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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Winterbird, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer


    Archers are kinda mice against a cat up close against knights. I know this is how the game is meant to be, but the "F" button is not being used on archer, like on builder where "F" is the button where you choose your block and on knight it's for the bombs.

    I know they said they would focus on Beta / Gold for now, but i think it would be cool if they made the "F" button as the archer class like.

    "You immediatly a long distance backjump back and shoot a low powerd arrow"
    This would be really cool to escape a knight or just to get the shovel under a camping knight.
    I think it would be really cool, tough it should have a long cooldown, which is also a problem, because KaG doesn't use cooldowns.

    But generally the attack would be cool and unpredictable, it would also add some cool fighting situations and add some more control over the archer.
  2. You mean make Archer even more invincible?

    They can literally demolish a knight at close range as it is if they don't make mistakes.
    Adding something likes this would make it hopeless.
    And to my knowledge F is the to open the menus for Knight, builder and archer unless I'm being really dumb..
  3. Lehmure

    Lehmure Shark Slayer
    1. KRPG

    Winter, if you press F while using the bow he will actually release the arrow. So, it has the same function like the left click button. Of coure, it's not a important button for archer, but makes you walk cooler. :B):
  4. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Aaaaand no devs support in Classic as everybody should know... Just move on and don't waste your time on ideas for Classic... I love it, but it's an alpha
    Edit: however, ideas like these on the release version will be considered and might happen, i think, so don't give up!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  5. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    I know they aren't developing Classic further, but personally i don't like beta, so i'll stay on alpha and write suggestions, even if unviewed.
  6. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i understand for i have done that myself. But after a while i understood it's kind of a waste of time, but do it as you whish if it makes you feel good like it did for me :)
  7. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    I know, but it's pretty useless.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 6, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 6, 2014 ---
    I know, i mainly play archer for close up fights against knights. I'm talking more control, as the knights can simply rape an "archer shooving a bomb up their A$$".
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 6, 2014 ---
    Well. It's mainly just becuase i find it intertaining to write suggestions and i don't find it a waste of time, as it can have an effect getting more people back to playing Classic.
  8. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i know i know, keep doing it, i know it's great :)
  9. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    F button not used? Neither is RMB unless you count arrow-tree gathering.
  10. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    I guess i counted right button as collecting shot arrows and farming arrows from tree's.
    RMB is already in use and shouldn't be changed "MY OPINION".
  11. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    If only classic archer had a hookshot and knights had mines (NOT kegs) and mines were anti-infantry, I might enjoy classic even more.
  12. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    The movement in kag Classic is perfect. Personally i think hookshots would transform classic into a sort of beta game, which i think would be the end of kag classic. "MY OPINION".
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 7, 2014 ---
    And also, i think the movement change is what completely destroy'd kag beta.
  13. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    No, faster movement didn't kill beta, kegs, bomb arrows and faster builder block breakage did. Also, a hookshot only makes the archer more agile, it does nothing for the knight, except maybe nerf it and the builder a bit.
  14. Are you saying that a ranged class should have a strong chance to win up close? Because they already do anyways.

    Knights shouldn't need bombs to beat a pesky archer jumping in their faces.
    Giving archer another buff is just not the right thing to do
  15. CaptianSlyfox

    CaptianSlyfox Arsonist

    there is no use for the F button............ like really thats just a waste and would mess classic archers up.
    -1 for the idea.