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Dead game is dead...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leo, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Nivlac_13

    Nivlac_13 Shopkeep Stealer

    My reasoning behind this is based on the same reasoning behind team fortress 2. One of my all time favorite games. TF2 also has the same task of balancing an extremely complex game, one way they do this is by giving each character a unique silhouette and style. You know that the slender figure in the distance with a bat is the scout. The scout is going to run at you and possibly double jump to get to you before attempting to kill you. However the sniper is not going to do this. Being able to distinguish between these two is vital to the game and doing so quickly is how you win. The same is true for KAG but with a smaller resolution, less room for distinguishing characteristics and a more chaotic environment, it is an even more complex task. This is why adding multiple options for weapons would be detrimental to the game. It would make the game far harder and its already hard enough. This also explains the backlash faced at every update. To play the game well you have to make so many split second decisions that when your calculations are the slightest bit off it messes you up severely.

    Online its called a rant. In school its called a persuasive essay.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  2. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    yes i understand that but with every update they change significant things that throws everyone off their game and i believe if it was almost like mutant factions where you lower your dmg for the sake of speed ect would be able to be balanced and would just overall be entertaining
  3. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Please fucking no. There's two reasons to have aesthetics in a paid-for game: You either get them through achievements (not neccesarily grindy ones like 'play 1000 hours', but stuff like 'have a KD ratio of 2' or 'have a WL ratio of 2' etc) or having them outright. The worst thing a game can do is make you pay for the game, and then charge for anything other than the one-off DLC. That includes purely aesthetic items.

    If KAG includes this kind of crap, I will stop playing, at least frequently.

    No, you didn't. You probably read that as a sarcastic hacking example to one of my threads asking how I could use hotkeys to select which arrow I have, rather than the shit F key.

    The change for us between Legolas->Shotgun and the option for change in speeds and damage of projectiles and other stuff might be similar, or maybe the later is a little harder to learn to deal with/use. But no one wants to increase the gradient of the learning curve.

    Plus, that ruins the thing I love about games like KAG - simplicity is so complex. This would make it 'complex is so frustrating and boring'.
  4. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    DLC for aesthetic items is hardly the worst thing. It doesn't even matter. Not releasing half the game then charging for it via on-disc DLC is way worse. Or charging for items/weapons that are better ie: pay to win. A shinier sword gives no unfair advantage other than showing who has tons of spare cash.
  5. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    I just can't believe that the game could get in game purchases:(
    Dargona1018 and PUNK123 like this.
  6. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    Daddy Problems?
    PUNK123 likes this.
  7. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    The main reason this game is dead/dying is the horrendous community. Every game I join people are complaining "God, what an influx of Steam newbs ruining games!" and people being told to stop talking in chat by admins, admins muting people, admins talking shit, players acting like this is competitive NBA finals when it's just a little indie carton game. The amount of shit talk in this game is on an entirely different level. Not even Quake players talk this much shit, hell not even CS players talk this much shit. Everyone is arrogant as hell and the admins actually still act like admins used to act back in the day when it was cool to be an admin and have 'power.' The community is absolutely hostile to new players, doesn't want the game to change ONE BIT even though it's steadily dying, won't allow any criticism of their precious little game and community of 50 players on at a time, and refuses to acknowledge any flaws in the game and calls anyone out who addresses them a whiner. This isn't me talking about myself either. I watch plenty of players make suggestions or talk about balance or lag or anything, just to be called "a shitter" and told to shut up. Who the fuck is going to want to join this game and play with a community like this? This isn't the latest Halo or CoD or something. This is an obscure indie game that requires a good community to survive and thrive, or eventually the Devs will just close up shop and this game will die for good, and all you day 1 players who still whine about Classic and how much better knights were and how the game has been ruined, you will all be playing on the 1 or 2 player run servers asking for paypal donations for the next 2 years.
    Hella, Tallar and PUNK123 like this.
  8. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    A) I've never seen someone told to shut up about fps lag.
    B) Every time I've seen you in-game, you've complained about how overpowered knights and bombs are. If knights can't get past buildings and builders, stalemates will be worse than ever before, that's why knights are at their current strength.
    [20:30:33] <revsta> bombs need to be pricier
    [20:30:35] * COLLAPSE by Icidium (size 9 blocks)
    [20:30:36] <revsta> it's just a fucking spam bomb fest
    [20:30:38] <revsta> so stupid
    [20:30:50] <Icidium> k
    [20:30:54] <fluffie, a sock> * nice keg *
    [20:30:57] <JoshSmash> so close
    [20:30:59] <Dr. Shark MD> revsta, not even
    [20:31:01] <ExtraCheesyPie> it was agood keg
    [20:31:04] <ExtraCheesyPie> * they rebuilt *
    [20:31:08] <fluffie, a sock> * tasdh fu sdiuf *
    [20:31:13] <ded infinitito> this isn't really bad at all, try playing TTH
    [20:31:18] <ded infinitito> now THAt is bomb spam
    [20:31:20] <Dr. Shark MD> ^
    [20:31:25] <NEIGH SkyHorse> RED BUILDER
    [20:31:25] <revsta> whatever, it's still bomb spam
    [20:31:29] <revsta> regardless
    [20:31:36] <NEIGH SkyHorse> OODLEEEEEE
    [20:31:47] <fluffie, a sock> well, the developers have made kegs almost useless
    [20:31:52] <fluffie, a sock> so bomb spamming is all there is now
    [20:32:03] <Frankenecro> The developers have killed KAG.
    [20:32:05] <fluffie, a sock> if you don't want to waste tyour money
    [20:32:12] <NEIGH SkyHorse> OMFG oodle fuck you so much
    [20:32:13] * COLLAPSE by kodysch (size 7 blocks)
    [20:32:19] <NEIGH SkyHorse> -_-
    [20:32:38] <ded infinitito> more like tunneling is all there is now
    [20:32:46] <revsta> the devs don't care about KAG
    [20:32:48] gabriele_3 left the game
    [20:32:58] <fluffie, a sock> * tunnel pleeeeeease *
    [20:32:59] * COLLAPSE by Icidium (size 49 blocks)
    [20:32:59] * COLLAPSE by Icidium (size 51 blocks)
    [20:33:00] * COLLAPSE by Auburn (size 53 blocks)
    [20:33:00] * COLLAPSE by Auburn (size 69 blocks)
    [20:33:02] Ferret_Ferret connected as FerretFerret
    [20:33:03] FerretFerret (Ferret_Ferret) has joined Blue Team
    [20:33:07] <NEIGH SkyHorse> will you guys just shut up some peeps here actually love ka
    [20:33:08] <NEIGH SkyHorse> g
    [20:33:09] <fluffie, a sock> * takes so long to get across the map *
    [20:33:12] <EPICBOB> oh boy the first thing that happens after i get tis game is gettin absolutly wrecked
    [20:33:13] <Frankenecro> Of course the devs don't care about KAG!
    [20:33:29] <Frankenecro> Well, not Alpha KAG.
    [20:33:37] <Frankenecro> I guess they still do care a bit about Beta.
    [20:33:45] <Dr. Shark MD> you know the devs are still working on kag right? most devs actually would have given up by now
    [20:33:50] <Frankenecro> Man, I am such a whiner.
    [20:33:52] <fluffie, a sock> aw
    [20:33:54] <NEIGH SkyHorse> dude we got an update like a month agao
    [20:34:01] <FerretFerret> :C
    [20:34:03] <JoshSmash> NOOOO
    [20:34:04] <FerretFerret> phew
    [20:34:05] <[PUG] Tero147> THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
    [20:34:06] <JoshSmash> hahahah
    [20:34:13] <ExtraCheesyPie> this community is so fucking butthurt
    [20:34:13] <NEIGH SkyHorse> dr.shark can you mute them for being total downers?
    [20:34:14] <JoshSmash> give me another keg next time i show up
    [20:34:15] <ded infinitito> if by working on it you mean for some reason makiing archer a close combat class, and make knight a... I don't even know, not a knight
    [20:34:17] <ded infinitito> then yes
    [20:34:28] <FerretFerret> ow
    [20:34:43] <revsta> shit
    [20:34:45] <revsta> goddamnit
    [20:34:52] <revsta> bomb bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs
    [20:34:55] <revsta> bombs bombs bombs bombs
    [20:34:56] <Dr. Shark MD> If I mute them here, then they whine on the forums
    [20:35:09] <revsta> so don't read it on the forums shark
    [20:35:09] * COLLAPSE by infinitito (size 6 blocks)
    [20:35:10] * COLLAPSE by ExtraCheesyPie (size 21 blocks)
    [20:35:13] <ded infinitito> rip cata
    [20:35:14] <Frankenecro> Meh, you can mute me.
    [20:35:22] <Dr. Shark MD> although revsta, you're getting pretty spammy in chat
    [20:35:26] <NEIGH SkyHorse> ugh butt they are such assholes
    [20:35:48] <revsta> i'm not actually
    [20:35:54] <ded infinitito> I agree, we must stop people from using the chat... to chat
    [20:36:04] <revsta> yeah seriously lol
    [20:36:06] <revsta> how dare you chat!
    [20:36:12] <FerretFerret> COMMUNICATION IS BAED
    [20:36:16] <Icidium> Just ignore them if you are so bothered by it.
    [20:36:18] <NEIGH SkyHorse> i just want them to shup up cuz theyre sulting kag
    [20:36:19] <fluffie, a sock> * i guess i'll become a builder *
    [20:36:19] <Dr. Shark MD> except revsta's bomb bomb etc in chat was spammy
    [20:36:24] <FerretFerret> oh
    [20:36:24] <NEIGH SkyHorse> insulting*
    [20:36:24] <fluffie, a sock> * because we've been needing a tunnel all game *
    [20:36:28] <FerretFerret> well insulting kag is a different story
    [20:36:40] <revsta> i wrote it twice
    [20:36:41] <ded infinitito> well yeah, but the point being him emulating... bomb spamming ya know that's the joke.jpg
    [20:36:47] <ded infinitito> christ
    [20:36:49] <Frankenecro> Insulting kag.
    [20:37:00] <Frankenecro> Is that really a bad thing?
    [20:37:04] <NEIGH SkyHorse> yes!
    [20:37:11] <ded infinitito> yes, never go against the circlejerk
    [20:37:14] <ded infinitito> obey
    [20:37:17] <Frankenecro> Well then, Fuck you KAG, and all your shitty updates!
    [20:37:26] * COLLAPSE by revsta (size 5 blocks)
    [20:37:33] <Frankenecro> The updates aren't too bad anymore,
    [20:37:38] <NEIGH SkyHorse> lol sayin a few things about some small things i realyl dont mind
    [20:37:47] <Frankenecro> Just pissed at arrow physcis.
    [20:37:49] <NEIGH SkyHorse> but you guys were going on and on about how shitty you think it is
    [20:37:51] --- A Vote was Started by revsta ---
    [20:37:51] * COLLAPSE by fluffie (size 11 blocks)
    [20:37:52] --- revsta Voted In Favour ---
    [20:37:52] --- mng242 Voted Against ---
    [20:37:52] --- kodysch Voted Against ---
    [20:37:52] --- fluffie Voted Against ---
    [20:37:52] --- Wild_Sky_Horse155 Voted In Favour ---
    [20:37:53] --- dage85 Voted Against ---
    [20:37:53] --- ExtraCheesyPie Voted Against ---
    [20:37:54] --- Auburn Voted Against ---
    [20:37:54] --- dual_chiecken Voted Against ---
    [20:37:58] --- icemusher Voted Against ---
    [20:37:59] --- Tero147 Voted Against ---
    [20:38:00] --- Ferret_Ferret Voted Against ---
    [20:38:07] --- JOSHSMASH Voted Against ---
    [20:38:07] Vote Next Map Failed!
    [20:38:07] revsta needs to take a spoonful of cement! (Play on!)
    [20:38:07] --- Vote Failed 2 vs 11 [11 required] ---
    [20:38:08] <Frankenecro> It was much easier to be an archer in Classic. :)
    [20:38:18] <[’] Oodle> * gho in gorups *
    [20:38:22] <NEIGH SkyHorse> then play in classic
    [20:38:23] <ded infinitito> hahahahah HAHAHAHAHAH yes and classic was also all stalemates
    [20:38:27] <[’] Oodle> * wait at isalnd untill three knights *
    [20:38:27] <ded infinitito> as a direct result of that
    [20:38:29] <Frankenecro> Not with tickets.
    [20:38:32] <NEIGH SkyHorse> there are some servers that use classic ya know
    [20:38:36] <[’] Oodle> * then go *
    [20:38:38] <[’] Oodle> * wiait here *
    [20:38:42] <ded infinitito> tickets were implimented for said reason
    [20:38:43] <ded infinitito> so
    [20:38:44] <ded infinitito> I mean
    [20:38:45] <[’] Oodle> * wiat for knight *
    [20:38:49] <ded infinitito> I don't know man
    [20:39:04] <revsta> KAG is the ONE game I know where people discourage people from making suggestions about bettering the game
    [20:39:06] <ded infinitito> basically, we're headed down that road
    [20:39:08] <revsta> it's unbelievable this community
    [20:39:15] <[’] Oodle> * wiat for knighte *
    [20:39:22] <Dr. Shark MD> revsta, it's because your suggestions are bad in the first place
    [20:39:30] <ded infinitito> we're gonna need tickets soon because aside from tunneling, and maybe archer spam with the bomb arrows, it's stalemates
    [20:39:34] <revsta> shark you think you're god or something
    [20:39:38] <fluffie, a sock> * anyone want me to show them how to make a tunnel? *
    [20:39:38] <[’] Oodle> * we need more kinghts *
    [20:39:41] <ded infinitito> knights got like, nut clipped
    [20:39:47] <ded infinitito> rename class to eunechs
    [20:39:52] <fluffie, a sock> * might help your team in the future *
    [20:39:55] <Frankenecro> e\
    [20:40:01] <Dr. Shark MD> nah revsta, I just think I know balance better than you
    [20:40:03] <ded infinitito> devs basically went off the deep end imo
    [20:40:17] <revsta> no you just think you're a big shot
    [20:40:20] <revsta> and you like to act it
    [20:40:24] <revsta> and tell everyone else how they're wrong
    [20:40:26] * [RCON Dr. Shark MD] /msg Dr. Shark isn't god, I am
    [20:40:26] * Dr. Shark isn't god, I am (*note that this was just me trying to have fun with the server, making them think the server had a voice, no one even paid attention to this anyways though*)
    [20:40:42] kalashnikov left the game
    [20:40:43] * COLLAPSE by Metralist (size 5 blocks)
    [20:40:48] <Frankenecro> Arcrave!
    [20:41:00] <Dr. Shark MD> I tell people they're wrong, other people agree that said person is wrong
    [20:41:06] <ExtraCheesyPie> STOP COMPLAINING
    [20:41:09] <ExtraCheesyPie> JESUS CHRIST
    [20:41:11] <ExtraCheesyPie> PLAY THE GAME
    [20:41:13] <Dr. Shark MD> does that mean I think I'm a big shot?
    [20:41:17] <revsta> if you don't agree then just shut up
    [20:41:18] <NEIGH SkyHorse> amen.
    [20:41:22] reed21868 connected
    [20:41:24] <Frankenecro> How about he mutes you?
    [20:41:32] <revsta> you call people posting on the forum 'whiners'
    And the other day on black death:
    [22:14:35] Connecting to... Black Death CTF 24 - US
    [22:14:47] IngDC has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] IngDC connected
    [22:14:47] Hospitalizer has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] Hospitalizer connected
    [22:14:47] Swagbot (Briggs) has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] Briggs connected as Swagbot
    [22:14:47] samuelteixeiras has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] samuelteixeiras connected
    [22:14:47] York (Ostryy) has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] Ostryy connected as York
    [22:14:47] dogbulb has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] dogbulb connected
    [22:14:47] SlapAndSpit has joined Blue Team
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    [22:14:47] GameSmith has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] GameSmith connected
    [22:14:47] INTERNET (Pong212) has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] Pong212 connected as INTERNET
    [22:14:47] Goblin (Goblin10) has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] Goblin10 connected as Goblin
    [22:14:47] kedram has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] kedram connected
    [22:14:47] Barbarossa (Barbarossa6969) has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] Barbarossa6969 connected as Barbarossa
    [22:14:47] JCollette (jcollette) has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] jcollette connected as JCollette
    [22:14:47] mng242 has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] mng242 connected
    [22:14:47] revsta has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] revsta connected
    [22:14:47] Socrates271 has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] Socrates271 connected
    [22:14:47] daanyolx3 has joined Blue Team
    [22:14:47] daanyolx3 connected
    [22:14:47] Raider (Leigionary) has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] Leigionary connected as Raider
    [22:14:47] FanTasTy has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] FanTasTy connected
    [22:14:47] Zyro has joined Red Team
    [22:14:47] Zyro connected
    [22:14:47] Auburn connected as Dr. Shark MD
    [22:14:47] Dr. Shark MD (Auburn) has joined Red Team
    [22:14:49] <Barbarossa> ffs
    [22:14:53] Red Team's flag has been picked up by daanyolx3!
    [22:14:56] <Socrates271> gogogo
    [22:14:57] <Socrates271> <3
    [22:14:57] <revsta> knight players just wanna be able to bomb jump walls
    [22:15:00] <revsta> kill everyone w/bombs
    [22:15:03] <revsta> open flag with bombs
    [22:15:05] <revsta> and bomb jump away
    [22:15:09] <revsta> and not have anyone tell them otherwise
    [22:15:12] <[Zen] kedram> is that wrong?
    [22:15:14] <[Zen] kedram> no it isnt
    [22:15:15] <Socrates271> can you shits stop whining
    [22:15:16] <Socrates271> ffs
    [22:15:18] <Socrates271> it's a game
    [22:15:19] <[Zen] kedram> ikr
    [22:15:20] <[Zen] kedram> xD
    [22:15:26] <revsta> it's not whining
    [22:15:26] <Socrates271> it's not yours to design
    [22:15:28] <revsta> and yes it is wrong
    [22:15:30] Red Team's flag has been captured by daanyolx3!
    [22:15:32] <revsta> it's mine to make suggestions
    [22:15:35] <revsta> that's one
    [22:15:56] senatauro connected as Senatauro
    [22:15:57] <JCollette> wait were not done?
    [22:15:58] Senatauro (senatauro) has joined Blue Team
    [22:16:02] <JCollette> OH WTF.
    [22:16:06] <revsta> that's why there's a suggestions/feedback section on the forums
    [22:16:07] <Barbarossa> lol ked says its not wrong to want to be able to do everything with a 25 coin item
    [22:16:29] <revsta> exactly
    [22:16:29] <[Zen] kedram> barb stop being a shitter
    [22:16:47] <Barbarossa> Im not the one being a shitter ked
    [22:17:04] <revsta> wait, why shouldn't knights be able to do EVERYTHING !? wahhhh
    [22:17:11] <WeT FanTasTy> why do bombs need a nerf?
    [22:17:14] <Barbarossa> lolwut
    [22:17:16] <revsta> we just said why
    [22:17:18] <[Zen] kedram> its a game....
    [22:17:19] <Barbarossa> I died after it was already past me
    [22:17:21] <[Zen] kedram> not reality
    [22:17:25] <Nigga Swagbot> is making them more expensive nerfing?
    [22:17:28] <[Zen] kedram> knights have always been able to so this
    [22:17:30] <Nigga Swagbot> good players will still get lots of bombs
    [22:17:31] <revsta> kedram
    [22:17:33] <revsta> you have no point
    [22:17:37] <Dr. Shark MD> "stop being a shitter" best advice I've heard all day
    [22:17:38] <[Zen] kedram> even in classic they were worth 25 coins
    [22:17:41] <Dr. Shark MD> words to live by
    [22:17:41] <WeT FanTasTy> ur bad if u think bombs need a nerf
    [22:17:45] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by GameSmith!
    [22:17:46] <revsta> so what lol
    [22:17:53] <Barbarossa> Bombs make for shit gameplay
    [22:17:56] <Barbarossa> thats why
    [22:18:02] <[Zen] kedram> i hate people like this
    [22:18:04] Blue Team's flag has been returned!
    [22:18:07] <[Zen] kedram> trying to make the game worse
    [22:18:10] <Barbarossa> fights are like 75% of the time decided with bombs
    [22:18:10] <Socrates271> they need a hide chat button
    [22:18:12] <Zyro> oh no! i've been hit by something that can't damage me at all if im a knighjt!
    [22:18:13] <[Zen] kedram> stop trying to ruin the game
    [22:18:17] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by mng242!
    [22:18:19] <[Zen] kedram> geti will never listen to you either way
    [22:18:22] <Zyro> and infact can be used to instantly bypass my enemy!
    [22:18:30] <revsta> kedram tells us it's a game not reality
    [22:18:32] <Barbarossa> I didnt realize you were such a fucktard ked...
    [22:18:34] <revsta> then whines about how he is right
    [22:18:38] <revsta> and we're ruining his game
    [22:18:39] <revsta> lmao
    [22:19:02] <Dr. Shark MD> kedram's right though, geti nor mm will listen to you guys
    [22:19:05] <revsta> "it's just a game! now stop trying to ruin it! waaaah"
    [22:19:10] <[Zen] kedram> thx for the backup
    [22:19:11] <JCollette> * help *
    [22:19:13] <Dr. Shark MD> as they both disagree
    [22:19:20] <[Zen] kedram> like everyone else was against me here for some reason
    [22:19:24] <Barbarossa> no shit? its quite clear geti has no idea how to make his game better
    [22:19:32] <Barbarossa> lol no they werent kedram
    [22:19:37] <Barbarossa> persecution complex much?
    [22:19:43] <revsta> lmao
    [22:19:49] <Dr. Shark MD> ok, barbarossa, YOU make a better game
    [22:19:53] <WeT FanTasTy> im with u ked. fuck scrubs complaining about balance
    [22:19:59] <Dr. Shark MD> I'd like to see you try
    [22:20:03] <[Zen] kedram> its like im trying to yell at a brick wall
    [22:20:03] <revsta> "It's just a game! Only I'm in a clan, I call people shitters and you guys are all ruining it with your player feedback!"
    [22:20:09] <[Zen] kedram> that keeps telling me im wrong
    [22:20:12] Blue Team's flag has been captured by Leigionary!
    [22:20:13] <Nigga Swagbot> this map is complete shit can we please skip
    [22:20:14] <[Zen] kedram> even though i know im right
    [22:20:28] Ostryy left the game
    [22:20:35] <Dr. Shark MD> because we're in clans has nothing to do with it
    [22:20:35] <revsta> kedram, you're the brick wall
    [22:20:48] <revsta> who calls anyone who disagrees with you a shitter
    [22:20:53] <revsta> and says "just cause" as his reasoning
    [22:20:53] <Zyro> "I KNOW i'm right! They're just wrong!"
    [22:20:58] <Barbarossa> lol as if you can only know how balance works if you can produce an entire game
    [22:21:05] <[Zen] kedram> no because... your actually suggesting something really bad
    [22:21:09] <[Zen] kedram> im a tester ffs
    [22:21:12] <[Zen] kedram> i know what im talking about
    [22:21:25] <revsta> he's a tester! can't argue with that!
    [22:21:32] <revsta> like a game developer has never made a mistake and changed something!
    [22:21:36] <Nigga Swagbot> i'm sure some testers would agree with bombs becoming more expensive
    [22:21:37] <Barbarossa> bombs are like the deciding factor in most fights
    [22:21:38] <revsta> Kedram = 100% right on all things
    [22:21:41] dontkillme connected
    [22:21:43] dontkillme has joined Blue Team
    [22:21:43] <Barbarossa> you think that makes the game good?
    [22:21:52] <[Zen] kedram> you guys are litterally...
    [22:21:54] <[Zen] kedram> ughh
    [22:21:58] <[Zen] kedram> ok im gonna just leave
    [22:22:03] <Dr. Shark MD> except that if you know a bomb's timing.... it's so easy to avoid
    [22:22:04] <[Zen] kedram> hate people like this
    [22:22:04] <Barbarossa> its something you can just throw our for 25 coin and at MINIMUM make your opponent go defensive
    [22:22:05] <revsta> rofl
    [22:22:06] <revsta> bye bye
    [22:22:08] <Nigga Swagbot> how about instead of grunting you vocalize your opinion better
    [22:22:11] <Dr. Shark MD> ked, I thought you were admin here?
    [22:22:12] <revsta> kedram
    [22:22:12] kedram left the game
    [22:22:14] <revsta> ITS JUST A GAME KED
    [22:22:17] <revsta> NOT REALITY
    [22:22:19] <Barbarossa> jesus fuck
    [22:22:22] mullj9 connected
    [22:22:23] <Barbarossa> I used to respect him
    [22:22:23] mullj9 has joined Blue Team
    [22:22:24] <WeT FanTasTy> they changed bomb costs anyways how many months ago. when the meta changes if it ever does, you;ll all be crying about nerfing water weapons
    [22:22:25] <revsta> don't get so fired up!
    [22:22:30] <Barbarossa> not any more
    [22:22:54] <Nigga Swagbot> water weapons are hilariously cheap as well
    [22:22:59] <Nigga Swagbot> esp the arrows
    [22:23:03] <Barbarossa> we all agreed on that
    [22:23:17] <revsta> lol Kedram really did leave
    [22:23:18] <revsta> lmao
    [22:23:27] <Barbarossa> you are a quick one rev
    [22:23:28] <revsta> he tells us all it's a game and to stfu and it's not reality
    [22:23:30] <revsta> then he rages out and leaves
    [22:23:40] <WeT FanTasTy> u guys are assholes and attacked him, no wonder u fucks
    [22:23:43] <Dr. Shark MD> because you're being pretty fucking annoying
    [22:23:49] <revsta> lmao attacked him?
    [22:23:51] <Barbarossa> lol we didnt attack him tast
    [22:23:51] <revsta> i said one thing
    [22:23:55] <revsta> and he told us to stop being shitters
    [22:23:55] <Barbarossa> he attacked us
    [22:23:58] <WeT FanTasTy> lol 1 thing
    [22:24:03] Socrates271 left the game
    [22:24:03] <revsta> try paying attention
    [22:24:04] <revsta> i did
    [22:24:06] <revsta> i said bombs should cost more
    [22:24:08] <revsta> or need a nerf
    On both occasions, you get incredibly offensive without much provocation. Complaining about bomb balance, when people tell you to be quiet, you just get more offensive. In game also really isn't the place to make suggestions, as most people don't remember those conversations for 5 minutes. Most people would rather just focus on the game at hand. So the forums are the place to go to make suggestions.
    "[20:39:04] <revsta> KAG is the ONE game I know where people discourage people from making suggestions about bettering the game"
    My response to this in game was pretty blunt, but I still think it holds some merit. You ARE allowed to make suggestions on the forums, but in return, people ARE allowed to disagree with you. Me (and some other people) thought your suggestions would not balance the game. Thus, we told you so, plain and simple (we were probably ruder than we needed to be, welcome to the land of the internet I guess).
    DatNobby, NinjaCell, Yagger and 3 others like this.
  9. revsta

    revsta Shipwright


    I don't even know who you are in game, but this just proves my point yet again that nobody responds directly to my points and just turns things into a personal attack. Also, thanks for posting massive lengthy logs that also show other people agreeing with me and you admitting to being ruder than you need to be. Welcome to the land of the internet? Well then I should be able to act however I want in the game as well, and if you are I think you are, you're the person who calls people who post on forums all 'whiners' and has literally nothing to say about the actual game play or contribute to any discussion.

    edit: not to mention you saying "every time" I'm in there I'm talking about it. I've only been talking about bombs the last couple of days and hardly every time I'm in a server.

    edit: not to mention you turned my post about the community and why this game is dying into a personal attack and a discussion about knights and bombs and don't want to address any of the other reasons this game is dying, and you are precisely the type of person I'm talking about when I talk about the delusional people who see know flaws in the game and will just watch it slowly die and have nothing to contribute.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    Psiklaw and neil58 like this.
  10. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    after reading all of this i basically wasted ten minutes of my life(thanks for that by the way)learning what i already knew about more well known players ego and newer players attempting to share their thoughts(then lashing out in this case)anyway thanks for the read
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 25, 2014 ---
    he is dr shark md
  11. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

  12. revsta

    revsta Shipwright


    And you're right on with this "more well known players ego and newer players attempting to share their thoughts(then lashing out in this case)"

    Add Kedram and most of Zen to the list of those players.
    neil58 likes this.
  13. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    It would kinda help if the new players Talked in the chat.
  14. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    well if you have a problem with zen that is your business but the fact is no matter how hard people push the competitive scene it really isnt there but they can keep trying people are coming up with intresting ideas but like most things the more well known players take it over and the competitve scene doesnt grow
    EhRa likes this.
  15. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    I just played w/a new kid who asked questions and then said something like "a server full of people and no one can answer a new guy's question?"

    Then someone finally did.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I see alot of people and I tell them something to improve there building or ask them something. They never reply.
  17. revsta

    revsta Shipwright

    I think a lot of people don't pay attention to chat, and or the game events need a separate tab or window so the chat doesn't get lost in scroll.
  18. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    EHEM, new players complain about other new players EHEM

    Even I'm still considered new, and I've been here longer than a shopkeep stealer ever has(unless they dont have the premium award)

    So you should stop complaining about new players when you should be AHEM trying to support the game even though its collapsing.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 25, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 25, 2014 ---
    I think you guys should stop complaing about


    How did you guys start hating on new players? I mean, this is about DEAD GAME IS DEAD
  19. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i blame the public school systems for this mess
  20. ieatpieandlikepie

    ieatpieandlikepie Drill Rusher

    Sir, you just got ur first(wow) like from me
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