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Dead game is dead...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leo, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Honestly don't remember the last time I was on the forums and don't really know why i'm on now, but the game will always be something I play when i'm bored, the forums however have become completely irrelevant.
    Andr01d likes this.
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    @Klokinator "Fun" is completely subject to one's opinion. I personally find the new builds more fun, and I enjoy playing the new builds more than the older builds. Also, I have noticed the US playerbase drop off more than EU and AUS. Probably because the competitive scene in the US is lacking (possibly because the heads of just about every big US clan chill in the same mumble). Also, Spidey has a point, I know I haven't been able to play as much recently simply because schoolwork is starting to take over my life.
  3. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    Yes, that's my point when I first started I didn't know hot a keg worked so a bought a keg testing each key not realiseing that I lit it w/ space. a few seconds later the keg blows up me and the shop. This happens a few times but by the time I learn I am known as "yellowwhy" the griefer, so for the next 6 months the second I join a server I am vote kicked becouse I am a "griefer".:( now ppl still call me out in servers as I griefer but of course they dont believe my explanation so they don't let me go on rushes, go builder ,ect I realsised that this game could be fun once ppl realize I'm not a griefer but the vast majority of people will not and decide that and just won't play the game.:( and the 200~ players that play are getting turned away by the game breaking "balancing"
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Like I said. And I may have not been the first person to say it, but I was one of the first few. The balancing updates have killed KAG.

    Back when the game was fun. Fun being crazy and unpredictable. Fun being people doing stupid shit. Fun being people finding new and inventive ways to kinda break the game (in a good way). Just because things aren't perfect and because things have bugs doesn't mean its fun as fuck to play that way.

    You guys removed almost all of the fun shit about the game. Now its just a straight forward get the flag / capture the point, win the game game. Theres no just really no mechanics anymore that make the game fun. Now it is just "HARDCORE LEET KIDS" who go hard and play the game to win, not to have fun. It is a huge shame.

    My advice, revert the updates that had balance changes, remove bugs (not the ones that are fun), and leave the game how it is. I mean. Look at fucking Goat Simulator. Theres shit tons of bugs and issues with that game but people love it. They love it for the stupid piece of shit game that it is, but damn is it fun to play.

    I also may be high as fuck writing this, but yeah, do that stuff.
    Klokinator, DatNobby, zerd and 2 others like this.
  5. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    As some people have given suggestions I'd like so give some to.
    Integrated clan system and clanwar features, mongolian horde gamemode (srs tho Gatu you said it was on your todo list months ago, pls stop bad), custom heads like minecraft, voice chat support, ranked 5v5 matches(/official gather sytem) and a mage class

    RampageX likes this.
  6. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Dagger, please.

  7. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

  8. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i can personally say ive played more classic than beta as of late because i dont like the build much also anon quit due to not liking the build and klok is another example considering ive only seen him in classic
    i believe i read somewhere on mm's blog geti was "just a lucky pixel artist" also @Mazey im pretty sure they make 150 bucks-ish off of custom heads so that will never happen
  9. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    MFW people dislike knight nerfs and archer buffs, so they go back to sluggish knights and long-range stun machines
    NinjaCell and Contrary like this.
  10. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    No, we went back to the fun mechanics where crazy hilarious things can still happen instead of whatever beta is now. I can't even describe the congealed bleh feeling it has, it's just so bad. I literally would have zero complaints if knight hadn't been nerfed and the archer/builder tweaks had gone through, or if the only change was the knight nerf, but -3 knight/+7 archerbuilder ruined the game.

    And spike dropping is fucking obnoxious.
    yellowwhy1 likes this.
  11. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    too bad :(
    RampageX likes this.
  12. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    you should play some clan wars with a small number of players or inclan trainings. its a lot difference with pub games where everyone can do shit.
  13. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Clan wars require being in a clan. That's a problem when you're not in a clan, nor ever have been.

    Also, that doesn't fix the problems with the game. It just means more pro builders dropping more instant killing spikes. No thanks, there's enough on pub servers.

    Wasn't he banned because of that griefing and teamkilling video as well as a certain LK server incident? His melodramatic "ha I don't need to be here I'm better than you" rant certainly wasn't doing him favors.
    Blue_Tiger, dual_chiecken and rymcd like this.
  14. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Let me get this straight, you dislike slow knights, and especially dislike it if archers can kill them, and builders can also kill them if they're skilled enough?

    Yet you choose to play classic?
    Hella likes this.
  15. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    According to him, and others that I have asked, Arcrave was going to all the servers that Anon was on, spamming water arrows, and convincing plebs to votekick him, effectively keeping him off of KAG for a while.

    Mighta been more, mighta been less, this is just what I have heard.

    It is a total different beast, so stop comparing Classic to Release as if they are equals.
  16. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You're conveniently forgetting how much better bomb jumping is in classic (You don't lose two hearts from a ten block fall, and in fact you don't lose hearts from most falls at all), how archers don't have hookshots (And thus move about as fast as a knight and not 10x faster) and how builders don't have instant-killing spike drops and boulders. If you win a fight as a builder against a knight, you earned that win with skill. If you kill a builder as a knight, it's because you're obviously the better class. Classic also doesn't have stalemate towers, because with time a knight can get past virtually any tower, as notch-climbing is a thing and wooden doors/plats are destroyable by a knight.

    Not to mention the longer build time and slower pacing of the game gives it a deep strategic feel, rather than this game-changing every 10 seconds feel beta has. I used to defend beta because that feel was good, but now that it's lost the rapid speed that made it fast paced and fun and is stuck in the gut of "fast pace but annoying stalemate towers and no way to get past them without 4 teammates" feel, it's just unfun to play.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  17. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i believe ive made this statement before somewhere but........

    the game will never have a happy fanbase because of constant updates(which is one of its best features)and the fact that only a small percentage of the playerbase's opinion matters(testers)if you look back at old builds there are several people who complain about something they dont like and they are told off like "stop whining" , "a good player can deal with change" , and my overall favorite "listen to us we've been here longer we know better" now granted that might be true but the fact is comments like that just dont sit well with people and the fact people dont like builds only makes them want to stop playing anyway the only way for us all to be happy imo is if we all make compromises to what we want to see in the game and learn to deal with things we dont like
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 13, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 13, 2014 ---
    i play classic because it doesnt has shotgun crap arrows flying(i never said i didnt like knight speed because it truly hasnt change gameplay considering they slowed down both classes)anyway in classic yes archer can 1 shot stun at any range but they cant kill a knight that way unless there is a large group and it is more balanced
    Klokinator and Dargona1018 like this.
  18. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Please everyone just look at my avatar and chill out.

    Can any of you actually spend the time and go back through all the build numbers and just list what update you liked the most before everything went so far down hill?

    I'm not, I am just asking. It just seems like a good way to show what things people liked and disliked the most.
  19. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I don't remember specific builds once beta started, except 1180, which was getting close to perfect. Even glitch-climbing had counters and wasn't that bad. The only issue with 1180 WAS glitch climbing, and maybe some miscellaneous bugs like that timer resetting.
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  20. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Well I liked 1180 the best then.
    Klokinator and PUNK123 like this.
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