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The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by CaptainKyle, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    *Points towards a castle in the distance and just stands there watching and 200 trebuchets start pounding the shit out of it spilling gold and jewels out of the breach in the walls and draws sword and leads a army of thieves down into another army of knights and warriors* FOR THE GOLD MEN! FOR THE GOLD!
    (idk i just feel like in a lord of the rings mood .-.)
  2. windwizard999

    windwizard999 Haxor

    was pb'd on classic roleplay. persuade those mods please.
  3. Loot the mods you mean xD
  4. i geive peopl ca$h m0ney
    can i b theif plox?
  5. Maddoge, plz I will give u a voucher 4 Coles if u want m9
  6. k i will take m7
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    @CaptainKyle I got Liv (or blue forgot) a code and told the other where she can get one :D
  8. np my main man, just drop by we get blitzd and then i giv.
  9. I don't steal gold, i burn gold :D (or just throw it down the godamn pit)

    I do this to hurt the other players feelings by discarding their precious gold. :D
  10. I eat the gold, and crap it out into storage boxes :p
  11. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Hey guys i made my 2nd vid from youtube!!! This isn't really a KAG video but ill do KAG vids soon :)
  12. hmhmh, a video. Let's make a kag montage including some hard rekt, epic moments and OMG moments.
  13. MrRewind

    MrRewind Shipwright

    Wow what amazing music.
  14. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

  15. I would be glad 2 Join in with the Montag-e
  16. The question is, how do you make one? :)
    I have a very creative thinking in making montage.
    Let's just ask beepo what program he uses and what's best for making montages.
  17. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

  18. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Thx :D
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 6, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 6, 2014 ---
    I'll be quick thinking on a 3rd video for you guys next week so stay tuned ;)
  19. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    Make kag kill motage;3
  20. and get rekt moments (snipar styles)