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Video KAG Fan Made Animation

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Rocketlock, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Rocketlock

    Rocketlock Shipwright

    This is a short animation of my depiction of a knight in a walk cycle. This is to display some progress on what I hope will become a mini series of similar animation. The knight you see before you is a completed character rig. Think of him as a puppet, where each limb can move individually. If you'd like to experiment yourself I'm more than happy to send you the Dropbox raw files.

    I'm fairly new to animation and therefor open to criticism. If there is something you think should be changed or added to the ascetic don't be shy. Hopefully more will be released in the future.

    Note: Halfway through you see the bottom of the ground clip into the screen, it's an annoying common error, however I only noticed after I had uploaded and I didn't wan't to have to re-render the animation.
    mcrifel, Bint and SharkT like this.
  2. SharkT

    SharkT Arsonist

    Work on the background. Add more colours, have straight lines. Add more like trees, and clouds.

    But overall, good work. On Your first animati0n.
    Rocketlock likes this.
  3. Arkman

    Arkman Catapult Fodder

    his body should probably bob up and down a little as he walks