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BW Tournament: 1v1 Knight (EU)

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by daskew87, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. US of this would be pretty cool
  2. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    @rymcd said that he was interested in hosting a US version, possibly with archer v archer or knight and archer v knight and archer [ps if we are doing knight v archer I call @Trumbles as my archer (as long as he's cool wit it)]
  3. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I'll be making arena maps tonight ::):.
  4. SOUNDS GUD pls no bad maps
  5. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    I made three maps, after I test them tomorrow with some people on mumble I'll post a thread.
    Thanks for the idea, if all goes as planned I should be able to get this going on the US side with little effort.
  6. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Awesome match, @Fuzzle! GG!

    (Sorry about those nasty boulder kills before the match, huehuehuehue.)
    Apronymous likes this.
  7. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Here is the video recording of the 3rd match of the tournament.

    Enjoy ::):

    Verzuvius vs Fuzzle

  8. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Not anymore...

    Thanks for letting me know.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 17, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 17, 2014 ---
    Alright everyone the fourth match took place last knight and it was in my opinion the best one yet, with also the highest audience turn-out (something like 10 people saw it live).

    If you want to see the replay before looking at the results table, watch the match before opening the spoiler below.

    It was the closest match so far, and also the first match with a female contestant. Demosito (the female) was little-known before, and people were expecting Bitch_Pleasicus to win, but...

    11:5 to Demosito!!!

    Just goes to show, not all the best players are that well-known. Some hidden gems are out there.

    Here is the updated knockout table:

    Knockout tables.jpg
    The REPLAY...

    Bitch_Pleasicus vs Demosito

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  9. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    dat "wow" in the end...
  10. imaninya

    imaninya Catapult Fodder

  11. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    That match happened yesterday. There is one on tonight at 7pm GMT, come 15 minutes earlier.

    The server will be open 15 minutes before 7pm GMT. Server name "Barons Blood-lust Tournament" Server password "aaa". It is advised to join early, because the server will be restarted with a new password. Come to the pre-game before to get the real password.
  12. Kabouter123

    Kabouter123 Catapult Fodder
    1. Ancient Gear - [AG#]

    Who are playing?
  13. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator



    SAcptm vs "A mystery knight" (from EU)

    (I have found a replacement after Lumeos cancelled, but to make it exciting I'm keeping his identity a secret, until he turns up to play)



    Starting round match for quarter-finals place

    • Audience is advised to come 15 minutes early to make sure they get the real game password

    Server name: Barons Blood-lust Tournament
    Server password: aaa

    More important information:
    Once the contestants have arrived, everyone in the server will be given a new password (this is to stop people joining half way through a match). The server will then be restarted and people will rejoin using the new password.
    The audience will then be told to be quiet and the only people who arent audience members at this point will be me and the contestants. Us three will gather somewhere close together on the map, and I will quickly go through the rules with both of them.
    After that the audience will be given a chance to say anything they want to say for a few seconds, but then once I say "Quiet please" they will have to be silent until the match ends (this is to not disturb the players). Any audience member who speaks may be instantly banned, and perhaps even banned from watching future matches in this tournament.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  14. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    are you looking for someone to play or got someone?
    RampageX likes this.
  15. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    A mystery man will be playing him later tonight. People will be shocked and appauled ::D:

    Turn up to see who...
  16. Kabouter123

    Kabouter123 Catapult Fodder
    1. Ancient Gear - [AG#]

    my money is on sinitreo
  17. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    The mystery man won a competition I held in secret earlier to qualify for lumeos's place. He's lean, mean, and kean.
  18. SAcptm

    SAcptm Haxor Staff Alumni

    Welp I suspect this means I'm boned.
    Sir_Walter and Dargona1018 like this.
  19. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Oh man, just noticed that Perfect Math Class is gonna be playing soon.
    Or at least I think, as I am pretty sure that his username was MayDayB or something to that affect.
  20. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    He's not, he's been replaced by Physalis (Arsenic)

    I really wanted math class to be in it, because he's awesome in CTF, but I don't feel he's that interested. He's not made a forum account and contacted me after me asking him 3 times. It's totally up to him, but we can't delay anything too much for anyone.

    The new knockout tables will be uploaded after tonights battle, or possible battles (maybe a second one after 8pm GMT)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014