:
    1. Askur
    2. Griefing - attempts to collapse constructions.
    3. Heart Attack (
    4. 2011-11-10 ~22:27 (CET)
  2. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

    "WHITE SLUTBAG" speedhacking in [BoW] official server. Eh, I tried to hover my mouse over him.

  3. Chiguireitor

    Chiguireitor Shopkeep Stealer

    New griefer: Lafayette
    Server: Capture the Bacon

    The guy broke our base

    Logs and screenshots attached.

    Attached Files:

  4. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

  5. Dr_Ghost

    Dr_Ghost Shopkeep Stealer


    He's been in the server for a couple round now. Destroying everything our team builds.
    Through our catapults and OP to the enemy. Breaks every bridge and ladder.
    Annoying thing is everyone else on the server is new, and doesn't know how to kick.

    Destroying my arrow shop :(

    Server info
  6. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    Don't forget to add the server name! Because if it's in a BoW server I'll be glad to help.
  7. Dr_Ghost

    Dr_Ghost Shopkeep Stealer

    It was Dwatrings 10vs10
  8. Joekirk

    Joekirk Shipwright

    I can attest to this, I saw him collapse a few towers and destroy some Gold bullions. He later kept destroying background walls and stone blocks as I was attempting to build a tower.
  9. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    He will be taken care of, I just went in and took some more screens of him griefing.
  10. Joekirk

    Joekirk Shipwright

    Jolly good show, sir.
  11. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

  12. Baron_Norab

    Baron_Norab KAG Guard Tester

    Premium Player

    Player Name: Rusher

    Time: Around 9-10pm, November 11, 2011

    Server: Capture the Bacon

    Offense: Switching to Red multiple times to grief after someone griefed Blue, destroying structures and towers, planting spikes everywhere in the beginning, and building ladders for the blue team to access our base. I repeatedly told him to stop and report them, but his only response was that we wouldn't kick them.

    Proof: Only managed to get one picture, as FRAPS was being silly, but it was of the chat log when he was telling why he was griefing.


    I can understand his frustration but this just isn't the way to respond to griefers.
    Tiago likes this.
  13. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    - Rusher
    - Destroying our base
    - Capture the Bacon
    - Some minutes ago

    Attached Files:

  14. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Confirming Rusher, premium player switching between red and blue on Capture the Bacon. And gloating about it in chat, demanding that the player "PRODIX" be kicked.
  15. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    Yeah i am Rusher, i say 10 times to kick grifer PRODIX, we lost 3 games with same grifer and this guys dont kick him ( just laught and fun with grifer) all time this guy come to blue collapse our tower and back to red! and this guys laught a lot and win all games... i make same think i go to red and make same thing if this guys dont ban the grifer... the noob admin enter kick me but dont kick the PRODIX the master grifer make that in 4 games in arrow.... its sad but true... and this 3 guys in top its a friend for this Troll! i dont go play more this game with this guys dont vote in grifer just go enemy team grifer and back and nothing happen!
  16. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Someone else greifing is NOT an excuse to grief in return. You also just admitted guilt.
  17. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Rusher, if you want a kick so badly, come here.
    Do NOT just grief back. That is puerile, and will get you banned.
    Rusher likes this.
  18. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    I never make that, but this guys stay laught see this Prodix in bacon server, collapse all our sky for 1 hours arrow... srry admin
  19. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Dude, are you using a shitty translator?
    Because that is nearly unintelligible.
  20. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    yeah, lol
    Srry for a crap english, but don´t worry next time i go post in forum name and print grifer... i love this game but this guys see enemy grifing and dont vote its sad! this 3 guys stay in red team with grifer... but its ok if you prefer ban me my gold account with 3 days using go a head i dont go more spend one dollar with this game
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