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BW Tournament: 1v1 Knight (EU)

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by daskew87, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    thats a prediction lol
    Sexy_Blauws likes this.
  2. How2bebad with @Anonymuse :thumbs_up:
    I want Kabouter to take it home
  3. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Heya folks. We now have 2 matches on tomorrow.

    We should discover the Finalists before the end of Tuesday

    Triumphant Tuesday!!!


    Aurora- vs Demosito 7:30pm GMT http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140930T2015&p0=136&msg=Aurora- vs Demosito (pre-game opening time)

    AJFaas vs Kabouer123 8:30pm GMT http://www.timeanddate.com/countdow...123 vs AJFaas (pre-game server opening)&csz=1

    • The match will begin 15 minutes after the server opening time. However the audience need to come before the match starts to get the real game password.
    Login information for the pre-game...

    Server name: BW European Knight Semi-finals
    Server password: aaa

    More important information:
    Once the contestants have arrived, everyone in the server will be given a new password (this is to stop people joining half way through a match). The server will then be restarted and people will rejoin using the new password.
    The audience will then be told to be quiet and the only people who arent audience members at this point will be me and the contestants. Us three will gather somewhere close together on the map, and I will quickly go through the rules with both of them.
    After that the audience will be given a chance to say anything they want to say for a few seconds, but then once I say "Quiet please" they will have to be silent until the match ends (this is to not disturb the players). Any audience member who speaks may be instantly banned, and perhaps even banned from watching future matches in this tournament.
  4. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Who the fuck predicts an exact score? KEK
  5. Sexy_Blauws

    Sexy_Blauws Builder Stabber

    me i guess ?
  6. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    @Ej you broke the poll you sausage

    Pupute will win because you could then argue that by proxy I would be in second place :wink:
    so logical
    Although I should probably root for Aurora because Britland
  7. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    i ll go for... mhhh.... demo 'n' faas
  8. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    y u so psychic bru
  9. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 1, 2014 ---
  10. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Oh, did faas and demo win? Or haven't you guys fight yet?
  11. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator


    They happened folks... Oh yes they did.

    Two people fell at the hurdle and two jumped over to reach the Finals.


    If you want to see the replay before looking at the results table, watch the match later on in the thread before opening the spoiler below.
    So first up we had who I would like to call the 'People's champion' Aurora- fighting against a mountain of a player Demosito.

    I've improved my knight skills a lot recently but I have to say watching this match made me feel small. The reflexes, speed and rapid-pace of these two was scary to watch (atleast for me, a guy who at this time is only "quite good" as a knight).

    It was pretty even through most of the match. However at a key point a difficult decision had to be made (which is included at the end of part 1). Aurora killed both herself and Demosito at about the same time with a bomb. I had to make a decision and I decided that if the action from a player that kills another player ends up killing the player that commited the action aswell, nobody wins a point.

    After the decision Demosito sped past Aurora- to claim a victory of 11:7.

    Did the decision impact Aurora-'s game? Who knows. But this is a contest, tough stuff happens. Demosito goes through to the fight in the final.

    Afterwards we had a re-visit of AJFaas vs Kabouter123... but this time not a friendly, it was for real.

    The standard was brilliant and it was neck and neck right until near the end.

    As we have seen so much with these matches, even in a close match the winner tends to break-off from his opponent in the last few points. Perhaps it's tension on the part of the player behind.

    Well whatever it is, Kabouter123 having lost the close friendly to AJFaas, didn't get his revenge on him in the Semi-finals.

    The final score... 11:8 to AJFaas

    Updated results table: Knockout tables.jpg

    Well we now know our FINALISTS.

    AJFaas vs Demosito.

    The winner will be crowned 'BW European Knight Champion' :smug:

    Watch the thread for what date the finals will be set for.

    Aurora- vs Demosito

    (part 1)

    (part 2)

    AJFaas vs Kabouter123

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
    AJFaas and demosito like this.
  12. Aurora-

    Aurora- Shopkeep Stealer

    GG guys!!! Good luck to you two in the final! I had a fab time participating. ::):

    Thank you Daskew for hosting this tourney, I can only imagine how much effort it takes to organise something like this!
    I cant wait for the archer one heh. :wink:
    Vampire and demosito like this.
  13. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    There's an archer one !:D
  14. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator





    There will be a teamspeak server open during the AJFaas vs Demosito final.

    I'll let you know the details soon.

    Could be... fun ::P:


    There will be a "best of 3" situation. The contestant who wins 2 games of the possible 3 will win the final.

    The first two bouts will still be 11 points long, or a possible 15 points if DUECE continues to that point. The gap between these bouts will be 15 minutes.

    If someone wins both, they win the match. If however one contestant wins the first and the other wins the next, there will be short break of 5 minutes after which will be SUDDEN DEATH :ehh:

    This final bout will be a first to 5 and played entirely on a custom map that neither contender has seen before.

    The whole match will most likely take place one evening, but if it has to be split up then it will be.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 4, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 2, 2014 ---

    I am new to teamspeak, and I believe I understand the basic functions of it, but I need maybe 1-3 people to join the teamspeak channel so I can learn about it and test it before the Final.

    There are only 10 teamspeak slots on my server, the people that help me will get a slot each ::P: OOOoOoOoooooOo lol :huh?:

    Message me very soon if you can offer some much needed knowledge and help,

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
    Vampire, AJFaas, imaninya and 3 others like this.
    demosito and RampageX like this.
  16. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator


    It seems likely that AJFaas and Demosito can fight Sunday at 7pm GMT

    Audience be advised to join the Pre-match server atleast 15 minutes before the match start time.

    The Teamspeak IP is - Join it whenever you want. See if anyones on. We are hoping people will join once the pre-match server is opened.

    The teamspeak server is running all the time, but however will be closed right before (and opened again right after) the match bouts.

    A better announcement with more certainty about the match time will be posted later on.

    -----Watch this space-----
  17. Faaas Fas FAAAS fas fas FAAAAAAAS
    AJFaas likes this.
  18. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    BW 1v1 Knight FINALS



    Pre-match server opening time: 7:00pm GMT
    Come to Teamspeak! ::):
    Teamspeak I.P and port:

    >Countdown clock<


    OoOoOoO what if it goes to SUDDEN DEATH?!!! :ehh:

    Different rules for final...

    There are 3 possible sittings, the winner is the player who wins 2.

    The first 2 sittings are first to 11 kills or possibly 15 (if they duece to that point), and will be played on the default maps + this time 2 additional maps, one from @8x and @Sexy_Blauws

    If someone wins both games, they have won. If however each player has 1 victory each the third game will be SUDDEN DEATH.

    This final game is a lot shorter at first to 5 kills. Also it will be played entirely on just 1 map... the sudden death map :eek:

    This is a map I have recently made just for the occassion.

    Congratulations in order...

    The player who wins will be crowned the 'BW European Knight Champion' :rollseyes:

    This player will have bragging rights. You know they will. ::D:

    Pre-match server information...

    Server name: BW Knight 1v1 FINAL (pre-match)
    Password: aaa

    Possible bans may be given to spectators that do not keep the chatting in teamspeak whilst the match is taking place

    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 6, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 5, 2014 ---

    BW European 1v1 Knight Tournament

    3 weeks
    16 players
    4 stages
    15 matches
    1 winner

    The victor?...

    If you want to see the replays before looking at the results table, watch them before opening the spoiler below.
    AJFaas vs Demosito to decide the winner... the champion

    Game number 1
    We had one of the closest games in the whole tournament. It was like BAAAAAMMMMM!!!
    I can't say much else about this game. It was good. It was what a final should be about.

    Final score:
    11:9 to Demosito

    Game number 2
    I felt that AJFaas maybe lost some confidence after the first game.
    AFTER ALL... it was the first time he'd lost a 1v1 game in the tournament... He probably felt... human, vulnerable.

    So we all tuned in for the second match thinking... Maybe Demosito has him now, maybe faas has been broken. Atleast I feared it.

    We were wrong. He came back to win a shocking 11:4

    I think it goes to show you, it's NOT necessarily who's best on the day, it can be who's best in just several minutes.

    So now we are, quite brilliantly I think, at 1:1 in terms of games won of course.

    Game number 3 - Sudden-death time
    We all know what sudden-death is about. It's when you have a game on and they are currently drawing, and you want a dramatic decisive way to conclude a winner. DUH.

    The rules were first to 5 kills. And all bouts were played on this little map:


    Up-close and personal. No running away, no grenades. Just toe-to-toe heated combat to leave one person in the dust, and the other the Champion. It was brutal, it was tough, and neither player saw the map prior to the match. Did AJFaas storm to victory? Or was Demosito able win the first and the last game?

    The final score here was 5:2

    So at 2 games to 1, we have a winner...







    AJFaas ::):

    Weldone you have beaten everyone who came your way and you are the champion :flex:

    Concluded results table
    Knockout tables.jpg
    Game 1

    Game 2

    Game 3: Sudden death - the decider

    Also watch the cool custom video from @Aurora- shortly after this posting.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  19. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Told ya. Faas, :heart:
    AJFaas likes this.
  20. Aurora-

    Aurora- Shopkeep Stealer

    Short little 1 minute edit from the sudden death!

    Enjoy! ::):
    AJFaas likes this.