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Concession Vote

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by GhostAnimals, Dec 15, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. GhostAnimals

    GhostAnimals Catapult Fodder

    I checked the "Don't post this again thread", and I didn't see this on it, hopefully it was not.

    Games that go on for too damn long suck. It's not fun to be down to your final defense point with absolutely no chance of winning, but you still have to wait for the other team to break through the defenses, or get stuck with a game full of pros that are just toying with people. I understand that Stalemate is an option, but that's a server wide vote and I doubt the winning team is going to say "Well, you've got one base and we're absolutely murdering every single person that walks out of it, but yeah, let's call it a draw." It'd have to be a majority vote and limited to the team of the player that started it, but I think it'd be a useful tool for cutting back on new people getting stuck in shit matches with no chance to do anything except walk out of their base and die.

    All of that being said, the subtitle of this portion of the forum implies that it's a fairly pointless suggestion.
  2. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    One thing that has been suggested is to add a sudden death vote. It would make every one have only one more life.
  3. GhostAnimals

    GhostAnimals Catapult Fodder

    The only downside to that is that a losing team can use it at the last minute to snatch a victory they didn't exactly deserve. Though, it would definitely be a very good replacement for the "Stalemate" vote. "Nothing has changed for the last 15 minutes? Fuck it, it's Fight:30."
    kodysch likes this.
Mods: Rainbows